He lies-He is a malicious liar- How do you explain for your kids

No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
Obama lied regularly and often, but you loved it. Why the hypocrisy?
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
Obama lied regularly and often, but you loved it. Why the hypocrisy?
No, he didn't.
Republicans have no problem at all with Donald Trump lying. Or having unprotected sex with porn stars or ripping people off or ruining peoples lives. They don’t care.

Because they see him as a role model for their children.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
Obama lied regularly and often, but you loved it. Why the hypocrisy?
No, he didn't.
Yes, he did and on more important issues.
If I even Believed that there was an Actual election where people Actually elected a Tiny TV reality host to be a President, and that's no Nixon Stardom either, then hey that's as crazy as the rest of it. Which is crazy. It would be crazy to well, everything. Crazy to the reputation of business, he's not trustworthy, he's not a contact that means something. He's got crazy behavior. He's tongue in cheek in everything. He is probably found out on personal marital affairs problems on 10 occasions. People say he is not any good for American politics with the Russian collusion. He doesn't have a political base besides money that really makes any enthusiastic sense to follow.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
Just imagine what they consider acceptable now when it comes to treating women.

So I was in high school in the late 90s. I grew up with Bill Clinton pinning Broaddrick to a bed, and biting her. I grew up with cigars, and abusing a young intern. I grew up with "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is". I grew up with we were not alone, because there were other people in the White House. I grew up with Bill Clinton groping a secret service agent on air force one. I grew up with a president pointing his finger at a camera, and saying "I did not have sex with that woman", when everyone knew he had, and it came out he had, and it was a joke around the entire school... "You wanna pull a Monica?"

You know what I considered acceptable then, and now? Being a moral man, and treating women with due respect.

Why? Two reasons. One, I'm a Christian. Two, I had these people called "parents", and when I disrespected my mother (which really only happened twice), she slapped the crap out of me, and rightly so. And the other time, my father dragged me outside by my ears, and then gave me a talking to that put the fear of G-d in my soul.

Bottom line... if your children get their ideas of what is right and wrong, from TV, the media, or god-forbid politics...... The reality is, that means you suck, and are a failure, as a parent.

Forget Trump for a second, or even the presidency. Half of Congress are alcoholic womanizing, corrupt people. At least half. If your children are so pathetic, they are looking to that group of people for their moral values... shame on you for being a bad parent.

Well said. You nailed it. I came from an Italian family and was in High School in early 80’s. When I was a kid and disobeyed my mom or dad. I would get my butt whipped by my mom, two older brothers and my dad when he got home. There was know talking back at all. I had 3 sisters who taught me well on how to treat a lady. Two of my sisters were in High School with me and it was my job to protect them. I was a police officer starting in 1990. We couldn’t understand as police officers how Clinton got away with what he did while in office.

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A short list of issues I disagree with him on are personal income taxes, the wall/immigration, judges, abortion, gay rights, his approach to foreign policy, business regulation, health care.

His temperament and behaviors wouldn't be considered "issues", but I find both of them to be a national embarrassment.

Thanks, I am just trying to separate his actions from his personality. As to your short list, I would appreciate clarification regarding:

1. Do you think personal income taxes should be raised as a general principle or because of the deficits we are running?

2. Are you opposed to physical barriers or changes to current immigration law?

3. Do you think abortion and gay rights should be decided by federal judges?

4. Are you opposed to his foreign policy or just to his approach?

5. Do you favor greater business regulation?

6. Do you favor any changes to our current health care system?

Before Mac puts in his 2 cents, I'll offer my own:

1. If you mean Trump's personal tax returns, no I don't think that should be raised unless according to the IRS he hasn't paid what he should have. It's not for Congress to decide that either. Deficit spending though is a valid issue IMHO, just as it was for Obama. Same with the idea of raising or lowering tax rates, that oughta be a major political issue IMHO.

2. I support both physical border barriers and changing current immigration law, which I think is ridiculous the way it is now.

3. Nobody in the United States should be discriminated against based on sexual preferences. BUT - nobody should be forced to abrogate legitimate religious freedoms either. I cannot in good conscience support abortions after the 1st trimester (3 months). But in both cases, I'd rather see the States make their own laws as long as nobody is treated unfairly like that baker was in Colorado.

4. I got no problem with his foreign policy, I think he should be getting our NATO partners to pony up their share of the costs and I do think he's right to address the more egregious trade agreements, including China. Not sure his approach is the best, but he does seem to be getting more results than past presidents did. And for all the talk about being Putin's poodle, he's been surprisingly tough on the Russians.

