Hawley: we need to end the FBI as we know it, there need to be prosecutions & consequences for Hillary, Brennan briefed Obama, almost got away with it

Right. It uses a different pattern of tactics to attain power which have been adjusted to a different time and demographic model. But there are still plenty of blatant parallels...such as using economic turmoil to take control...which you kind of contradicted yourself with.
The civil servants didn't take control. If you recall the Republicans took control in 2017. The main workforce of the bureaucracy didn't change from Obama to Trump or to Biden. Just the appointed political positions. Nothing like that ever happened in Nazi Germany, ever.
This is a nothing burger with no additional charges recommended as nothing new or proven put forth, and from a source appointed by Trump administration to find charges and proof before 2020 election, but failed. It spend a hell of a lot of taxpayer money, but produced virtually nothing, at a cost of $6.5 Million Dollars.

The slow pace of the probe irked Trump, who berated Barr before he left office about the whereabouts of the report. By the end of the Trump administration, only one criminal case had been brought, while the abrupt departure of Durham’s top deputy in the final months of Trump’s tenure raised questions about whether the team was in sync.

Despite expectations that Durham might charge senior government officials, his team produced only three prosecutions. A former FBI lawyer pleaded guilty to altering an email the FBI relied on in applying to eavesdrop on an ex-Trump campaign aide. Two other defendants — a lawyer for the Clinton campaign and a Russian-American analyst — were both acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI.

False. I understand that left wingers would like to dismiss the report as a mere nothing burger, but that’s a ridiculous contention.

It demonstrates what was happening within the FBI which is contrary to their mission and standards. It constitutes a damning report about the highly improper politicization of the Federal Law enforcement system and the FBI in particular.

In reality, it was a one way street. Liberals and Democrats took advantage of the ability to politicize the FBI in a very dangerous manner targeting conservatives and Republicans.

You libs would be crying to the Gods above in outraged protest had it been the conservatives and Republicans who had compromised the FBI in that way to targeted any or your political compatriots.
The people that signed the letter did nothing wrong as they are entitled to free speech.
It was Trump's administration that was lying to swing the election in their favor and they were using the government to do so. That's an actual problem.
They LIED. Their securityv clearances need to be pulled.
This has nothing to do with Durham.
For once in your fucking miserable life go search a position that you don't agree with for information.
I get that having a bright and curious mind is antithetical to you.

Let's see your evidence.

Or are you afraid I'm going to pick it apart and reveal you to be a liar.

Let me guess. You're referring to Michael Morell. Am I right?
They LIED. Their securityv clearances need to be pulled.
What lie did they tell? They offered an opinion that the Biden laptop looked very suspicious for Russian disinformation.

Meanwhile Chad Wolf (who wasn't even legally appointed) was in the DHS massaging the intelligence to make Trump look good and you're silent.
The civil servants didn't take control. If you recall the Republicans took control in 2017. The main workforce of the bureaucracy didn't change from Obama to Trump or to Biden. Just the appointed political positions. Nothing like that ever happened in Nazi Germany, ever.
Republicans are not in control of MSM. They're not in control of education as a general rule. They're also apparently not in control of the FBI or the DOJ or the CIA either, because all these agencies have blatantly supported the Democrats in their witch hunts on Republicans, most of which we're a joke.

And youre totally wrong about the workforce not changing. An incredible number of people were replaced under Obama including a whole bunch of our nuclear readiness team, and some bullshit pretense that they all cheated on a test. The Great Purge of the Pentagon also happened under Obama.

The truth is, with nearly every president since George HW Bush, the agenda and success of the New World Order has been the paramount goal of all of them except Donald Trump. There haven't been any real Republicans since Reagan, and arguably even before that. The New World Order has been mentioned affectionately by name by all these presidents except Trump, ever since the term was first coined by the elder Bush.

The reason that the Democratic party has been used more extensively than the Republican Party for the advancement of this agenda is simply because the Democratic Party has a character of tolerance and PC that it needs to uphold. This is the same weakness that allowed those creeps in.
Republicans are not in control of MSM. They're not in control of education as a general rule. They're also apparently not in control of the FBI or the DOJ or the CIA either,
The media is private enterprise. The States are in control of education. The FBI, CIS and DOJ are under much stricter control of the executive under Republicans, who favor a very strong Unitary Executive.

An incredible number of people were replaced under Obama including a whole bunch of our nuclear readiness team, and some bullshit pretense that they all cheated on a test.

