He lies-He is a malicious liar- How do you explain for your kids

No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
Why? Your kids, if you have them, see our President lie every day. The post is simply asking what you answer when your kid questions you about it.

They aren’t lies. They are fibs. My kids think for themselves. Try explaining Ferguson. That was the tough one.
What does Ferguson have to do with Trump?

Ferguson was a tougher explanation than anything Trump has said or done. Was my point. It clearly went over your empty head.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
Why? Your kids, if you have them, see our President lie every day. The post is simply asking what you answer when your kid questions you about it.

They aren’t lies. They are fibs. My kids think for themselves. Try explaining Ferguson. That was the tough one.
What does Ferguson have to do with Trump?

Ferguson was a tougher explanation than anything Trump has said or done. Was my point. It clearly went over your empty head.
Not really my kids already have a developed brain and understand why shit happens..
This post is pure insanity.
Why? Your kids, if you have them, see our President lie every day. The post is simply asking what you answer when your kid questions you about it.

They aren’t lies. They are fibs. My kids think for themselves. Try explaining Ferguson. That was the tough one.
What does Ferguson have to do with Trump?

Ferguson was a tougher explanation than anything Trump has said or done. Was my point. It clearly went over your empty head.
Not really my kids already have a developed brain and understand why shit happens..

You’re old. My kids were in elementary school when Ferguson happened.
Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trump’s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WP’s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

^^^ SAD ^^^

But thoroughly predictable.
Apparently it’s the number of lies that matters to Obama supporters, not the magnitude of the lies.

When Donnie repeatedly lies about American’s healthcare, shovel ready infrastructure projects, and four murdered Americans in a foreign land, I will be concerned.

Here’s a link to a book about Obama’s lies.
Knock your socks off, Gomer.

o you think you could back up your claim?
All you need to do is prove your point by using all listed lies by both Obama and Trump and post red flags to both men’s major lies.
Oh and Benghazi investigation was longer than Mueller’s Report run entirely by Rupugs and all that was concluded was s nothingburger. Ever think about doing research before you make unfounded claims about the GOP and the no indictments produced.

Here's a little story about that: No.

I'm not obsessed with trying to entrap either Trump or Obama by parsing every sentence they ever said. I'll focus on what they actually did and accomplished.

Results to date: Obama was an Epic Fail; Trump is looking good so far.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
Why? Your kids, if you have them, see our President lie every day. The post is simply asking what you answer when your kid questions you about it.
You had no problem when O lied about much more consequential things.

You need to stop letting the DNCMSM shape your opinions. ...but then that would mean you would have to think for yourself, and we know that is not possible.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
My kids are liars too so they like it.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".

In your mind you can't add 1+1=2?

The left lowered the bar with Bill, instead of doing the right thing and removing him, they let him stay..

Thats how we got Bush Jr, Obama and now Trump..

God damn Hillary should of been in jail by now if you fuck heads did the right thing.
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No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
Remember when Hillary lied about almost everything, but you were cool with it? Why? Because the DNCMSM told you it was no big deal.

I really loved the lies about her being named after Sir Hillary and the one about landing under sniper fire...LMFAO. Lies so easily exposed, but you thought nothing of it. Now Donnie fibs about the size of his inauguration crowd, and you go fucking NUTS!

I just love it.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
Remember when Hillary lied about almost everything, but you were cool with it? Why? Because the DNCMSM told you it was no big deal.

I really loved the lies about her being named after Sir Hillary and the one about landing under sniper fire...LMFAO. Lies so easily exposed, but you thought nothing of it. Now Donnie fibs about the size of his inauguration crowd, and you go fucking NUTS!

I just love it.

It is real amusing how a poster wants to use kids and Trump, yet ignore the past...don't they ever think?

No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
Remember when Hillary lied about almost everything, but you were cool with it? Why? Because the DNCMSM told you it was no big deal.

I really loved the lies about her being named after Sir Hillary and the one about landing under sniper fire...LMFAO. Lies so easily exposed, but you thought nothing of it. Now Donnie fibs about the size of his inauguration crowd, and you go fucking NUTS!

I just love it.
No amount of "what about" excuses another person, like Trump, for lying. What aboutism is just a lame deflection.
What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
Remember when Hillary lied about almost everything, but you were cool with it? Why? Because the DNCMSM told you it was no big deal.