5. NO. I do favor efficient and effective regulations when and where needed, but more regulations shouldn't be our 1st option.

6. Our current health care system sucks and has to be overhauled. Again. Obamacare was a mistake, you just can't have one party forcing an unpopular change that has that much impact on so many people. We gotta do better, but I don't know how but I do know that UHC is not the way to go.
Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trump’s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WP’s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.
Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trump’s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WP’s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

The magnitude of Obama's lies and deceptions (as we are still finding out) are so much greater than whatever Trump has said that there is no comparison.
Children need to be taught at the earliest age they could understand. The democratic party is degenerate and their teacher is likely a pervert.
The guy has a gigantic left wing propaganda tank (Media Matters) literally analyzing every word he utters. If the President quoted a figure of ten million and the actual analysis came out to 9 million nine hundred...you get the idea, he would be called a liar. Meanwhile unemployment is at a historic low, hypocrite lefties enjoy the fact that their 401k's are making money and we are at relative peace. Stop filling your children's heads with the same incoherent psychotic anger that you seem unable to shake and tell them to love their Country and that President Trump may well turn out to be the greatest president of the first half of the 21st century.
Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trump’s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WP’s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

The magnitude of Obama's lies and deceptions (as we are still finding out) are so much greater than whatever Trump has said that there is no comparison.

Hyper-partisan conjecture of the unknown.
A short list of issues I disagree with him on are personal income taxes, the wall/immigration, judges, abortion, gay rights, his approach to foreign policy, business regulation, health care.

His temperament and behaviors wouldn't be considered "issues", but I find both of them to be a national embarrassment.

Thanks, I am just trying to separate his actions from his personality. As to your short list, I would appreciate clarification regarding:

1. Do you think personal income taxes should be raised as a general principle or because of the deficits we are running?

2. Are you opposed to physical barriers or changes to current immigration law?

3. Do you think abortion and gay rights should be decided by federal judges?

4. Are you opposed to his foreign policy or just to his approach?

5. Do you favor greater business regulation?

6. Do you favor any changes to our current health care system?

P.S. I do not mean for these to be trick questions. I am just interested in your specific disagreements with Trump's actions and policies.

1. Do you think personal income taxes should be raised as a general principle or because of the deficits we are running?
First, I'm not a believer in the Laffer Curve, the theory that lowering taxes will create enough economic activity and tax receipts to pay for the lowered tax revenues. While the theory has merits as a thought exercise and a good reminder that there is an equilibrium to all this, it's not a dependable theory because its efficacy depends on too many market & economic trends and currents. Second, Trump is following the standard, simplistic conservative strategy of ignoring our rapidly-growing wealth inequality issue, confusing it with "jobs". If we don't look at raising the safety net soon, we will see a revolution at the ballot box that will take us in the wrong direction. It may already be too late.

2. Are you opposed to physical barriers or changes to current immigration law?
To me, the wall represents how far we have fallen as a society, how willing we are to slap a simplistic band-aid on a complicated problem, how unable we have become to think critically and innovate. The wall is just an object, and I frankly don't care about it all that much one way or the other. The problem to me here is that we just can't see anything more than tiny pieces of this. My unique approach to this issue is here: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

3. Do you think abortion and gay rights should be decided by federal judges?
No. I think these are cultural issues that are not nearly as complicated as we are making them out to be. I'm not in favor of the approach either end of the spectrum is taking on these two issues. I'm pro choice and pro gay rights, but the behaviors from the Left on those issues are fairly repulsive to me, as are their behaviors in other areas. We could easily lower the level of hate and vitriol on these two issues, but it appears we no longer have that ability.

4. Are you opposed to his foreign policy or just to his approach?
On this topic, the two are essentially the same thing. He's behaving as the ultimate Ugly American, the very worst caricature the world has of America, and that behavior immediately puts every foreign country on the defensive, straining delicate partnerships, making everything more difficult. He clearly doesn't possess the capacity to behave like a thoughtful, intelligent, respectful, dignified adult on the world stage, and whether his fans care about that or not, that obviously hinders his effectiveness.

