He is again telling us who he is

He's is the choice of hillbilly magaturd Americans. A loudmouth minority, no more.

Then he must be your choice as well, Weed, as there is no bigger loudmouthed turd on this forum than you.

Apparently there are 80 million hillbillies out there then in this country or more with far more brains than you.

The people trying to keep Trump out and keep Biden in have no interest in you nor the country, their sole interest is in advancing their own power. I saw an interview today where someone went around offering 3 million dollars to Trumpsters, people wearing MAGA gear, if they just wouldn't vote for him, and not one of them was willing to take the money rather than vote for Trump. To a person, every one of them said they'd rather remain poor for the good of the country to see him rightfully restored to the office stolen from him! Big difference there! Those are not cultists but pure loyal, loving patriots and you just can't beat true patriots. Love conquers all.

Joe Biden would fuck you over for a Big Mac w/cheese. But then, you seem to enjoy getting fucked over.
They are literally quotes from Trump's idiot mouth.

This is bizarre behavior to watch. How such a low IQ, incapable moron managed to sieze the brains of millions of people will be studied for years.
You sound frighten good pay back is a bitch and you can't say you leftists don't deserve everything coming to you.

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