I really loved the lies about her being named after Sir Hillary and the one about landing under sniper fire...LMFAO. Lies so easily exposed, but you thought nothing of it. Now Donnie fibs about the size of his inauguration crowd, and you go fucking NUTS!

I just love it.
No amount of "what about" excuses another person, like Trump, for lying. What aboutism is just a lame deflection.

No deflection, youre like a little girl who hits someone and doesn't think no one will retaliate.

don't start shit and everything will be fine

Camp is NOT human ==he never lies!!!

It took along time for the right to throw up their hands and start playing by the democrat rules, this is what the left gets. .hope you are all happy with yourself

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
Remember when Hillary lied about almost everything, but you were cool with it? Why? Because the DNCMSM told you it was no big deal.

I really loved the lies about her being named after Sir Hillary and the one about landing under sniper fire...LMFAO. Lies so easily exposed, but you thought nothing of it. Now Donnie fibs about the size of his inauguration crowd, and you go fucking NUTS!

I just love it.
No amount of "what about" excuses another person, like Trump, for lying. What aboutism is just a lame deflection.
It’s not about Trump. It’s about your hypocrisy and inability to think for yourself.

Trump lies. You go nuts. Hillary and O lie, but you don’t go nuts. Do you comprehend your obvious hypocrisy?

Stop consuming DNCMSM.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
Well, when the Washington Post, which is infamous for propagating crude defamatory anti-USA disinformation, tells me that president Trump is lying when he says we are building a wall on the southern border, and a dear friend that I've known since she was a little girl, and trust implicitly, is telling me that she is working on said wall, whom would it be wiser to believe?

According to the WP's running total, that counts as 160 lies by Trump. But alas, it is the WP who is lying and idiots like you are so feeble-minded and gullible that you are very easily brainwashed by the WP into believing that Trump has told 10,000+ lies since taking office.

How does it feel to be so easily brainwashed? It must really suck to be you, jackass.
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What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
Remember when Hillary lied about almost everything, but you were cool with it? Why? Because the DNCMSM told you it was no big deal.

I really loved the lies about her being named after Sir Hillary and the one about landing under sniper fire...LMFAO. Lies so easily exposed, but you thought nothing of it. Now Donnie fibs about the size of his inauguration crowd, and you go fucking NUTS!

I just love it.
No amount of "what about" excuses another person, like Trump, for lying. What aboutism is just a lame deflection.

The irony is.... your argument *IS* the "what about" excuses for other people.

All the people you support, lie CONSTANTLY... and yet here you are right here, right now doing the "what about the lies Trump said?!?!"

And even more ironic, you are now complaining about the "what about" excuse..... by while engaging in the "what about the Trump lies!"

Are you utterly incapable of seeing the massive hypocrisy you are engaging in?
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

Yeah when my daughter was little my wife had to sit her down and have the "talk"

Thanks to Bill Clinton and his BJ

Remind us who started this bullshit again?
So, in your mind, publicity about Clinton getting a blow job during the '90s provides an excuse for Trump to be a serial compulsive liar 20 years later? If a kid asks about Trump's lying the response should be "well, President Clinton lied about getting blow jobs, so Trump is allowed to lie about...everything and anything".
Remember when Hillary lied about almost everything, but you were cool with it? Why? Because the DNCMSM told you it was no big deal.

I really loved the lies about her being named after Sir Hillary and the one about landing under sniper fire...LMFAO. Lies so easily exposed, but you thought nothing of it. Now Donnie fibs about the size of his inauguration crowd, and you go fucking NUTS!

I just love it.
No amount of "what about" excuses another person, like Trump, for lying. What aboutism is just a lame deflection.

The irony is.... your argument *IS* the "what about" excuses for other people.

All the people you support, lie CONSTANTLY... and yet here you are right here, right now doing the "what about the lies Trump said?!?!"

And even more ironic, you are now complaining about the "what about" excuse..... by while engaging in the "what about the Trump lies!"

Are you utterly incapable of seeing the massive hypocrisy you are engaging in?

I say don't bother, but it is so fun pointing out what retards they are..

Like normal they are counting on the low educated voter.


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