HC insurance is in major jeopardy with Price...

Obamacare was designed by Republicans, now who said it was bullshyte and when

Its the same program Mitt Romney brought to the people of MASS when he was governor
Incorrect the democrat legislators wrote the Massachusetts bill Romney signed it. I am astounded you don' t know how laws come to be! But, shame on Romney for signing it.
how totally uninformed can you be?
Trump has said an awful lot of things, mostly about everything he knows nothing about. A good percentage are outright lies
Did Trump say people could not keep their healthcare? Yes? Or No?
Once again, Einstein, tell us just who didn't keep their own health insurance and their own doctors. You seem awfully pissed off on a subject you know nothing about. How typical

You really are a stupid little bitch.

My Wife lost her Insurance. Had to sign up with the ACA.

5 Million others lost theirs. Maybe more

A friend of mine lost his Insurance, could NOT sign up with the ACA because he didn't make ENOUGH money but couldn't get on Medicaid because he didn't qualify for Welfare. He's fucked.

You really are a stupid little bitch.

I was a licensed Insurance Agent in the State of Florida for 30 years. All lines. Including Variable Annuities and I had a Securities and Exchange Series 6 License as well
Tell us why your wife lost her insurance? Nowhere near 5 million people lost their insurance, that an old wives tale
Anything else you want to be called stupid on?

Best you just the fuck up and move along

You are a stupid motherfucker
Its the same program Mitt Romney brought to the people of MASS when he was governor
Incorrect the democrat legislators wrote the Massachusetts bill Romney signed it. I am astounded you don' t know how laws come to be! But, shame on Romney for signing it.
how totally uninformed can you be?
Trump has said an awful lot of things, mostly about everything he knows nothing about. A good percentage are outright lies
Did Trump say people could not keep their healthcare? Yes? Or No?
Once again, Einstein, tell us just who didn't keep their own health insurance and their own doctors. You seem awfully pissed off on a subject you know nothing about. How typical

You really are a stupid little bitch.

My Wife lost her Insurance. Had to sign up with the ACA.

5 Million others lost theirs. Maybe more

A friend of mine lost his Insurance, could NOT sign up with the ACA because he didn't make ENOUGH money but couldn't get on Medicaid because he didn't qualify for Welfare. He's fucked.

You really are a stupid little bitch.

I was a licensed Insurance Agent in the State of Florida for 30 years. All lines. Including Variable Annuities and I had a Securities and Exchange Series 6 License as well
Tell us why your wife lost her insurance? Nowhere near 5 million people lost their insurance, that an old wives tale
Anything else you want to be called stupid on?

Best you just the fuck up and move along

You are a stupid motherfucker
Once again, tell us why your wife and your friend lost their health insurance.
Once again, Einstein, tell us just who didn't keep their own health insurance and their own doctors. You seem awfully pissed off on a subject you know nothing about. How typical

You really are a stupid little bitch.

My Wife lost her Insurance. Had to sign up with the ACA.

5 Million others lost theirs. Maybe more

A friend of mine lost his Insurance, could NOT sign up with the ACA because he didn't make ENOUGH money but couldn't get on Medicaid because he didn't qualify for Welfare. He's fucked.

You really are a stupid little bitch.

I was a licensed Insurance Agent in the State of Florida for 30 years. All lines. Including Variable Annuities and I had a Securities and Exchange Series 6 License as well

Anything else you want to be called stupid on?

Best you just shut the fuck up and move along

Agreed: Millions of examples. Small business (less than 50 employees) may have Quit providing health care (too complicated, costly, paperwork). They may have put those workers on less than 30 hours. Those people were FORCED to sign up for ACA or pay a Tax penalty.

Those laid off were forced to buy ACA...........or pay a Tax penalty. Maybe they still had some sort of income to keep home while they looked for a job. Early withdrawal IRA, wife working, unemployment...whatever.
Once again, tell us why your wife and your friend lost their health insurance.

Because the Insurance Company NON-RENEWED their policies.

You really are a stupid bitch. This shit's been argued and defeated in here a hundred times.

Go back to dummieunderground or wherever the fuck you came from.

You're over your head in here, punk.
Want to know what moronic right wingers are "defending"????

Americans pay more for patented drugs, medical devices, procedures, hospital care and physicians’ fees. Patented drugs cost two or three times more in the U.S. compared with Canada or Europe. For example Sofosbuvir, which treats hepatitis C, costs $84,000-$168,000 (for three to six months) in the U.S. and only $900 in Egypt (the cost to the company is $136 per course, which translates into about 100,000 percent profit in the United States). Hip replacement costs $80,000 in the U.S. and less than $14,000 in Europe. MRIs cost $1,145 in the U.S. and $138 in Switzerland. Nexium, which treats acid reflux, costs $215 in the U.S. and $20-60 in Europe. Some variations are incomprehensible. Routine colonoscopies in one area, New York, ranged from $740 to $8,500. Medicare data from 2013 show the cost of treating an ankle sprain ranging from $100 to $24,000.

