He lies-He is a malicious liar- How do you explain for your kids

Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trumpā€™s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WPā€™s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

^^^ SAD ^^^

But thoroughly predictable.
Apparently itā€™s the number of lies that matters to Obama supporters, not the magnitude of the lies.

When Donnie repeatedly lies about Americanā€™s healthcare, shovel ready infrastructure projects, and four murdered Americans in a foreign land, I will be concerned.
Elections are about contrasts. So, obviously, I thought even less of him that I did of her.

You are sounding like a naysayer. Which of our Presidents did you vote for, and were you subsequently happy with their policies?
Elections are about contrasts. So, obviously, I thought even less of him that I did of her.

You are sounding like a naysayer. Which of our Presidents did you vote for, and were you subsequently happy with their policies?
I'm not one to put much faith in politicians, and since I don't subscribe to a political ideology, I don't have a team for which I have to spin or cheer. I find politics ugly, dishonest and distasteful, but I do have a weird fascination for the behaviors of politicians, pundits, politicos and partisans. Who knows why.

The last vote I felt okay about was Clinton's second term, but there were things on which I disagreed with him, mostly the repeal of Glass Steagall.
No amount of message-board-nonsense will change the fact that you LIBERALS are the malicious, compulsive liars who are such Freudian projectionists, you traitors are infamous for accusing other people of what you violent criminals are about. Nobody on this site with a brain takes your prancing, preening, pathlogoically lying, progressive parasitism seriously.

Why is it so difficult for you liberals to get off your entitled high horses already? The rest of America has seen what you are for years. Why keep pretending with this holier-than-thou bullshit?
It's not good. We have a guy in there who regularly speaks in comic hyperbole, attacks anyone who dares to disagree with him, shows little respect for people once they're of no use to him, and is more than willing to engage in childish name-calling. Not to mention talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

On top of all that, he has followers who are willing to drop their standards to all-new depths and completely forgive him when any of the above is brought up. Hey, no big deal, he's doing what I want so I don't care about standards any more.

We would scold our kids for these behaviors. His followers know that, but they don't care about that, either.
I haven't seen any responses from a Trump supporter about how they explain or excuse Trump's lying.
His defenders usually run along two lines: (1) "Yeah, I know he's a buffoon and a huckster, and I know he's full of shit, but but he's doing what I want so I'll just forgive all that", or (2) "Huh? What? What behaviors? Huh? I don't see anything! That's just TDS! Fake news!"

In a strange way, at least I can respect the first one.
You forgot the third one.

There are those of us who don't defend what he does but also don't give any credibility to those who call out Trump when for eight years, they ignored the same offense when their guy was in office.

So I laugh at people like the OP. Because he is very much like a five-year-old who is throwing everthing he can get his hands on, screaming at the top of his lungs vile obscenities, and attacking anyone who does not think he isn't right.

I've seen these kinds of kids before. They are usually found out, later in life, to have secretly pulled wings off of bugs and shoved firecrackers in the asses of pets. Who abuse old people in hospice care.

They are the kind of people who think nothing of kicking you in the balls AFTER they check to be sure that no one is watching so that they can deny it.

The streak of evil shines out of their eyes, and there are communities that have at least one or two of these "authority adverse" type of people whom the population steers clear; because they go off for no real apparent reason.

There are far more of them on this forum that you'll find in any community so the rest of us are pretty safe.

But make no mistake. This person is in anguish because they cannot get their way, not because Trump is destroying this country.
Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trumpā€™s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WPā€™s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

^^^ SAD ^^^

But thoroughly predictable.
Apparently itā€™s the number of lies that matters to Obama supporters, not the magnitude of the lies.

When Donnie repeatedly lies about Americanā€™s healthcare, shovel ready infrastructure projects, and four murdered Americans in a foreign land, I will be concerned.

Hereā€™s a link to a book about Obamaā€™s lies.
Knock your socks off, Gomer.

o you think you could back up your claim?
All you need to do is prove your point by using all listed lies by both Obama and Trump and post red flags to both menā€™s major lies.
Oh and Benghazi investigation was longer than Muellerā€™s Report run entirely by Rupugs and all that was concluded was s nothingburger. Ever think about doing research before you make unfounded claims about the GOP and the no indictments produced.
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Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trumpā€™s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WPā€™s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

^^^ SAD ^^^

But thoroughly predictable.
Apparently itā€™s the number of lies that matters to Obama supporters, not the magnitude of the lies.

