Hawley Introduces Anti-CRT ‘Love America Act’ to Promote Patriotism in Schools

We all are Americans together and we all have the responsibility to improve on the nation that we will hand over to the people who will come after us. Many right-wingers want everyone to stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance without understanding the words that they are reciting: "with Liberty and Justice for all." not race, sex, religion, or any other differences among us count. This is a matter of personal belief.

My father's grandparents were straight off the boat fleeing the famine in Ireland.in the 1840s. We were out at my mother's parents in Long Island one day when I was a small kid and I ran to get my father to come watch the St. Patrick's Day parade with me. I will never forget what he told me: that he was not Irish, he was an American. I look across the room at my parents' wedding picture in 1943. My father is in his full dress uniform as an American soldier.

He taught me what Officers Gonell, Dunn, Fanone, and Hodges reiterated to us this morning. To steal some Aussie thunder, I am, you are, we are Americans.

You're no American, you're a Nazi cvnt.

You are waging war against the Constitution and civil rights. You are an enemy of everything this nation stands for - you're a Nazi. You are a cancer on the whole of humanity, you seek death, destruction and despair.
This from someone who says students should be lied to.

All of you Nazi filth want to lie to students to make them hate America. You're gutter scum, enemies of the nation, enemies of civil rights, enemies of basic human dignity.

We defeated you in 1945, we'll defeat you sick fucks again.
We all are Americans together and we all have the responsibility to improve on the nation that we will hand over to the people who will come after us. Many right-wingers want everyone to stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance without understanding the words that they are reciting: "with Liberty and Justice for all." not race, sex, religion, or any other differences among us count. This is a matter of personal belief.

My father's grandparents were straight off the boat fleeing the famine in Ireland.in the 1840s. We were out at my mother's parents in Long Island one day when I was a small kid and I ran to get my father to come watch the St. Patrick's Day parade with me. I will never forget what he told me: that he was not Irish, he was an American. I look across the room at my parents' wedding picture in 1943. My father is in his full dress uniform as an American soldier.

He taught me what Officers Gonell, Dunn, Fanone, and Hodges reiterated to us this morning. To steal some Aussie thunder, I am, you are, we are Americans.
E Pluribus Unum.
It’s not going to work, because if you really study the documents, amendments and laws as Hawley wants, it’s obvious the country WAS racist at it’s inception.

You Nazis don't want equality.

You make pretense that you want revenge for acts done by people dead for hundreds of years.

What you really want is power, you are just old fashioned thugs using a scapegoat, Der Juden, to impose tyranny.
Ohhh look, the Nazi racist is saying that not accepting your vile racism is "white supremacy."

You scum are demanding that we let you mind fuck our children.

No Nazi, the answer is no.
The mind fuck is the white supremacist crap taught as American history.
You Nazis don't want equality.

You make pretense that you want revenge for acts done by people dead for hundreds of years.

What you really want is power, you are just old fashioned thugs using a scapegoat, Der Juden, to impose tyranny.
Apparently the acts still happen now because you exist.
You're no American, you're a Nazi cvnt.

You are waging war against the Constitution and civil rights. You are an enemy of everything this nation stands for - you're a Nazi. You are a cancer on the whole of humanity, you seek death, destruction and despair.
You are the Nazi and how dare you say that to Lys. I have never called these racist white women that. The only one waging war against the constitution and civil rghts is you, ignorant cracker.
All of you Nazi filth want to lie to students to make them hate America. You're gutter scum, enemies of the nation, enemies of civil rights, enemies of basic human dignity.

We defeated you in 1945, we'll defeat you sick fucks again.
We have been lied to for 245 years.
There was no fraud.

Says the Nazi who lies about suppressed votes.

10,000 times more evidence to support election fraud by the Nazi democrats than there is to support the conspiracy theory about "voter suppression."
You are the Nazi and how dare you say that to Lys. I have never called these racist white women that. The only one waging war against the constitution and civil rghts is you, ignorant cracker.

Fuck you Nazi cvnt.

You fascist freaks are seeking genocide in hopes of cementing your totalitarian dictatorship.

No, Nazi - the answer is "no."
Maybe you need to understand the difference between peaceful protest and trying to overturn a lawful election

The founders understood that protest will not always be peaceful. I didn't support the reason people were protesting but I supported their right to protest.
Maybe you need to understand the difference between peaceful protest and trying to overturn a lawful election
Right Nazi

Maybe you need to understand the difference between peaceful protest and trying to overturn a lawful election

Maybe you need to understand the difference between an angry but small and short riot, and a serious attack on the government.

I hope you never had the opportunity to find out how retarded you are being, right now.
Maybe you need to understand the difference between an angry but small and short riot, and a serious attack on the government.

I hope you never had the opportunity to find out how retarded you are being, right now.

It was not small and it was not short

It is despicable that you try to whitewash the Jan 6 attack on our democracy

You should be ashamed

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