The military is not considered part of the Civil Service.
Reminder -

The entire Russian hoax was engineered by Hilliary to take focus off her legal problems with her email situation.

Spotlight on Hillary Clinton after special prosecutor John Durham released his final report. Durham said the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it launched the Crossfire Hurricane probe of Trump’s campaign in the summer of 2016.

And that the Trump Russia story was a Clinton campaign plan to sabotage Trump. James Woods said: “The Russia hoax was substantially no different than Watergate. Democrat propagandists masquerading as mainstream news will sweep this under the rug by the weekend, while Hollywood will ride the Watergate pony for yet another half century. When will the hearings start?”

She was within inches of stealing the presidency of the United States while running the biggest election fraud in history.

The Durham report says: “Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we concluded the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report.
Reminder -

The entire Russian hoax was engineered by Hilliary to take focus off her legal problems with her email situation.

Spotlight on Hillary Clinton after special prosecutor John Durham released his final report. Durham said the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it launched the Crossfire Hurricane probe of Trump’s campaign in the summer of 2016.

And that the Trump Russia story was a Clinton campaign plan to sabotage Trump. James Woods said: “The Russia hoax was substantially no different than Watergate. Democrat propagandists masquerading as mainstream news will sweep this under the rug by the weekend, while Hollywood will ride the Watergate pony for yet another half century. When will the hearings start?”

She was within inches of stealing the presidency of the United States while running the biggest election fraud in history.

The Durham report says: “Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we concluded the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report.

A fine synopsis of the Great Durham Hoax of 2023. 4 years and he was 0 for 2. He uncovered no crimes, for 6 million dollars. He's big on political opinions. however, everybody has those.
Back to the OP thread topic. Hawley is right.

The over broad power of the centralized FBI is in clear and urgent need of being properly reined-in.

If anyone in actual power in DC were inclined to make the right move, to break it apart and then carefully rebuild it in a manner designed to secure our rights, freedoms and liberties, the questions might become:

  • How to accomplish it?
  • How could it still be effective for what it is supposed to do while still restraining the likelihood of future abuse?
  • Would it involve regional directors rather than one central director.
  • What checks could most likely prove effective against future abuses?
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A fine synopsis of the Great Durham Hoax of 2023. 4 years and he was 0 for 2. He uncovered no crimes, for 6 million dollars. He's big on political opinions. however, everybody has those.
1 for 3.

And it was no Hoax. Just because you don’t like the findings doesn’t mean they are wrong
The media is private enterprise. The States are in control of education. The FBI, CIS and DOJ are under much stricter control of the executive under Republicans, who favor a very strong Unitary Executive.

The military is not considered part of the Civil Service.
The media is a government contractor first and foremost. Did you know that the government also owns and operates casinos in Vegas to raise money for BlackOps? It all appears so normal on the surface.
1 for 3.

And it was no Hoax. Just because you don’t like the findings doesn’t mean they are wrong
I thought so too but it was 0 for 2 as it was the IG found the first one where the application had a minor change. Durham prosecuted it but he didn't uncover it. Durham had a giant Goose Egg.

It's a huge hoax designed to soothe the butthurt of one Donnie Dumbass and generate more deceptive talking points for the faithful to fling out into the void.
A fine synopsis of the Great Durham Hoax of 2023. 4 years and he was 0 for 2. He uncovered no crimes, for 6 million dollars. He's big on political opinions. however, everybody has those.

That is not actually true and you know it.
1 for 3.

And it was no Hoax. Just because you don’t like the findings doesn’t mean they are wrong
Of course it was a hoax. The Republicans were telling us how Durham was going to prosecute a ton of people and it turns out that was false.

Trump called it the crime of the century. Turns out it wasn't even a crime.
Hunter`s laptop was abandoned in a repair shop for 6 months before Rudy got his slimy hands on it making it absolutely worthless to the MAGAs. Let`s tee up Benghazi again or Hillary`s emails. :laughing0301:

Not at all.
The emails on Hunter's laptop were easily verified since email bounces back and forth between a half dozen different servers.
Time makes absolutely no difference.
And the emails verify that Joe was meeting with those who were illegally dumping kickbacks on Hunter.
Says the guy who fist pumps the 1/6ers.

While I am far left and do not think the 2020 election was fraudulent, (like the 2000 election was), the 1/6ers are not a problem.
The people, even if wrong, have a right to be heard.
It is Congress that is wrong, for not listening to them and allowing their political expression be heard.

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