'He Conned His Voters': Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, Nicole Wallace & Lawrence O'Donnell interview Rep Zoe Lofgren On Trump's Big Lie/Ripoff

This is only tangentially related to the attempted coup but comes out as a result of the 1/6 committee's work.

Turning Point USA Funded Guilfoyle’s $60K Speaking Fee At Jan. 6 Rally

Turning Point USA, a pro-Trump organization, reportedly funded Kimberly Guilfoyle’s $60,000 fee to introduce her fiancé Donald Trump Jr. in a speech that lasted under three minutes at the “Stop the Steal” rally that preceded the deadly Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6, multiple people familiar with Guilfoyle’s compensation told CNN.

CNN’s report comes a day after the Jan. 6 Select Committee’s second public hearing, in which the panel dissected Trump and his allies’ boost of the Big Lie following the 2020 election, despite how the then-President’s campaign staff knew that the election results were legitimate. Towards the end of the hearing, the panel focused on Trump’s fundraising and found that the then-President pushed the Big Lie as a tactic to raise millions of dollars. That money, the committee found, was used for Trump’s crusade to subvert the election results.

Turning Point USA Funded Guilfoyle’s $60K Speaking Fee At Jan. 6 Rally

I wonder how it makes adoring Trump fans feel to know some of the money they gave to Don to stop the nonexistent steal went to pay Donnie J's main squeeze a large speaking fee? Does misuse of funds remind you of anything?

Last month, a federal judge ordered Trump to pay the $2 million in damages after the foundation admitted in a settlement that the president personally misused foundation funds to help his 2016 presidential campaign, settle personal legal disputes and buyportraits of himself and sports memorabilia.
A US president doesn't control the oil business world wide.

He doesn’t have to in order to at least partially limit prices here in the US. Do you really think it is just coincidental that Biden and the Democrats are getting EXACTLY what they want? Did you notice the bill the Democrats proposed last Sept? Is that not a clear message of their intent?


Some of Biden’s quotes:

“No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period.”

”When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,”

You are being conned into believeing that there is nothing he can do. There is plenty, but they want to force the green energy idea down our throats even though we don’t have the technology nor the infrastructure to support such a polar shift. The real question is WHY they want to do this. Do you really believe it is just their love of hte planet as they fly around on private plans or is there a far more sinister plot? Our adversaries aren’t so quick to jump the gun on going green. The US will suffer major economic damage all in the name of “green”.

Seriously, you people need to starit thinking for yourselves.
He doesn’t have to in order to at least partially limit prices here in the US. Do you really think it is just coincidental that Biden and the Democrats are getting EXACTLY what they want?
Biden has released oil from the SPR, asked US oil producers to produce more oil, asked them to restart idled refineries, asked them to use permitted land to drill on, is going to SA (I think that's a mistake) to ask for higher oil production.........all because he understands how harmful high gas prices are for the economy........yet right wing media has convinced you he got what he wanted!! Gosh, take a moment and think for yourself.
He doesn’t have to in order to at least partially limit prices here in the US. Do you really think it is just coincidental that Biden and the Democrats are getting EXACTLY what they want? Did you notice the bill the Democrats proposed last Sept? Is that not a clear message of their intent?


Some of Biden’s quotes:

“No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period.”

”When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,”

You are being conned into believeing that there is nothing he can do. There is plenty, but they want to force the green energy idea down our throats even though we don’t have the technology nor the infrastructure to support such a polar shift. The real question is WHY they want to do this. Do you really believe it is just their love of hte planet as they fly around on private plans or is there a far more sinister plot? Our adversaries aren’t so quick to jump the gun on going green. The US will suffer major economic damage all in the name of “green”.

Seriously, you people need to starit thinking for yourselves.

You sure don't know anything about the oil business.
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Biden has released oil from the SPR, asked US oil producers to produce more oil, asked them to restart idled refineries, asked them to use permitted land to drill on, is going to SA (I think that's a mistake) to ask for higher oil production.........all because he understands how harmful high gas prices are for the economy........yet right wing media has convinced you he got what he wanted!! Gosh, take a moment and think for yourself.

