Hawley: we need to end the FBI as we know it, there need to be prosecutions & consequences for Hillary, Brennan briefed Obama, almost got away with it

That is not actually true and you know it.
It totally exonerated the entire investigation into Russian Collusion, at least as much as Mueller's report totally exonerated Donnie and his campaign in their dealings with Russia during the campaign.
GQP's version of leadership: "We're gonna keep destroying things until we get our way"
That would be your party. Make up a story about your political rival, then have the government go full steam to destroy them. Just think, you loons impeached Trump for making a phone call about what Biden was bragging about. Everyone that did this to Trump and the country should be imprisoned for life.
Poor SeaSwab.
You have NOTHING but Q-NUT accusations and no proof, either.
Hunter gets millions from China. Biden closes our mineral mines for EV batteries. Gives China full control over them. Biden let's China fly a spy balloon for a week over our sensitive spots. Biden put classified documents in his Penn state office. Which Chinese officials have access to.
Putin gives Hunter 2 million. Biden being the first president in our history, to go to the floor of the house and pleads congress to remove the sanctions on the northstrom pipeline for Putin. Even Obama wouldn't do that. If you cannot connect the dots there. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Of course it was a hoax. The Republicans were telling us how Durham was going to prosecute a ton of people and it turns out that was false.

Trump called it the crime of the century. Turns out it wasn't even a crime.

I have not paid much attention to the Durham probe, but it should be clear even to those who are against Trump, that the 2 impeachments were totally illegal, as well as the Mar-a-lago search, and the Carroll case were all illegal.
As bad as Trump may be, none of these things should have happened or even been allowed.
It is clear the Steele Dossier was itself illegal foreign collusion to harm the election.
It is clear Trump asked Zelensky to simply investigate Burisma Holding, which should have already happened.
It is clear presidents are above and the total arbiter of all classified docs.
Carroll should have been allowed to bring up a 30 year old case, without a single shred of evidence.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, but the dems were totally criminal on all these subjects.
I doubt I will ever vote dem again because of it.
Of course there was Russian collusion. Collusion is just not a crime. Collusion can be an element in a criminal conspiracy, but Mueller wasn't able to prove that was he?

Collusion implies cooperative efforts, and that was proven to not happen.
What did happen, is repubs were able to get Russia to hold off on retaliation for illegal economic sanctions.
That is not collusion or remotely illegal.
That was legal, good for the country, and it is the economic sanctions against Russian civilians, by dems that should be prosecuted.
Collusion implies cooperative efforts, and that was proven to not happen.
What did happen, is repubs were able to get Russia to hold off on retaliation for illegal economic sanctions.
That is not collusion or remotely illegal.
That was legal, good for the country, and it is the economic sanctions against Russian civilians, by dems that should be prosecuted.
"In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of “collusion.” In so doing, the Office recognized that the word “collud[e]” was used in communications with the Acting Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation’s scope and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. For those reasons, the Office’s focus in analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law."

Hunter gets millions from China. Biden closes our mineral mines for EV batteries. Gives China full control over them. Biden let's China fly a spy balloon for a week over our sensitive spots. Biden put classified documents in his Penn state office. Which Chinese officials have access to.
Putin gives Hunter 2 million. Biden being the first president in our history, to go to the floor of the house and pleads congress to remove the sanctions on the northstrom pipeline for Putin. Even Obama wouldn't do that. If you cannot connect the dots there. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I am far left, but think Trump got shafted.
However, lets not get carried away.
The reality is the US launches over 30,000 weather balloons every year, they can not really be controlled very much at all, and they often circle the globe many times before rising to the point they burst.
The sanctions on Russian civilians, including the NordStream pipeline, were totally and completely illegal, violating the 1904 Geneva Conventions we ratified.
Of course it was a hoax. The Republicans were telling us how Durham was going to prosecute a ton of people and it turns out that was false.

Trump called it the crime of the century. Turns out it wasn't even a crime.

Oh no, it is a crime. A terrible crime. However, when the foxes guard the hen house you have to be a moron to think they will ever find themselves guilty of a crime.
"In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of “collusion.” In so doing, the Office recognized that the word “collud[e]” was used in communications with the Acting Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation’s scope and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. For those reasons, the Office’s focus in analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law."

I agree there is no criminal implication too the word "collusion" really.
It just sort of implies secret cooperation.
But you can secretly cooperate over legal things as well as illegal things.
And my point is there was not even any cooperations between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The Trump campaign did meet with Russians, but it was to convince them to hold back on retaliation.
That did help Trump very slightly, but also helped the US, and was not at all illegal.

The Steele Dossier claimed there were huge Russian troll programs to defame Hillary, and that was disproven.
The whole Steele Dossier was illegal libel.
The facts were that Russia did not bother with the 2016 election at all.
Someone did release the DNC email showing how the DNC illegally gave Hillary the debate questions, but that almost for certain was a US citizen at the DNC.
There was no evidence of Russian hackers at the DNC, even though the FBI claimed there was.
The FBI simply lied.
No should anyone be complaining about a crime being exposed, like Hillary cheating on the debates.
The FBI is supposed to be a non-political agency. Would you agree?
Yes. So if you think there is a problem, you intelligently fix it rather than rip it down like a caveman, causing far more problems.

And if you think it can't be fixed, you're lazy.
What lie did they tell? They offered an opinion that the Biden laptop looked very suspicious for Russian disinformation.

Meanwhile Chad Wolf (who wasn't even legally appointed) was in the DHS massaging the intelligence to make Trump look good and you're silent.

That was criminal slander, not to mention an illegal attempt to interfere with the legally required investigation.
The fact that to this day, the firing of Shokin, Burisma Holdings, Hunter's millions, the laptop, etc. have never been fully investigated, is a horrendous crime.

And in fact, all those accusing Trump of crimes, like Russian collusion, Ukraine intimidation, classified doc violations, sexual assault, etc., clearly have no legal basis and instead are all guilty of bearing false witness in criminal charges.
Trump is sleazy, but never committed a single crime that has any proof at all.

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