HC insurance is in major jeopardy with Price...

If you listen to the the mostly farcical hearings on health care proposals under Rep. Price, most of us should be truly scared.

the entire argument made by Price is that insurers, hospitals and doctors are "under major stress because of the ACA".........Sure, when the PREMISE is profits, anything that mitigates those profits places these entities into some form of "stress"....
However, what is neglected in all this is the "stress" that common Americans will feel if the whole objective of health care insurance is to insure high profits to private individuals.

We've lost sight of who is to be served by our elected morons. Sure, HC insurers and hospitals and the AMA provide lots of lobbying money to congress, and the common American's vote means little when the entire goal by people in congress is to elicit more bribing money to ensure reelection.

To make matters worse, is Price's aim to privatize Medicare and Medicaid, opening up the hen house to the private vultures who really don't give much of a crap about individuals and care more about the profits to keep shareholders happy and HC companies' CEO in multi-million dollar salaries.

Even most morons who blindly backed Trump will soon feel the hurt that their hatred for Clinton will bestow upon their sorry asses.
Me and millions just like me have no right to healthcare… But have a right to earn healthcare. Fact
How did you grow up in this country and not grasp capitalism or how it controls prices and cost? That damned government education, huh. They taught you to love government, and love it you do, no matter how ridiculous and illogical what they tell you to think is

Don't be an eternal fuck head.......You rather NOT send a check for health insurance to the US treasury because you do not trust the Feds.......However, you RELISH the thought of sending that same check to some private health care insurance CEO, as he goes around shopping for a bigger Lear Jet.
Yeah, this CEO loves to screw you royally, and you've heard it from FOX that its a good thing to get screwed.

blah, blah, Marxist rhetoric, blah blah.

So tell me how capitalism keeps prices in check. You don't know, do you?
How did you grow up in this country and not grasp capitalism or how it controls prices and cost? That damned government education, huh. They taught you to love government, and love it you do, no matter how ridiculous and illogical what they tell you to think is

Don't be an eternal fuck head.......You rather NOT send a check for health insurance to the US treasury because you do not trust the Feds.......However, you RELISH the thought of sending that same check to some private health care insurance CEO, as he goes around shopping for a bigger Lear Jet.
Yeah, this CEO loves to screw you royally, and you've heard it from FOX that its a good thing to get screwed.
The federal government has no credibility…
How did you grow up in this country and not grasp capitalism or how it controls prices and cost? That damned government education, huh. They taught you to love government, and love it you do, no matter how ridiculous and illogical what they tell you to think is

Don't be an eternal fuck head.......You rather NOT send a check for health insurance to the US treasury because you do not trust the Feds.......However, you RELISH the thought of sending that same check to some private health care insurance CEO, as he goes around shopping for a bigger Lear Jet.
Yeah, this CEO loves to screw you royally, and you've heard it from FOX that its a good thing to get screwed.
The federal government has no credibility…

And that is well earned
So tell me how capitalism keeps prices in check. You don't know, do you?

Who told you that "capitalism keeps prices in check"???? Did you hear it from Sean Hannity?
Republicans have zero problem screwing over millions of Americans. No problem at all.
Look at the Bush Tax cuts.
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Look how they sided with BP after the Gulf Oil Spill.
Senate Republicans block BP investigation

It's all about money with them. They care nothing for American citizens and the honest ones admit it.

Democrats have held up legislation to bargain. BP had the largest judgement ever, at least at the time against them. If rdean posts it, it is usually a lie.
So tell me how capitalism keeps prices in check. You don't know, do you?

Who told you that "capitalism keeps prices in check"???? Did you hear it from Sean Hannity?

Yes, faggot, I'm a Republican. Damn your dick is obsessed with what party I belong to. The answer is none, but you just have this dream of Republicans going Deliverance on your ass in the deep woods. It's sick.

And you just showed what I said, you don't even know what capitalism is. It's just a boogie man that leftists told you to shriek hysterically when you hear the word and to use it as a mantra like Nazi or Christian. Pathetic. And you're a so called American.

Again, in capitalism, what keeps prices in check? You actually don't know, do you?
How did you grow up in this country and not grasp capitalism or how it controls prices and cost? That damned government education, huh. They taught you to love government, and love it you do, no matter how ridiculous and illogical what they tell you to think is

Don't be an eternal fuck head.......You rather NOT send a check for health insurance to the US treasury because you do not trust the Feds.......However, you RELISH the thought of sending that same check to some private health care insurance CEO, as he goes around shopping for a bigger Lear Jet.
Yeah, this CEO loves to screw you royally, and you've heard it from FOX that its a good thing to get screwed.

The government sends those checks to the insurance company CEO moron.
The government serves as a marketplace and subsidy provider. Get the facts liberals.
Some CEOs of those health insurance companies make almost ONE MILLION per week, and conservatives on here bitch about the fact that the mean federal government is picking on them.
So, what do these insurers do? They bribe congress (Price included) into passing laws to maintain those high profits....Screw the common American.

Some Sports "stars" or "Celebrities" make $1mil/second for doing nothing. I don't know how you can regulate it.
Name someone who makes 1million a second. That would be amazing

I'm sure you'll come up with a bigger boogeyman than the Koch brothers
That is up to.the company, but it's also.why we need competition.

Yeah, lets have MORE competition.....Federal Medicare is one such competitor and what does Price want to do with that program? basically ensure that some CEO making 40 million per year gets a huge cut out of that program for seniors.

So please show me where he is privatizing medicare.
The difference between these other countries cost of heath care and ours is that those countries largely prohibit medical malpractice lawsuits. Doctors and hospitals don't have to pay for basic ten million dollar malpractice policies.

Even if THAT were true, how does the above impact on health care insurers and big pharmas profits???
Who allowed
How did you grow up in this country and not grasp capitalism or how it controls prices and cost? That damned government education, huh. They taught you to love government, and love it you do, no matter how ridiculous and illogical what they tell you to think is

Don't be an eternal fuck head.......You rather NOT send a check for health insurance to the US treasury because you do not trust the Feds.......However, you RELISH the thought of sending that same check to some private health care insurance CEO, as he goes around shopping for a bigger Lear Jet.
Yeah, this CEO loves to screw you royally, and you've heard it from FOX that its a good thing to get screwed.
you have a choice bonehead! You can buy ACA and Tipsycatlover can buy whatever she wants! Why are you bitching?
Nat has had his ass handed to him all day long. Possibly one of the most uninformed posters on medicare and obamcare ever.
The ACA was modeled after the Romney healthcare plan in Mass. The same people who designed Romneys plan designed the ACA. Where in the hell does the Swiss plan come into this?

Lesson #1

Don't argue with me. In a battle of wits, you're unarmed

Obamacare Is Just Like the Swiss Health System - minus all the good stuff - Shadowproof

Health Insurance: Switzerland Has Its Own Kind of Obamacare -- and Loves It

Why Did Swiss Voters Reject Single-Payer Health Care? | Labor Notes
Obamacare (and Romneycare before it) was modeled on the Swiss system: people shopping among competing private plans with little government interference.
It was lunacy to think that we could have a system similar to Switzerland. There is no public option in Switzerland. The people mostly already had insurance. The Swiss are more self reliant than we are. They have way fewer Gimmedats.
Why do you think you know that?

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