Trump threatened OPEC and Russia if they didn't cut production. Wasn't smart. They have very long memories.
Biden has released oil from the SPR, asked US oil producers to produce more oil, asked them to restart idled refineries, asked them to use permitted land to drill on, is going to SA (I think that's a mistake) to ask for higher oil production.........all because he understands how harmful high gas prices are for the economy........yet right wing media has convinced you he got what he wanted!! Gosh, take a moment and think for yourself.

He is getting what he wanted. He stated what he wanted many times during the election cycle. Didn't you hear it on MSNBC? He can't possibly be dumb enough NOT to know that his war on energy would have a negative effect on the economy. He or at least his handlers knew. Currently he is just trying to get through the mid-terms without a bloodbath and then he will be back to full scale war on fossil fuels. You guys will never get it. You are completely duped.
The Trump campaign and its surrogates misled donors as to where their funds would go ... Not only was there the Big Lie, there was the Big Ripoff

this is an all-star interview! amazing.

All star interview!
You leftists are never ending entertainment.
Biden has released oil from the SPR, asked US oil producers to produce more oil, asked them to restart idled refineries, asked them to use permitted land to drill on, is going to SA (I think that's a mistake) to ask for higher oil production.........all because he understands how harmful high gas prices are for the economy........yet right wing media has convinced you he got what he wanted!! Gosh, take a moment and think for yourself.

Clearly, Senile Angry *Joe is an energy industry genius.
We were at relative peace during the Trump years and gas was around $2 per gal. Today we have shortages in everything and food prices are going through the roof. Masses of illegals are on the borders and the president can't even read off a freaking teleprompter. Tell me again about "the big lie"?
You and Smokin' OP voted for Biden and still defend his boneheaded policies despite mountains of evidence that his policies are destroying our economy. You guys are the poster children for the Democratic lemming/cult.

Trumptards wish their dear leader had as much power as Biden.

Biden controls not only controls the price of oil but the economies of every nation on earth.
The orange retard, could never do that.
We were at relative peace during the Trump years and gas was around $2 per gal. Today we have shortages in everything and food prices are going through the roof. Masses of illegals are on the borders and the president can't even read off a freaking teleprompter.
That would be your dear leader.

Tell me again about "the big lie"?

June 14 2022
The House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol set out to prove Monday that former President Donald Trump knew he lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden but lied to the American people with wild election fraud claims against the advice of top aides.

The committee released a mountain of interviews with former Trump officials and campaign aides – leaning particularly on videotaped depositions from former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr and campaign manager Bill Stepien – to meticulously debunk Trump's election fraud arguments.

Stepien said he recommended that Trump use any election night speech to say votes were still being counted and it was too early to call.

“The president disagreed with that. He thought I was wrong. He told me so. He was going to go in a different direction,” Stepien said.

Barr said that "right out of the gate" on election night Trump started making claims of voter fraud "before there was actually any potential evidence."

Stepien told the committee that he advised Trump before the election to prepare for a "long night" and a counting process that could take several days because of mail ballots. Trump declared victory anyway.

Instead, the lying retard listened to drunk Rudy.

Trump's cult listened to their lying dear leader.

“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, pointing at reporters as the crowd broke out in boos. “Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” “Sick with us,” he pleaded. “Just stick with us.”

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

—George Orwell
Fraud is a crime.

So why don't they press charges?

Answer #1: because they have nothing

Answer #2: because they themselves do the exact same thing
Trumptards wish their dear leader had as much power as Biden.

Biden controls not only controls the price of oil but the economies of every nation on earth.
The orange retard, could never do that.

Hey moron. The US largely controls the world markets. As the US goes so does the rest of the world. Anyone with any economic prowess whatsoever is aware of this.
Hey moron. The US largely controls the world markets.
Yeah, 30 years ago.
As the US goes so does the rest of the world. Anyone with any economic prowess whatsoever is aware of this.
Anyone with any recent economic "prowess" knows it's China controls the world's markets.
They make most of the junk the world buys.
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Yeah, 30 years ago.

Anyone with any recent economic "prowess" knows it's China controls the world's markets.
They make most of the junk the world buys.

We are the largest consumer by far in terms of spending. Our nearest competitor is the entire European union and we consume 2 times more than them. We consume 3 times more than China. On top of that, the US dollar is the world currency. We control the markets. As the US goes, so goes the world. Seems like you have bought into the nonsense peddled by long haired, hippie professors. You have no idea what you are talking about, but you likely vote thinking you do. Scary.

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