Hawley: we need to end the FBI as we know it, there need to be prosecutions & consequences for Hillary, Brennan briefed Obama, almost got away with it

You think millions of our dedicated civil servants are like murderous Nazi bastards?

What planet are you fucking whack jobs from anyway? We haven't had any wholesale slaughters since Manifest Destiny was achieved a century and a half ago.
No just certain ones in high office who authorize the paychecks of those millions. It has nothing to do with slaughter except via the false flags they create to influence public sentiment. Contrary to what your rose-colored glasses tell your tiny little mind to believe, our intelligence agencies are loaded with sleaze bags who are more dedicated to helping certain politicians attain power than they are to assuring national security. Then there are many who "just do their jobs" not even knowing who they are ultimately helping.
Or this one:

View attachment 786076

What blithering idiots like August West don't understand (or perhaps pretend not to understand), is that the German Nazi party started out very much as a small cult, effectively a Deep State, which defied the existing government to gradually push an agenda up and into the mainstream, just as the Democrats do now in our MSM, and use shame and ridicule like August West just did to try to dissuade me from pointing out the truth. It took them years to take over the mainstream, but gradually they have normalized all the societal demons which facilitate their power and if you point it out youre an instant hater/racist/sexist/fascist. It's like the Nazis are back but are using reverse psychology instead of Kristallnacht to take over. The latter may still be coming for those who call them out on it. It took the Nazis over two decades to build themselves up from a sleazy cult into an elite circle of bureaucrats with millions of followers and control of the one of the most powerful militaries in the world. We are seeing the same pattern in our country now. The Nazis eventually destroyed their own country and that's what the New Democrats are doing to us now. They started as an evasive Deep State, took over the Democratic Party, started positioning RINOs in the Republican Party, took over most MSM, and from there they have created the Fourth Reich. Eventually the world may gang up on the U.S. to stop it just as the Allies did to the Nazis.
The USA's federal bureaucracy is not like the Nazi movement that rose on the economic turmoil and over took the fledgeling Democracy in Germany with violence and intimidation.
No just certain ones in high office
That would be appointed political positions not part of the civil servant workforce. For the Nazi it was about violently persecuting their political enemies, which was everyone not a Nazi. Like the Trumpybears Qult. Sleazebags come from both political parties and are the appointed officials by each administration. Certainly not exclusive to one party or the other.
Hunter`s laptop was abandoned in a repair shop for 6 months before Rudy got his slimy hands on it making it absolutely worthless to the MAGAs. Let`s tee up Benghazi again or Hillary`s emails. :laughing0301:
Stick to the list. Hunter's laptop is valid evidence of wrongdoing.
Hunter`s laptop was abandoned in a repair shop for 6 months before Rudy got his slimy hands on it making it absolutely worthless to the MAGAs. Let`s tee up Benghazi again or Hillary`s emails. :laughing0301:
You can't see her emails. She destroyed the evidence, remember?
No just certain ones in high office who authorize the paychecks of those millions. It has nothing to do with slaughter except via the false flags they create to influence public sentiment. Contrary to what your rose-colored glasses tell your tiny little mind to believe, our intelligence agencies are loaded with sleaze bags who are more dedicated to helping certain politicians attain power than they are to assuring national security. Then there are many who "just do their jobs" not even knowing who they are ultimately helping.

If the white house sends a message that white supremists are the problem, who are people who live for climbing up the ranks going to look for?
This is a nothing burger with no additional charges recommended as nothing new or proven put forth, and from a source appointed by Trump administration to find charges and proof before 2020 election, but failed. It spend a hell of a lot of taxpayer money, but produced virtually nothing, at a cost of $6.5 Million Dollars.

The slow pace of the probe irked Trump, who berated Barr before he left office about the whereabouts of the report. By the end of the Trump administration, only one criminal case had been brought, while the abrupt departure of Durham’s top deputy in the final months of Trump’s tenure raised questions about whether the team was in sync.

Despite expectations that Durham might charge senior government officials, his team produced only three prosecutions. A former FBI lawyer pleaded guilty to altering an email the FBI relied on in applying to eavesdrop on an ex-Trump campaign aide. Two other defendants — a lawyer for the Clinton campaign and a Russian-American analyst — were both acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI.
The US is a banana republic with the legal system being a partisan entity, and not an unbiased upholder of the Law.
The USA's federal bureaucracy is not like the Nazi movement that rose on the economic turmoil and over took the fledgeling Democracy in Germany with violence and intimidation.
Right. It uses a different pattern of tactics to attain power which have been adjusted to a different time and demographic model. But there are still plenty of blatant parallels...such as using economic turmoil to take control...which you kind of contradicted yourself with.
How is it not?
Power structure. Dictatorship verses a Republic where the leader of the federal administration can change every 4 year and the leadership positions atop the bureaucracy can also change. In the Nazi Dictatorship the leader never changed until the end of the Nazis reign.
If the white house sends a message that white supremists are the problem, who are people who live for climbing up the ranks going to look for?
All that's needed is a perceived scapegoat. The Nazis WERE racists, persecuting several groups of people based on it. Jews were their scapegoats, among many other groups. American Liberal Bureaucracy is more about labeling everyone a RACIST who opposes the state agenda. That's why they're very careful to place minority operatives in key positions, rather than hire people based on credentials and abilities. It's just reverse psychology. If you try to call them out on any incompetence or dishonesty, they will claim they're really being attacked because they're black or they're a woman or Muslim, or because they're Native American or gay or trans whatever historically persecuted racial example they can recruit!
The report was released yesterday. Does time work differently for you?

Show me where people “admitted” anything you suggested.

This has nothing to do with Durham.
For once in your fucking miserable life go search a position that you don't agree with for information.
I get that having a bright and curious mind is antithetical to you.


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