HC insurance is in major jeopardy with Price...

The republican party has had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they have done nothing. cWhy do you think it will magically appear?

If they had submitted anything.........Reid would have refused to bring it to vote.

There are no easy answers. Health Care is complicated. Sure a Doctor makes $1mi/year. Good for him. I don't. I don't know how you "control" it. He went to 15 years of college or whatever.....

CEO pay? Athlete pay? Movie star? What do you want? National Salary Cap? Doctor max?

A list of any and all illness, surgeries........max cost allowed? from who? Nasty Pelosi? How would they know?
Once again, tell us why your wife and your friend lost their health insurance.

Because the Insurance Company NON-RENEWED their policies.

You really are a stupid bitch. This shit's been argued and defeated in here a hundred times.

Go back to dummieunderground or wherever the fuck you came from.

You're over your head in here, punk.
So if an insurance company chooses to stop issuing policies, just whose fault is it? Without insurance your wife should have been thrilled she could hop on the ACA
Insurance companies did not choose to stop issuing policies on their own. ACA made those policies illegal.

My son and his wife lost their insurance policy for the "better one " of the ACA. The policy they had provided extra care for alzheimers as that runs in my daughter in law's family. With ACA they lost that. This couple in mid fifties got pregnancy and pediatric care instead. That met the new standards.
The simple fact is ACA has been a weapon against the middle class. Small business owners. See what obamacare has done to the small business owner. Just like all of the insidious environmental laws passed. It is an all out war on the middle class. That is all it has been.
So if an insurance company chooses to stop issuing policies, just whose fault is it? Without insurance your wife should have been thrilled she could hop on the ACA

You really a stupid person. I mean it. A seriously mentally defective person who is unwilling to learn. Or unable.

Not gonna re-hash 8 years of bullshit with you. Suffice it say, I've forgotten more about Insurance in all its forms then you are capable of ever knowing.

When the ACA first started out, I was somewhat excited. They offered it as being modeled after the Swiss Health Insurance Program.

It wasn't. They lied.

Know why they lied (oops, forgot I'm talking to stupid little bitch)

Because, like you, they're stupid.

They didn't go into it INTENDING to lie, although that is ALWAYS option 2 with dimocrap scum. They got confused, they don't know what they're doing, and like all stupid people, they started lying when they lost their way.

Just like you.

When you get in over your head -- You lie.

And since in you're in over your head A LOT, you lie a lot.

Hint, shut up and listen to your betters.

But you won't. You're too stupid

Trump is President because of the lies the Lying Cocksucker told about the ACA.

And you wanna start in on it again?

The ACA was modeled after the Romney healthcare plan in Mass. The same people who designed Romneys plan designed the ACA. Where in the hell does the Swiss plan come into this?
Yep! Did he not also say no one would be left without access to healthcare? Only at least a dozen times. Dew ewe have selective hearing? Dew ewe have access to an otologist? Or maybe a proctologist?

Proctologist told him he couldn't see a thing, some form of obstruction.
The republican party has had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they have done nothing. cWhy do you think it will magically appear?

If they had submitted anything.........Reid would have refused to bring it to vote.

There are no easy answers. Health Care is complicated. Sure a Doctor makes $1mi/year. Good for him. I don't. I don't know how you "control" it. He went to 15 years of college or whatever.....

CEO pay? Athlete pay? Movie star? What do you want? National Salary Cap? Doctor max?

A list of any and all illness, surgeries........max cost allowed? from who? Nasty Pelosi? How would they know?
Sadly, they never had anything to submit, so quit making excuses
When do you begin to blame the insurance companies?

Some CEOs of those health insurance companies make almost ONE MILLION per week, and conservatives on here bitch about the fact that the mean federal government is picking on them.
So, what do these insurers do? They bribe congress (Price included) into passing laws to maintain those high profits....Screw the common American.
There are more millionaire democrat politicians than republicans.

Not that you care or ever bring that up.
The republican party has had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they have done nothing. cWhy do you think it will magically appear?

Because there is not a president who will veto the changes, moron.

That kid really is too aggressive for his IQ.

All he's got is a whole bunch of 'stupid'.
And a genius like you thinks the ACA was modeled after a Swiss health care plan???
Where the phyuck have you been all these years, especially when Romney was running for President
The ACA was modeled after the Romney healthcare plan in Mass. The same people who designed Romneys plan designed the ACA. Where in the hell does the Swiss plan come into this?

Lesson #1

Don't argue with me. In a battle of wits, you're unarmed

Obamacare Is Just Like the Swiss Health System - minus all the good stuff - Shadowproof

Health Insurance: Switzerland Has Its Own Kind of Obamacare -- and Loves It

Why Did Swiss Voters Reject Single-Payer Health Care? | Labor Notes
Obamacare (and Romneycare before it) was modeled on the Swiss system: people shopping among competing private plans with little government interference.
how totally uninformed can you be?
Trump has said an awful lot of things, mostly about everything he knows nothing about. A good percentage are outright lies
Did Trump say people could not keep their healthcare? Yes? Or No?
Yep! Did he not also say no one would be left without access to healthcare? Only at least a dozen times. Dew ewe have selective hearing? Dew ewe have access to an otologist? Or maybe a proctologist?
The republican party has had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they have done nothing. cWhy do you think it will magically appear?
Because Obummer is not here to veto it!
18 million+ people have signed up for the ACA. It can't be that bad

