'He Conned His Voters': Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, Nicole Wallace & Lawrence O'Donnell interview Rep Zoe Lofgren On Trump's Big Lie/Ripoff

We are the largest consumer by far in terms of spending.
Our nearest competitor is the entire European union and we consume 2 times more than them. We consume 3 times more than China.

You're an idiot.

He who supplies the markets controls them, not the demand.
China is controlling the markets, not the US.
On top of that, the US dollar is the world currency. We control the markets. As the US goes, so goes the world. Seems like you have bought into the nonsense peddled by long haired, hippie professors. You have no idea what you are talking about, but you likely vote thinking you do. Scary.
Scary, is you.
Thinking just because America has the world currency we control the markets.

A global semiconductor shortage is likely to wane by late 2022 into early 2023, but growing demand for chips in every industry underscores the need for diversification in the supply chain and increased U.S. production, said the Qualcomm CEO.

"Where we are right now: We still have more demand than supply, but we’re starting to see in the second half of 2022, a more balanced equation. I think as we enter 2023, we’re going to get out of the crisis," he added.

Ninety-two percent of the world’s most advanced semiconductors are manufactured in Taiwan, with the other 8% being manufactured in South Korea, according to a 2021 report from the Boston Consulting Group and the Semiconductor Industry Association.

So, we control the markets, why can't WE semiconductors?

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You're an idiot.

He who supplies the markets controls them, not the demand.
China is controlling the markets, not the US.

Scary, is you.
Thinking just because America has the world currency we control the markets.

A global semiconductor shortage is likely to wane by late 2022 into early 2023, but growing demand for chips in every industry underscores the need for diversification in the supply chain and increased U.S. production, said the Qualcomm CEO.

"Where we are right now: We still have more demand than supply, but we’re starting to see in the second half of 2022, a more balanced equation. I think as we enter 2023, we’re going to get out of the crisis," he added.

Ninety-two percent of the world’s most advanced semiconductors are manufactured in Taiwan, with the other 8% being manufactured in South Korea, according to a 2021 report from the Boston Consulting Group and the Semiconductor Industry Association.

So, we control the markets, why can't WE semiconductors?


I feel like I am speaking with a 9th grader taking is first Econ. course.

The US consumer largely controls the world markets. We are responsible 1/4 of entire worlds GDP. We have the largest and most liquid bond and equity market in the world giving our consumers a huge amount of power. Our confidence as consumers and our monetary policy plays a huge role in the world economy. Simply math for the simple minded.

There are certain inelastic goods and services on which we are dependent on foreign resources, energy being one notable one. Funny enough, we don’t have to be, but we are being controlled by those that want us to be dependent and are attempting to bring us DOWN to the rest of the world. In short, this administration is working to our detriment.

The fact that you don’t recognize this shows a through ignorance of basic economics. Maybe you actually believe Biden when he calls our high gas prices a “Putin tax hike”? Did you believe Yellen when she said this inflation was transitory? This opinion was politically based, not factually based and it spilled over to the fed as well and they were far to slow to act, which is part of the reason we are in the mess we are in now. Intially I though this administration may just be inept, but they are wrong far too often for it to be an accident.

Anyway, first link after a Google search on how the US affects the world markets. I don’t care if you get it or not. Most Democrats are hopelessly indoctrinated at this point.

This is how important the US is to the global economy
I was hoping we could get another one of these threads. 500 isn't enough.
Five Hundred isn't enough to remind people that Trump is a no good thieving bastard.

Biggest conman born in the past 75 years.

Prove me wrong.
Wait...if consumers "control the market" that would mean there are no shortages.

But there ARE shortages. Yes consumers can AFFECT the market but control always comes from the producer.

Yes the producer/manufacturers will respond to the market...but how fast and at what cost ...is in their hands
I feel like I am speaking with a 9th grader taking is first Econ. course.
Sure retard.
The US consumer largely controls the world markets. We are responsible 1/4 of entire worlds GDP. We have the largest and most liquid bond and equity market in the world giving our consumers a huge amount of power. Our confidence as consumers and our monetary policy plays a huge role in the world economy. Simply math for the simple minded.
Of course, that would be you.
Do you even know the difference between supply and demand?
There are certain inelastic goods and services on which we are dependent on foreign resources, energy being one notable one. Funny enough, we don’t have to be,
I know, republicans changed that in 2015.
but we are being controlled by those that want us to be dependent and are attempting to bring us DOWN to the rest of the world. In short, this administration is working to our detriment.
The fact that you don’t recognize this shows a through ignorance of basic economics. Maybe you actually believe Biden when he calls our high gas prices a “Putin tax hike”?
He was likely referring to what oil executives told him.
Did you believe Yellen when she said this inflation was transitory?
This opinion was politically based, not factually based and it spilled over to the fed as well and they were far to slow to act, which is part of the reason we are in the mess we are in now. Intially I though this administration may just be inept, but they are wrong far too often for it to be an accident.

