He is again telling us who he is

revenge for what? prosecuting a criminal. i will not apologize for seeking law and order, even from trumps pet judges.
People who know they are advocating for corruption and tyranny never apologize. Cuz when they do they have to admit they knew what they were doing all along. Democrats and their minions are all nothing but criminals and depraved liars. There is really only one way to stop them.
Apparently there are 80 million hillbillies out there then in this country or more with far more brains than you
The people trying to keep Trump out and keep Biden in have no interest in you nor the country, their sole interest is in advancing their own power. I saw an interview today where someone went around offering 3 million dollars to Trumpsters, people wearing MAGA gear, if they just wouldn't vote for him, and not one of them was willing to take the money rather than vote for Trump. To a person, every one of them said they'd rather remain poor for the good of the country to see him rightfully restored to the office stolen from him! Big difference there! Those are not cultists but pure loyal, loving patriots and you just can't beat true patriots. Love conquers all.
Cool story bro. I don't believe it for one second. So you're under some simpleton impression that both parties sole interests aren't advancing their own power? And you have the audacity to question someone's else's intelligence? :auiqs.jpg: K.
Joe Biden would fuck you over for a Big Mac w/cheese. But then, you seem to enjoy getting fucked over.
How am I being fucked over any more than magaturds? :dunno: I win at life, and winning isn't predicated on the fool currently living in the WH. If all magaturds can do is complain about theirs 24/7, that is entirely on them. No sympathy.
They are literally quotes from Trump's idiot mouth.

This is bizarre behavior to watch. How such a low IQ, incapable moron managed to sieze the brains of millions of people will be studied for years.

Trump's arrival into the oval office was paved by 8 years of solid and relentless skin pimping straight from the top.

There's nothing bizarre about the reaction to it. It is irrelevant what you think of Trump or his IQ I could care less. He's functional enough to spot sweetheart deals taking place between our elected officials and foreign countries That's enough for me.

Presidents of the United States don't do shit anyway... they only open the door for others to do it. There isn't a single candidate in this year's race that should be seriously considered for the office in DC.

Ramaswamy is probably the only one who actually understands what the office is.
The rest of them are career politicians who left their learning curve years behind in favor of corruption and personal self-advancement.
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It doesn't bother me. He tried to get a count of the actual votes. Only progs believe that's something criminal.
You believe a Vice President should be able to overturn the elections results. Trump could declare himself president for life and you would kiss his ass for doing it.
We don't want revenge, we want a full-blown reckoning.

It's time to settle all accounts with the leftist vermin for the ills they have foisted upon America.
Said Thread starter is obviously both Anal retentive and
an asskicker in his dreams.So it just makes sense to
be preoccupied with beating up on something ... anything.
Unless he can learn how to spank hisself.
And it still benefited the democrats just like gerrymandering. We're playing with leftist rules now.
It's not 'leftist rules', nitwit. Republicans play the same reindeer games. You just assume your childish partisan gotcha talking points are going to land with an independent. :rolleyes: Perhaps try someone else.

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