Yeah these are the fuck tards that said Obamacare was good...just propaganda from the left

Guys the gig is up, the designer of Obamacare. Obamacare . said it was all bullshit, they knew it would raise prices, couldn't keep your plan or doctor, yet these libs defend this shit....I don't know how you can be so.srupid.
Obamacare was designed by Republicans, now who said it was bullshyte and when
Name the Republicans who designed it and more importantly name those who voted for it!
Once again, the ACA was copied directly from Mitt Romneys state health insurance plan in MASS. The designers of that plan also designed the ACA
The ACA was copied, in part, from the stste insurance plan in Mass. Romney, one of the architects of the plan said it could never work on a national level. It was designed for Mass.

Vermont tried universal health insurance and scrapped it.

In universal health insurance the goal is to provide the least amount of health care possible. Think VA.
Once again, Einstein, tell us just who didn't keep their own health insurance and their own doctors. You seem awfully pissed off on a subject you know nothing about. How typical

You really are a stupid little bitch.

My Wife lost her Insurance. Had to sign up with the ACA.

5 Million others lost theirs. Maybe more

A friend of mine lost his Insurance, could NOT sign up with the ACA because he didn't make ENOUGH money but couldn't get on Medicaid because he didn't qualify for Welfare. He's fucked.

You really are a stupid little bitch.

I was a licensed Insurance Agent in the State of Florida for 30 years. All lines. Including Variable Annuities and I had a Securities and Exchange Series 6 License as well

Anything else you want to be called stupid on?

Best you just shut the fuck up and move along

Agreed: Millions of examples. Small business (less than 50 employees) may have Quit providing health care (too complicated, costly, paperwork). They may have put those workers on less than 30 hours. Those people were FORCED to sign up for ACA or pay a Tax penalty.

Those laid off were forced to buy ACA...........or pay a Tax penalty. Maybe they still had some sort of income to keep home while they looked for a job. Early withdrawal IRA, wife working, unemployment...whatever.
If a small business chooses to end their health insurance, just whose fault is it? If a business chooses to cut employees hours, whose fault is it?
Once again, tell us why your wife and your friend lost their health insurance.

Because the Insurance Company NON-RENEWED their policies.

You really are a stupid bitch. This shit's been argued and defeated in here a hundred times.

Go back to dummieunderground or wherever the fuck you came from.

You're over your head in here, punk.
So if an insurance company chooses to stop issuing policies, just whose fault is it? Without insurance your wife should have been thrilled she could hop on the ACA
Its the same program Mitt Romney brought to the people of MASS when he was governor
Incorrect the democrat legislators wrote the Massachusetts bill Romney signed it. I am astounded you don' t know how laws come to be! But, shame on Romney for signing it.
how totally uninformed can you be?
Trump has said an awful lot of things, mostly about everything he knows nothing about. A good percentage are outright lies
Did Trump say people could not keep their healthcare? Yes? Or No?
Yep! Did he not also say no one would be left without access to healthcare? Only at least a dozen times. Dew ewe have selective hearing? Dew ewe have access to an otologist? Or maybe a proctologist?
Once again, Einstein, tell us just who didn't keep their own health insurance and their own doctors. You seem awfully pissed off on a subject you know nothing about. How typical

You really are a stupid little bitch.

My Wife lost her Insurance. Had to sign up with the ACA.

5 Million others lost theirs. Maybe more

A friend of mine lost his Insurance, could NOT sign up with the ACA because he didn't make ENOUGH money but couldn't get on Medicaid because he didn't qualify for Welfare. He's fucked.

You really are a stupid little bitch.

I was a licensed Insurance Agent in the State of Florida for 30 years. All lines. Including Variable Annuities and I had a Securities and Exchange Series 6 License as well

Anything else you want to be called stupid on?

Best you just shut the fuck up and move along

Agreed: Millions of examples. Small business (less than 50 employees) may have Quit providing health care (too complicated, costly, paperwork). They may have put those workers on less than 30 hours. Those people were FORCED to sign up for ACA or pay a Tax penalty.

Those laid off were forced to buy ACA...........or pay a Tax penalty. Maybe they still had some sort of income to keep home while they looked for a job. Early withdrawal IRA, wife working, unemployment...whatever.
If a small business chooses to end their health insurance, just whose fault is it? If a business chooses to cut employees hours, whose fault is it?
It is the fault of the unduly burdensome provisions and costs of Obamacare!
Want to know what moronic right wingers are "defending"????

Americans pay more for patented drugs, medical devices, procedures, hospital care and physicians’ fees. Patented drugs cost two or three times more in the U.S. compared with Canada or Europe. For example Sofosbuvir, which treats hepatitis C, costs $84,000-$168,000 (for three to six months) in the U.S. and only $900 in Egypt (the cost to the company is $136 per course, which translates into about 100,000 percent profit in the United States). Hip replacement costs $80,000 in the U.S. and less than $14,000 in Europe. MRIs cost $1,145 in the U.S. and $138 in Switzerland. Nexium, which treats acid reflux, costs $215 in the U.S. and $20-60 in Europe. Some variations are incomprehensible. Routine colonoscopies in one area, New York, ranged from $740 to $8,500. Medicare data from 2013 show the cost of treating an ankle sprain ranging from $100 to $24,000.