Anyway, first link after a Google search on how the US affects the world markets. I don’t care if you get it or not. Most Democrats are hopelessly indoctrinated at this point.
Sure...................the US affects global markets, so does China and Russia.
You know why?
Russia and China make a lot more than the US does.

The US used to make stuff, since Reagan, the US has been a consumer economy.
Even with all that blubbering.
It still doesn't explain why the US can't get computer chips for vehicles to make cars function.

After all, the US controls the world.....................RIGHT?
Five Hundred isn't enough to remind people that Trump is a no good thieving bastard.

Biggest conman born in the past 75 years.

Prove me wrong.
Bernie Madoff but Madoff was really good.
He conned a lot of smart people.
Trump just fooled idiots.
Push that narrative…clown
The only convincing thing about your reply is that it proves you don't really have anything of consequence to say in Trump's defense.

On Monday, the January 6 Select Committee revealed that former president of the United States Donald J. Trump may have committed wire and mail fraud, to the tune of $250 million. The committee alleged that Trump and his campaign sent out fundraising letters asking people to donate to the “Official Election Defense Fund.” But, as the committee’s chief investigative counsel, Amanda Wick, said in video testimony, “no such fund existed.” The money Trump raised was instead funneled to a Trump leadership PAC and other Trump-adjacent organizations, the committee claimed.

Mail fraud and wire fraud are both federal crimes, punishable by $1,000,000 fines or imprisonment for up to 30 years. A crime is considered to have been committed when a person knowingly devises a scheme to “obtain money” through “false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises.” Telling people to send you money for a thing that does not exist is a textbook violation of the statute.

The January 6 committee subpoenaed documents from Salesforce, a giant vendor that the Trump campaign used to help manage its fundraising appeals, way back in February. Trump and the Republican National Committee have been preventing Salesforce from complying with the subpoena, and I guess we now know why.

It appears the DoJ has a smorgasbord of charges against Individual 1 to choose from.
Sure retard.

Of course, that would be you.
Do you even know the difference between supply and demand?

I know, republicans changed that in 2015.


He was likely referring to what oil executives told him.


Sure...................the US affects global markets, so does China and Russia.
You know why?
Russia and China make a lot more than the US does.

The US used to make stuff, since Reagan, the US has been a consumer economy.

Even with all that blubbering.
It still doesn't explain why the US can't get computer chips for vehicles to make cars function.

After all, the US controls the world.....................RIGHT?

Yes, the US is the single biggest controller of world markets. I mean, the fact that you are arguing this point is mind-boggling.

Biden could deregulate and open drilling in ANWAR, for example, to signifcantly help our current situation. He won’t because this is all on purpose and he is controlled by the far-left, anti-US green nuts. How is it not clear to everyone what his real goal is? Moving away from fossil fuels and going “green” is all that matters, despite that fact that technology isn’t nearly mature enough for that move. Economy be damned. As a postive side effect for globalists, it brings the US down.

Quote from Biden last week:

We have a chance here to make a fundamental turn toward renewable energy, electric vehicles, and not just luxury vehicles, but across the board. And that’s something we should be — my team is going to be sitting down with the CEOs of the major oil companies this week … starting an explanation of how they justify making $35 billion in the first quarter,”
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The only convincing thing about your reply is that it proves you don't really have anything of consequence to say in Trump's defense.

On Monday, the January 6 Select Committee revealed that former president of the United States Donald J. Trump may have committed wire and mail fraud, to the tune of $250 million. The committee alleged that Trump and his campaign sent out fundraising letters asking people to donate to the “Official Election Defense Fund.” But, as the committee’s chief investigative counsel, Amanda Wick, said in video testimony, “no such fund existed.” The money Trump raised was instead funneled to a Trump leadership PAC and other Trump-adjacent organizations, the committee claimed.

Mail fraud and wire fraud are both federal crimes, punishable by $1,000,000 fines or imprisonment for up to 30 years. A crime is considered to have been committed when a person knowingly devises a scheme to “obtain money” through “false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises.” Telling people to send you money for a thing that does not exist is a textbook violation of the statute.

