He lies-He is a malicious liar- How do you explain for your kids

No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

Given you've watched the Trumpletons on this board for more than a few hours, you already know there isn't a single one among them who isn't an inveterate liar.

Moreover, kids have that propensity to do as their parents do, not as they say.

I, for one, can't see how Trump makes much of a difference for this crowd, if any at all.

As to the rest of the country, Trump could serve as a warning sign as to the country's propensity to fall for bombastic liars, frauds, and con-men. Maybe, kids should learn about all this at an early age, and the nation might be better off for it.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

What? You think kids are sitting around talking about Trump? They are busy playing football. They couldn't care less about Trump.

Are you really sitting at home telling your kids "Trump lies all the time, and we need to explain this!" Then you are lousy parent, and should not have had kids.

If your kids get their moral values from the media, then you suck as a parent.
Kids get lots of information and gossip from other school kids. When my eighr-year-old came home and told me Trump was a liar I told her she was too young to worry about politics and cautioned her about listening to gossip.
Do you have kids in elementary school? Have you ever?

He tells lies that hurt the country.

Please provide an example and explain how it has hurt the country.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
Just imagine what they consider acceptable now when it comes to treating women.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

how is that obama care mandate doing for you?
Very nicely for me and my family...Thank you for asking. And yes, we kept our doctor.
It's not good. We have a guy in there who regularly speaks in comic hyperbole, attacks anyone who dares to disagree with him, shows little respect for people once they're of no use to him, and is more than willing to engage in childish name-calling. Not to mention talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

On top of all that, he has followers who are willing to drop their standards to all-new depths and completely forgive him when any of the above is brought up. Hey, no big deal, he's doing what I want so I don't care about standards any more.

We would scold our kids for these behaviors. His followers know that, but they don't care about that, either.
I haven't seen any responses from a Trump supporter about how they explain or excuse Trump's lying.
His defenders usually run along two lines: (1) "Yeah, I know he's a buffoon and a huckster, and I know he's full of shit, but but he's doing what I want so I'll just forgive all that", or (2) "Huh? What? What behaviors? Huh? I don't see anything! That's just TDS! Fake news!"

In a strange way, at least I can respect the first one.
I would if he actually did anything substantial...but that's all a lie too.
How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying.

Quite simple: Dear son, our president is a master at driving the Left moonbatshit crazy. He is doing what we hired him for.
  • He fucks the Left in his EOs.
  • He undos everything they were proud of.
  • He tweets them into 24/7 submission.
  • He twists, bends, blocks them crazy.
  • He takes everything they do and does it worse RIGHT BACK IN THEIR FACE.
  • He screws over all their alliances.
  • He pulls out of all their vaulted global plans.
  • His hair drives them nuts.
  • His diet drives them nuts.
  • His businesses drive them nuts.
  • His alliances drive them nuts.
  • His family drive them nuts.
And he is just getting started. He keeps them so tied up hating him they won't even know what hit them when he wins reelection more popular than ever.

Then he shifts into 2nds gear.

The Left will be pulling their hair out shooting themselves in the temple taking sleeping pills overdosing long before 2025 rolls around.


Our president is doing the job he was hired for, son!
It's not good. We have a guy in there who regularly speaks in comic hyperbole, attacks anyone who dares to disagree with him, shows little respect for people once they're of no use to him, and is more than willing to engage in childish name-calling. Not to mention talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

On top of all that, he has followers who are willing to drop their standards to all-new depths and completely forgive him when any of the above is brought up. Hey, no big deal, he's doing what I want so I don't care about standards any more.

We would scold our kids for these behaviors. His followers know that, but they don't care about that, either.
I haven't seen any responses from a Trump supporter about how they explain or excuse Trump's lying.
His defenders usually run along two lines: (1) "Yeah, I know he's a buffoon and a huckster, and I know he's full of shit, but but he's doing what I want so I'll just forgive all that", or (2) "Huh? What? What behaviors? Huh? I don't see anything! That's just TDS! Fake news!"

In a strange way, at least I can respect the first one.

It's time to shit or get off the pot, Mac. He is either doing what you want or he is not. Which is it?

P.S. I don't care about him being my friend. Do you?
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

Another liberal on a high horse. All politicians lie and your kids don’t pay any attention to it unless you make them. It’s a phony scenario. How are you going to explain to your kids that you made up a phony thread?
Having a problem with immaturity, lying, cheating, being an all-around creep is being on a "high horse" now.

I see where your problem is.
How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying.

Quite simple: Dear son, our president is a master at driving the Left moonbatshit crazy. He is doing what we hired him for.
  • He fucks the Left in his EOs.
  • He undos everything they were proud of.
  • He tweets them into 24/7 submission.
  • He twists, bends, blocks them crazy.
  • He takes everything they do and does it worse RIGHT BACK IN THEIR FACE.
  • He screws over all their alliances.
  • He pulls out of all their vaulted global plans.
  • His hair drives them nuts.
  • His diet drives them nuts.
  • His businesses drive them nuts.
  • His alliances drive them nuts.
  • His family drive them nuts.
And he is just getting started. He keeps them so tied up hating him they won't even know what hit them when he wins reelection more popular than ever.

