"He didn't say what he meant."

How embarrassing...We now have to have people come and make excuses for what he said..Like we are too stupid to know EXACTLY what he said and meant.

Everything with a Democrats is, they misspoke..
But yet you don't hear a PEEP out of him when the 9th Circus does it...

C'mon Peach...stop dilluding yerself. He acted like there was NO precident...and to his comments about 'unelected' people?

YOU need to READ T, I have posted again, and again, Obama should NOT discuss cases pending before any Federal court, paticularly the USSC.

Quote function fixed...YOU were saying what now?

Obama should NOT discuss cases pending before any Federal court, paticularly the USSC.

I WROTE the same thing I have posted since Obama decided to talk about the case.
Quote function fixed...YOU were saying what now?

Obama should NOT discuss cases pending before any Federal court, paticularly the USSC.

I WROTE the same thing I have posted since Obama decided to talk about the case.

So why did he? WHY did he do so as to incur the wrath of another judge to force that Judge to force a homework assignment on one of Obama's litigators?

Obama is out of his league.
its always interesting to hear that obama didn't say, what he said.

he said he wanted fossil fuel prices to rise, but thats not really what he meant you see....I wonder if Tribe ever got over the glow of obamas smooth articulate clean blackness...then again he didn't make summa cum laude so I guess not...:lol:
Quote function fixed...YOU were saying what now?

Obama should NOT discuss cases pending before any Federal court, paticularly the USSC.

I WROTE the same thing I have posted since Obama decided to talk about the case.

So why did he? WHY did he do so as to incur the wrath of another judge to force that Judge to force a homework assignment on one of Obama's litigators?

Obama is out of his league.

His reasons do not matter; he should NOT speak on cases pending before the USSC. The Judge made that point in sanctioning the DOJ rep.
Obama should NOT discuss cases pending before any Federal court, paticularly the USSC.

I WROTE the same thing I have posted since Obama decided to talk about the case.

So why did he? WHY did he do so as to incur the wrath of another judge to force that Judge to force a homework assignment on one of Obama's litigators?

Obama is out of his league.

His reasons do not matter; he should NOT speak on cases pending before the USSC. The Judge made that point in sanctioning the DOJ rep.

So...WHY did he?

It's not like the Supremes didn't make a bad ruling ever.

Bad is in the eyes of the beholder.

However, in this case....they get to make the ruling. End of discussion....good or bad.

That Obama said what he said has nothing to do with good or bad....it has to do with juristiction.

Please try to keep up.
It's quite possible he did misspeak. He does it quite often. Im more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Though I still think he's completely wrong if he thinks it's unprecedented.

It was a major prepared speech. It wasn't like an interview or something. He had time to consider what he was saying and its implications.
No, the speech was a disaster and this is the White House desperately trying to salvage it.

Does anyone really believe Obama thinks overturning Obamacare would be an unprecedented meddling? Probably he was thinkng of SS and other New Deal programs, that were upheld by a whcisker.

I think you could argue given the scope and size it would be unprecedented, but that might be stretching it a bit.

I'm more curious how all the "conservatives" saw that speech and thought it was threatening! That makes no sense!
Tribe is an Obama apologist and a liberal moron.

....OMG...but he teaches at Harvard....in case you haven't noticed many people from Harvard live in a cloud.

Tribe is an idiot.
Every time Obama speaks off the cuff, we realize that the emperor has no clothes. Obama is an inexperienced boob who finds himself in WAY over his head.
Every time Obama speaks off the cuff, we realize that the emperor has no clothes. Obama is an inexperienced boob who finds himself in WAY over his head.

Wait a minute. You might want to double check your story with your fellow "conservatives". They are claiming this was a "major, prepared speech" and that is why Obama is a liar. Now you're saying he was speaking off the cuff.

So which is it guys?
Every time Obama speaks off the cuff, we realize that the emperor has no clothes. Obama is an inexperienced boob who finds himself in WAY over his head.

Wait a minute. You might want to double check your story with your fellow "conservatives". They are claiming this was a "major, prepared speech" and that is why Obama is a liar. Now you're saying he was speaking off the cuff.

So which is it guys?

Or better yet seeing obama's record of rhetoric/action? I don't think it matters, does it?