Have you gone down to CVS to get your Nexium? It's much less than $215.

The difference between these other countries cost of heath care and ours is that those countries largely prohibit medical malpractice lawsuits. Doctors and hospitals don't have to pay for basic ten million dollar malpractice policies.
Incorrect the democrat legislators wrote the Massachusetts bill Romney signed it. I am astounded you don' t know how laws come to be! But, shame on Romney for signing it.
how totally uninformed can you be?
Trump has said an awful lot of things, mostly about everything he knows nothing about. A good percentage are outright lies
Did Trump say people could not keep their healthcare? Yes? Or No?
Yep! Did he not also say no one would be left without access to healthcare? Only at least a dozen times. Dew ewe have selective hearing? Dew ewe have access to an otologist? Or maybe a proctologist?
The republican party has had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they have done nothing. cWhy do you think it will magically appear?
TennCare covers almost one-quarter of Tennessee's population and serves a higher percentage of adults, who on average require more health care, than children. Yet since its inception, it has failed to achieve its foremost goals. Although the state may have reduced the number of uninsured, it also has dramatically increased costs. Moreover, reimbursement rates have been kept so low that no new managed care organizations have joined since it started, several have left, and Blue Cross Blue Shield, which covers about half of the TennCare population today, recently noted that it intends to exit the program at the end of 2000.
Want to know what moronic right wingers are "defending"????

Americans pay more for patented drugs, medical devices, procedures, hospital care and physicians’ fees. Patented drugs cost two or three times more in the U.S. compared with Canada or Europe. For example Sofosbuvir, which treats hepatitis C, costs $84,000-$168,000 (for three to six months) in the U.S. and only $900 in Egypt (the cost to the company is $136 per course, which translates into about 100,000 percent profit in the United States). Hip replacement costs $80,000 in the U.S. and less than $14,000 in Europe. MRIs cost $1,145 in the U.S. and $138 in Switzerland. Nexium, which treats acid reflux, costs $215 in the U.S. and $20-60 in Europe. Some variations are incomprehensible. Routine colonoscopies in one area, New York, ranged from $740 to $8,500. Medicare data from 2013 show the cost of treating an ankle sprain ranging from $100 to $24,000.

Have you gone down to CVS to get your Nexium? It's much less than $215.

The difference between these other countries cost of heath care and ours is that those countries largely prohibit medical malpractice lawsuits. Doctors and hospitals don't have to pay for basic ten million dollar malpractice policies.
what does that have to do with the cost of drugs in the US?
The republican party has had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they have done nothing. cWhy do you think it will magically appear?

Because there is not a president who will veto the changes, moron.
So if an insurance company chooses to stop issuing policies, just whose fault is it? Without insurance your wife should have been thrilled she could hop on the ACA

You really a stupid person. I mean it. A seriously mentally defective person who is unwilling to learn. Or unable.

Not gonna re-hash 8 years of bullshit with you. Suffice it say, I've forgotten more about Insurance in all its forms then you are capable of ever knowing.

When the ACA first started out, I was somewhat excited. They offered it as being modeled after the Swiss Health Insurance Program.

It wasn't. They lied.

Know why they lied (oops, forgot I'm talking to stupid little bitch)

Because, like you, they're stupid.

They didn't go into it INTENDING to lie, although that is ALWAYS option 2 with dimocrap scum. They got confused, they don't know what they're doing, and like all stupid people, they started lying when they lost their way.

Just like you.

When you get in over your head -- You lie.

And since in you're in over your head A LOT, you lie a lot.

Hint, shut up and listen to your betters.

But you won't. You're too stupid

Trump is President because of the lies the Lying Cocksucker told about the ACA.

And you wanna start in on it again?

If you listen to the the mostly farcical hearings on health care proposals under Rep. Price, most of us should be truly scared.

the entire argument made by Price is that insurers, hospitals and doctors are "under major stress because of the ACA".........Sure, when the PREMISE is profits, anything that mitigates those profits places these entities into some form of "stress"....
However, what is neglected in all this is the "stress" that common Americans will feel if the whole objective of health care insurance is to insure high profits to private individuals.

We've lost sight of who is to be served by our elected morons. Sure, HC insurers and hospitals and the AMA provide lots of lobbying money to congress, and the common American's vote means little when the entire goal by people in congress is to elicit more bribing money to ensure reelection.

To make matters worse, is Price's aim to privatize Medicare and Medicaid, opening up the hen house to the private vultures who really don't give much of a crap about individuals and care more about the profits to keep shareholders happy and HC companies' CEO in multi-million dollar salaries.

Even most morons who blindly backed Trump will soon feel the hurt that their hatred for Clinton will bestow upon their sorry asses.

How did you grow up in this country and not grasp capitalism or how it controls prices and cost? That damned government education, huh. They taught you to love government, and love it you do, no matter how ridiculous and illogical what they tell you to think is

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