5. Do you favor greater business regulation?
The Left thinks more regulation is better regulation. The Right thinks less regulation is better regulation. I think that BETTER regulation is better regulation. Trump and the Right want to pretend that regulation is some kind of disease for capitalism, when the fact is that regulation is an absolutely critical component of capitalism. The Right refuses to admit it, but it was a lack of regulation and oversight that created the conditions that led to the Meltdown in 2008. So they reach for the nearest straw and pretend it was all about the CRA and the Democrats. That is pure willful ignorance. I'm a financial advisor, and I can tell you that our regulatory system, the heart of the Meltdown, is an absolute mess and a joke, with both silly redundancies and gaping holes. This is largely because the two parties can't behave like normal adults, work together, stop slapping band-aids on things, and create a comprehensive, efficient and effective regulatory system.

6. Do you favor any changes to our current health care system?
Yes, I'd like to see the current and very popular Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system (with some important tweaks) expanded to all. A dynamic public/private partnership that combines a solid, cost-saving preventive / diagnostic / basic services foundation with a dynamic and innovative free market component. It would take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers, give Americans better choice, and streamline a system that is a catastrophe. Bernie Sanders and the Democrats are lying to you - what I describe is the actual current Medicare system, they're pretending that "Medicare for All" would be what I'm talking about. That's a lie. They're purposely confusing the current overall Medicare system with Single Payer because it's an EASIER SELL. The GOP, of course, lied to us for eight years. They never had a plan because its simplistic base would go full drama queen if any government were involved.
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It's not good. We have a guy in there who regularly speaks in comic hyperbole, attacks anyone who dares to disagree with him, shows little respect for people once they're of no use to him, and is more than willing to engage in childish name-calling. Not to mention talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

On top of all that, he has followers who are willing to drop their standards to all-new depths and completely forgive him when any of the above is brought up. Hey, no big deal, he's doing what I want so I don't care about standards any more.

We would scold our kids for these behaviors. His followers know that, but they don't care about that, either.
That's why you showed great wisdom in voting HILLARY!
It's not good. We have a guy in there who regularly speaks in comic hyperbole, attacks anyone who dares to disagree with him, shows little respect for people once they're of no use to him, and is more than willing to engage in childish name-calling. Not to mention talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

On top of all that, he has followers who are willing to drop their standards to all-new depths and completely forgive him when any of the above is brought up. Hey, no big deal, he's doing what I want so I don't care about standards any more.

We would scold our kids for these behaviors. His followers know that, but they don't care about that, either.
That's why you showed great wisdom in voting HILLARY!
Elections are about contrasts. So, obviously, I thought even less of him that I did of her.

Is that complicated?
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

parents don't give two shitz if their kids are liars; that is the AmeriKKKan way.

In modern day AmeriKKKa families raise their kids to be all about $$$$$$$, particularly if they are GOP.

Sure, they talk about 'God' & claim they are Christian but that's only to make their lies seem acceptable.

Make no mistake, the current crop of kids is serving one master; no two masters. Money & the GOP.

The cult of Trump is marching on.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

parents don't give two shitz if their kids are liars; that is the AmeriKKKan way.

In modern day AmeriKKKa families raise their kids to be all about $$$$$$$, particularly if they are GOP.

Sure, they talk about 'God' & claim they are Christian but that's only to make their lies seem acceptable.

Make no mistake, the current crop of kids is serving one master; no two masters. Money & the GOP.

The cult of Trump is marching on.
Damn. That’s nutty.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

parents don't give two shitz if their kids are liars; that is the AmeriKKKan way.

In modern day AmeriKKKa families raise their kids to be all about $$$$$$$, particularly if they are GOP.

Sure, they talk about 'God' & claim they are Christian but that's only to make their lies seem acceptable.

Make no mistake, the current crop of kids is serving one master; no two masters. Money & the GOP.

The cult of Trump is marching on.
Damn. That’s nutty.

Yes, AmeriKKKa has become 'Nation Nutty'
It's not good. We have a guy in there who regularly speaks in comic hyperbole, attacks anyone who dares to disagree with him, shows little respect for people once they're of no use to him, and is more than willing to engage in childish name-calling. Not to mention talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

On top of all that, he has followers who are willing to drop their standards to all-new depths and completely forgive him when any of the above is brought up. Hey, no big deal, he's doing what I want so I don't care about standards any more.

We would scold our kids for these behaviors. His followers know that, but they don't care about that, either.
There is no doubt Trump is a lying arrogant egotistical buffoon, but I can ignore this as long as he actually does things that benefit the nation and not just the .1%. Number one the list, is keeping us out of war. So far, he has done this.
Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trump’s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WP’s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

^^^ SAD ^^^

But thoroughly predictable.

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