He's out of his league in either case.
Every time Obama speaks off the cuff, we realize that the emperor has no clothes. Obama is an inexperienced boob who finds himself in WAY over his head.

Wait a minute. You might want to double check your story with your fellow "conservatives". They are claiming this was a "major, prepared speech" and that is why Obama is a liar. Now you're saying he was speaking off the cuff.

So which is it guys?

No, I was wrong. These were comments made at a news conference with the Mexican president and Canadian premier. So it was off the cuff. Maybe.
Every time Obama speaks off the cuff, we realize that the emperor has no clothes. Obama is an inexperienced boob who finds himself in WAY over his head.

Wait a minute. You might want to double check your story with your fellow "conservatives". They are claiming this was a "major, prepared speech" and that is why Obama is a liar. Now you're saying he was speaking off the cuff.

So which is it guys?

No, I was wrong. These were comments made at a news conference with the Mexican president and Canadian premier. So it was off the cuff. Maybe.

It was taliking out the ass...either way.
What we got:

The president addressed his comments Tuesday. “The point I was making,” Mr. Obama said at a luncheon with reporters and editors, “is that the Supreme Court is the final say on our Constitution and our laws, and all of us have to respect it, but it’s precisely because of that extraordinary power that the Court has traditionally exercised significant restraint and deference to our duly elected legislature, our Congress.” ~ above article

What we should have gotten:

I'm sorry, I was upset about Obamacare's future in the hands of the Supreme Court, but will honor whatever their decision is.


I think "conservatives" are pissed because Obama had a human moment.

WTF are you talking about? Who is "pissed" -besides the justices that is, who clearly understood exactly what Obama said. Historically the Judicial branch of government takes great umbrage at those who try to politicize their branch of government for their own partisan gains -as Obama has been trying to do since he took office. Do you find this significantly different from him having Supreme Court justices as a captive audience during his non-State of the Union address while he attacked them and blatantly LIED to the American people about the real impact of their recent ruling? Were those blatant lies just another "human moment" for seeking out any reason to launch a political attack on the most apolitical branch of government we have? I find what he said to be exactly what he meant and totally consistent with the narcissistic political Chicago thug Obama has repeatedly proven himself to be. His idea of "governing" has always been to use blatant and implied threats to coerce others to do what he orders them to do -and this was nothing but a thinly veiled threat against the Supreme Court and to the entire nation. He isn't the first President to try and undermine the sovereignty and authority of the Supreme Court but everyone knows he is trying to undermine SCOTUS by pretending the justices -oh, JUST the Republican appointed ones of course -don't take their job seriously and operate as nothing but political HACKS no different from him. Personally I've had enough of him trying to demolish our system of checks and balances that were created to protect us from people like him.

And pulleeze, give us all a break with the total hypocritical puke inducing double standard already. When was the last time any of you leftwing kooks gave a Republican the benefit of the doubt for having a "human moment"? HUH? Every time a Republican has one, the leftwing nutjobs insist it is proof they are either malignant and deserve to be impeached or it proves they are stupid.

In Obama's case with his pattern of never being capable of assuming the mantle of President and repeatedly proved he has never stopped being the Chicago partisan hack he is only capable of being -he meant exactly what he said. Do you SERIOUSLY doubt the fact that if there had been no uproar about what he said, he would NEVER bother to walk it back and would have allowed his implied threat stand? He would NEVER have modified what he said and left his implied threat to the Supreme Court as is. And we all know it. His words "the justices need to know..." is ARROGANCE beyond belief. The notion that the justices need to take a lesson from a PARTISAN HACK like Obama about their job is disgusting. But it does ONCE AGAIN, prove he is nothing but a political hack.

Every time Obama speaks off the cuff, we realize that the emperor has no clothes. Obama is an inexperienced boob who finds himself in WAY over his head.

Wait a minute. You might want to double check your story with your fellow "conservatives". They are claiming this was a "major, prepared speech" and that is why Obama is a liar. Now you're saying he was speaking off the cuff.

So which is it guys?

I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming that he spoke off the cuff. Either way, the President lied, but if it was a prepared speech it is even worse!

Here is what he said ""I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."

HUH?? What do you think the SCOTUS has been doing for the past 200+years? Did he forget that he was a constitutional professor? Or was that a lie too?

He's a smooth liar, very smooth.
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