He is again telling us who he is

If that means bringing back a democratic republic then I'm fine with it.

You don't want a democracy anyway, you want a Anocracy and you want it on your terms....No thanks.
And it would be madness to want a treasonous criminal like Trump back in the WH, a fascist who is an enemy of democracy.

Yet a majority of Republicans exhibit that exact madness.
Conservatism is fundamentally illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic – Trump is the right’s perfect representative.
Democrats the party of Jim crow, the kkk, segregation, anti rights fascist, their leader is a con man Joe Biden who bragged about worked with some great segergationist. Who authored the bill that gave America the systemic racism we have today. You're so full of shit everything you spew is shit.
Trump's white house was crawling with backstabbers. I'm actually surprised for a guy that's been in the thick of the shark waters for 30 years that he didn't do a better job surrounding himself with trusted advisors.

He trusted untrustworthy advisors to pick his staff, hopefully if reelected. he won't make that mistake again.

No you haven't. Not one single problem you whine about all day every day has ever affected you. You are a mindless rube who fears the boogeyman under his bed put there by paid white wing liars.
I haven't been affected 9% inflation or 10 million illegal aliens? Why would any rational person listen to a lunatic like you?

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