The January 6 committee subpoenaed documents from Salesforce, a giant vendor that the Trump campaign used to help manage its fundraising appeals, way back in February. Trump and the Republican National Committee have been preventing Salesforce from complying with the subpoena, and I guess we now know why.

It appears the DoJ has a smorgasbord of charges against Individual 1 to choose from.
Well, you are certainly not going to convince me by continuing to push a narrative concocted by completely leftist sourcing and opinion like 'the nation' for God's sake...

The problem with having this conversation with people like you is that you don't wish to have an actual conversation, merely a bludgeoning until whoever you are posting with agrees with you...

People like you are lost...You only listen to confirmation bias, and only push toxic garbage.
Yes, the US is the single biggest controller of world markets. I mean, the fact that you are arguing this point is mind-boggling.
Yes, it is mind boggling, that you think that.

It is the producer that control world markets not the countries demanding products or services.

Just like going to Home Depot, needing a breaker, they're out of stock, so you go to Lowes looking for the same breaker, they're out of stock, then you go to an electric supply house, and they don't have it because the shoppers in the market for that breaker, thought the same, and they're out of stock.

SO, who's in the wheelhouse?
Biden could deregulate and open drilling in ANWAR, for example, to signifcantly help our current situation. He won’t
Deregulate the entire 10% of oil permits Biden controls?
Keep your eye on that, disregard the other 90%, Biden doesn't.

Yeah, he could but oil companies like the price, so why drill?

August 17 2020
The Trump administration will allow oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for the first time after decades of controversy and tension over concern drilling for an undetermined amount of oil would massively disrupt the pristine wilderness and tribes in the area.

Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said Monday his department is opening 1,563,500 acres on the coast of the refuge available for oil and gas leasing or exploratory activity.

January 7 2021
The White House’s push to rush sales of oil and gas drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge resulted in a big dud. The lease sale was announced back in November, with the apparent goal of holding the sale just days before the Biden administration took office. But only half of the 22 tracts available for lease were sold; most of them were bought by the state of Alaska with the hope oil companies will some day want them.

Because they sure didn’t want them when the sale was held this week. Not a single major oil company bid on one of the tracts. The only two other tracts not purchased by Alaska were bought a sole real estate investor and an Australian energy company, and it’s unclear whether either party has the desire or ability to drill on the properties, or if they’re simply hoping to flip them.

because this is all on purpose and he is controlled by the far-left, anti-US green nuts. How is it not clear to everyone what his real goal is? Moving away from fossil fuels and going “green” is all that matters,
As every architect, engineer and contractor in America are doing?
despite that fact that technology isn’t nearly mature enough for that move.
No, shit, it will take some work.
Economy be damned. As a postive side effect for globalists, it brings the US down.

Quote from Biden last week:

We have a chance here to make a fundamental turn toward renewable energy, electric vehicles, and not just luxury vehicles, but across the board. And that’s something we should be — my team is going to be sitting down with the CEOs of the major oil companies this week … starting an explanation of how they justify making $35 billion in the first quarter,”
Damned right.
The one issue I have with that is the items we need to produce the final product is, we need to make that shit in the US.
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The Trump campaign and its surrogates misled donors as to where their funds would go ... Not only was there the Big Lie, there was the Big Ripoff

this is an all-star interview! amazing.

Lock him up!

Over the next nine weeks Trump bombarded his loyal followers with a blitzkrieg of emails, sometimes 25 in a single day. Some of the emails were specific, like the one sent on 8 November calling for help in Michigan where Trump said “we have filed a lawsuit to halt counting” (the email didn’t say that a judge had already thrown out the complaint as baseless).

Some of the emails were general, pleading with Trump supporters to “defend our democracy” and prevent the “Radical Left” from “DESTROYING America”. They were sent under several different names – from Trump himself, his sons Don Jr and Eric, the former speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, the current chair of the Republican National Committee Ronna McDaniel, and then vice-president Mike Pence.


There was only one problem with this epic flurry of emails: the Official Election Defense Fund did not exist. As the House committee investigating the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol revealed in a public hearing this week, Trump and his allies raised $250m from the emails by persuading loyal followers to donate to a chimera.

There was no fund dedicated to fighting election battles as part of Trump’s mendacious and ultimately vain “big lie” that the presidency had been stolen from him. Instead, the money went into Trump’s new fundraising entity Save America Pac, from where millions of dollars were distributed to pro-Trump organizations including his own hotel properties and the company that produced the Ellipse rally in Washington on January 6 just hours before the storming of the Capitol.
They don’t care that they are being ripped off. I’ve never seen a more cuckolded group of people in my life.

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