When Donnie repeatedly lies about Americanā€™s healthcare, shovel ready infrastructure projects, and four murdered Americans in a foreign land, I will be concerned.

Hereā€™s a link to a book about Obamaā€™s lies.
Knock your socks off, Gomer.

o you think you could back up your claim?
All you need to do is prove your point by using all listed lies by both Obama and Trump and post red flags to both menā€™s major lies.
Oh and Benghazi investigation was longer than Muellerā€™s Report run entirely by Rupugs and all that was concluded was s nothingburger. Ever think about doing research before you make unfounded claims about the GOP and the no indictments produced.
You will never understand.

You likely do not even agree that Obama lied about Benghazi.

Imagine if Trump told you a video no one ever watched, resulted in an attack on Americans causing four deaths. Would you just say oh well?
I am so happy to see so many vacuous apologist for their fearless leaders who walk away richer than when they entered office. All of you bootlickers literally make me want to vomit but why waste good bile on bad people?
Obama is no longer President...so get a grip.

Would you care to compare documented lie of. Obama (app 1,500 in 8 years) compiled by Obama Haters) compare to Trumpā€™s over 10,000 in under 3 years by the Washington Post. Minor of WPā€™s verified lies have been proven to be bogus.
Man, Little Trumpsters are so uninformed and just plain gullible.

^^^ SAD ^^^

But thoroughly predictable.
Apparently itā€™s the number of lies that matters to Obama supporters, not the magnitude of the lies.

When Donnie repeatedly lies about Americanā€™s healthcare, shovel ready infrastructure projects, and four murdered Americans in a foreign land, I will be concerned.

Hereā€™s a link to a book about Obamaā€™s lies.
Knock your socks off, Gomer.

o you think you could back up your claim?
All you need to do is prove your point by using all listed lies by both Obama and Trump and post red flags to both menā€™s major lies.
Oh and Benghazi investigation was longer than Muellerā€™s Report run entirely by Rupugs and all that was concluded was s nothingburger. Ever think about doing research before you make unfounded claims about the GOP and the no indictments produced.
You will never understand.

You likely do not even agree that Obama lied about Benghazi.

Imagine if Trump told you a video no one ever watched, resulted in an attack on Americans causing four deaths. Would you just say oh well?
So you excuse Trump's lying with Oblama's lying..Lick harder.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
You see absolutely zero truth or value?
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
Why? Your kids, if you have them, see our President lie every day. The post is simply asking what you answer when your kid questions you about it.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
President Trump lies about 90% less than the Democrats, the Press and Hollywood who call him a liar.
The Left is insane with hate.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
President Trump lies about 90% less than the Democrats, the Press and Hollywood who call him a liar.
The Left is insane with hate.
Of course, you can't substantiate your claim, and even if you could, ir would only mean you think it is OK for our President to lie because other people lie also. And you offer absolutely no response to the actual topic of what to say to your children about a compulsive serial lying President.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
You see absolutely zero truth or value?

I see 100% opinion and preaching
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
President Trump lies about 90% less than the Democrats, the Press and Hollywood who call him a liar.
The Left is insane with hate.
Of course, you can't substantiate your claim, and even if you could, ir would only mean you think it is OK for our President to lie because other people lie also. And you offer absolutely no response to the actual topic of what to say to your children about a compulsive serial lying President.
You adored Obammy who lied all the time, the difference is that the Press protected Barry and they have an absolute obsession with attacking President Trump. Counting "lies" is a crazy obsession.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
Why? Your kids, if you have them, see our President lie every day. The post is simply asking what you answer when your kid questions you about it.

They arenā€™t lies. They are fibs. My kids think for themselves. Try explaining Ferguson. That was the tough one.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
You see absolutely zero truth or value?

I see 100% opinion and preaching
same with yours so what's new? All are opinions..Even the ones about Trump lying. He's not lying he's just not telling the truth..
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
Why? Your kids, if you have them, see our President lie every day. The post is simply asking what you answer when your kid questions you about it.

They arenā€™t lies. They are fibs. My kids think for themselves. Try explaining Ferguson. That was the tough one.
What does Ferguson have to do with Trump?
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

This post is pure insanity.
You see absolutely zero truth or value?

I see 100% opinion and preaching
same with yours so what's new? All are opinions..Even the ones about Trump lying. He's not lying he's just not telling the truth..

If I am 6ā€™3 but 6ā€™4 in shoes and I say I am 6ā€™4 am I lying? Maybe. Those are the kinds of ā€œliesā€ Trump tells.

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