Its mandatory or you pay a penalty moron. Fortunately that has been rejected by Executive Order day one by Trump.
I don't think 18 million voters will be very happy when they lose their healthcare coverage. EH??
Republicans have zero problem screwing over millions of Americans. No problem at all.
Look at the Bush Tax cuts.
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Look how they sided with BP after the Gulf Oil Spill.
Senate Republicans block BP investigation

It's all about money with them. They care nothing for American citizens and the honest ones admit it.
So if an insurance company chooses to stop issuing policies, just whose fault is it? Without insurance your wife should have been thrilled she could hop on the ACA

You really a stupid person. I mean it. A seriously mentally defective person who is unwilling to learn. Or unable.

Not gonna re-hash 8 years of bullshit with you. Suffice it say, I've forgotten more about Insurance in all its forms then you are capable of ever knowing.

When the ACA first started out, I was somewhat excited. They offered it as being modeled after the Swiss Health Insurance Program.

It wasn't. They lied.

Know why they lied (oops, forgot I'm talking to stupid little bitch)

Because, like you, they're stupid.

They didn't go into it INTENDING to lie, although that is ALWAYS option 2 with dimocrap scum. They got confused, they don't know what they're doing, and like all stupid people, they started lying when they lost their way.

Just like you.

When you get in over your head -- You lie.

And since in you're in over your head A LOT, you lie a lot.

Hint, shut up and listen to your betters.

But you won't. You're too stupid

Trump is President because of the lies the Lying Cocksucker told about the ACA.

And you wanna start in on it again?

What the democrats did not take into account was the fact that half the country does not pay federal income taxes. Is that true in Switzerland?
18 million+ people have signed up for the ACA. It can't be that bad

Its mandatory or you pay a penalty moron. Fortunately that has been rejected by Executive Order day one by Trump.
I don't think 18 million voters will be very happy when they lose their healthcare coverage. EH??
Republicans have zero problem screwing over millions of Americans. No problem at all.
Look at the Bush Tax cuts.
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Look how they sided with BP after the Gulf Oil Spill.
Senate Republicans block BP investigation

It's all about money with them. They care nothing for American citizens and the honest ones admit it.
And you non tax payers have no mercy on taxpayers do you?
The ACA was modeled after the Romney healthcare plan in Mass. The same people who designed Romneys plan designed the ACA. Where in the hell does the Swiss plan come into this?

Lesson #1

Don't argue with me. In a battle of wits, you're unarmed

Obamacare Is Just Like the Swiss Health System - minus all the good stuff - Shadowproof

Health Insurance: Switzerland Has Its Own Kind of Obamacare -- and Loves It

Why Did Swiss Voters Reject Single-Payer Health Care? | Labor Notes
Obamacare (and Romneycare before it) was modeled on the Swiss system: people shopping among competing private plans with little government interference.
It was lunacy to think that we could have a system similar to Switzerland. There is no public option in Switzerland. The people mostly already had insurance. The Swiss are more self reliant than we are. They have way fewer Gimmedats.
18 million+ people have signed up for the ACA. It can't be that bad

Its mandatory or you pay a penalty moron. Fortunately that has been rejected by Executive Order day one by Trump.
I don't think 18 million voters will be very happy when they lose their healthcare coverage. EH??
Republicans have zero problem screwing over millions of Americans. No problem at all.
Look at the Bush Tax cuts.
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Look how they sided with BP after the Gulf Oil Spill.
Senate Republicans block BP investigation

It's all about money with them. They care nothing for American citizens and the honest ones admit it.

If you take all the money and route it through costly FEDERAL GOVT.......it kills the Economy. See last 8 years. Keep all the money possible in TaxPayer and Employer hands.........then the economy will grow.

BP Oil spill.............stuff happens. They fixed leak. Ocean ate up Oil. another "never let a crisis go to waste".
The republican party has had 7 years to come up with a replacement for the ACA and they have done nothing. cWhy do you think it will magically appear?

Because there is not a president who will veto the changes, moron.

That kid really is too aggressive for his IQ.

All he's got is a whole bunch of 'stupid'.
And a genius like you thinks the ACA was modeled after a Swiss health care plan???
Where the phyuck have you been all these years, especially when Romney was running for President
Here's a little secret! The Romney care you bray about? Well that was the choice of Massachussetts! Now the ACA will follow! It will be up to each state to decide for their citizens! Isn't that brilliant? :)
The difference between these other countries cost of heath care and ours is that those countries largely prohibit medical malpractice lawsuits. Doctors and hospitals don't have to pay for basic ten million dollar malpractice policies.

Even if THAT were true, how does the above impact on health care insurers and big pharmas profits???
How did you grow up in this country and not grasp capitalism or how it controls prices and cost? That damned government education, huh. They taught you to love government, and love it you do, no matter how ridiculous and illogical what they tell you to think is

Don't be an eternal fuck head.......You rather NOT send a check for health insurance to the US treasury because you do not trust the Feds.......However, you RELISH the thought of sending that same check to some private health care insurance CEO, as he goes around shopping for a bigger Lear Jet.
Yeah, this CEO loves to screw you royally, and you've heard it from FOX that its a good thing to get screwed.

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