Then he shifts into 2nds gear.

The Left will be pulling their hair out shooting themselves in the temple taking sleeping pills overdosing long before 2025 rolls around.


Our president is doing the job he was hired for, son!
So...that's why you voted for him?
It's not good. We have a guy in there who regularly speaks in comic hyperbole, attacks anyone who dares to disagree with him, shows little respect for people once they're of no use to him, and is more than willing to engage in childish name-calling. Not to mention talking about the size of his dick in a nationally-televised "presidential" debate.

On top of all that, he has followers who are willing to drop their standards to all-new depths and completely forgive him when any of the above is brought up. Hey, no big deal, he's doing what I want so I don't care about standards any more.

We would scold our kids for these behaviors. His followers know that, but they don't care about that, either.
I haven't seen any responses from a Trump supporter about how they explain or excuse Trump's lying.
His defenders usually run along two lines: (1) "Yeah, I know he's a buffoon and a huckster, and I know he's full of shit, but but he's doing what I want so I'll just forgive all that", or (2) "Huh? What? What behaviors? Huh? I don't see anything! That's just TDS! Fake news!"

In a strange way, at least I can respect the first one.

It's time to shit or get off the pot, Mac. He is either doing what you want or he is not. Which is it?

P.S. I don't care about him being my friend. Do you?
He's not, of course not. I lean Left.

There are issues, and there are behaviors. Two different things. And his fans are willing to drop their standards on his behaviors to the ground as long as he does what Hannity tells him to. I'm a little sick of both ends of the spectrum constantly dropping their standards. The country is in decay as a predictable result.
Ben Shapiro, who is obviously very conservative, put it great once. Trump isn't non-PC. He's a jerk.
Back in 2015, I took a lot of crap from the lefties here when I talked about a PC pushback. Sure as shit, Trump was the perfect person for this, even though he really isn't about PC. He's just a primal scream from all the people who were sick of the bullshit.

It wasn't a proportionate reaction though. We went from some Wall Street protesting nobody hippies to some dude bringing up his dick size in a nationally televised debate BEFORE he became the most powerful person in the world.
Yeah, I guess it was just the perfect storm. Hillary must have helped.

It's been tough to make sense of this thing from the minute it happened.

The cult of personality he built so quickly was just so bizarre. He actually told supporters at a rally that he could shoot a man, and not lose any support, and his people actually CHEERED. They were pretty much like, "Yes, Mr. Trump. We would probably suck you off while you did it." One thing you can say about Hillary supporters was that half of them didn't even really like her. :lol:
In some ways, though, it does make sense. Look at our popular culture. Look at the Kardashians - a celebrity phenomenon worth hundreds of millions without having one (1) discernible skill between them.

In that context, maybe this makes a bit more sense.
It's the only thing that makes sense, and I've been saying it from the beginning. People are so habituated to tv that a reality tv show star was bound to pick up the fans who lap that shit up and worship really really rich guys who have beautiful women hanging off him.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

Another liberal on a high horse. All politicians lie and your kids don’t pay any attention to it unless you make them. It’s a phony scenario. How are you going to explain to your kids that you made up a phony thread?

But Trump lies about really weird shit that doesn't matter. Nobody cares how much he's really worth. Nobody asked him about his inauguration. He once called a news station pretending to be his own publicist just to praise himself. He's just a fucking weird dude. I didn't want Hillary in in the White House, but I didn't want a batshit weirdo either.
He's just bragging, Aaron. Some people think that's the way to win friends and influence people. I guess it works to some extent.
He's not, of course not. I lean Left.

What, exactly, is Trump doing (policy/actions) that you disapprove of?

Or do you oppose everything he does, of course, because you lean Left?
My positions on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

A short list of issues I disagree with him on are personal income taxes, the wall/immigration, judges, abortion, gay rights, his approach to foreign policy, business regulation, health care.

His temperament and behaviors wouldn't be considered "issues", but I find both of them to be a national embarrassment.

There ya go. You asked, I answered.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?

Given you've watched the Trumpletons on this board for more than a few hours, you already know there isn't a single one among them who isn't an inveterate liar.

Moreover, kids have that propensity to do as their parents do, not as they say.

I, for one, can't see how Trump makes much of a difference for this crowd, if any at all.

As to the rest of the country, Trump could serve as a warning sign as to the country's propensity to fall for bombastic liars, frauds, and con-men. Maybe, kids should learn about all this at an early age, and the nation might be better off for it.

Yeah and Hilary and Obama weren’t criminal’s. Liberals are the biggest liars there are and have no common sense. Can’t wait till 2020 when he downs whichever one of your 22 clowns running.

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The truth is that there are quite a few liars on both sides. Probably has been that way for a long time too. Some would say Trump is the worst of them, while others would say that Hillary was worse; personally, I think when it comes to being somewhat untruthful, those of the Left outnumber those on the Right but maybe that's just my bias seeping through. There are even some on the Left that even bragged about it, as disgusting as that is. Like it was honorable to deceive us, I haven't seen that from anyone on the Right yet.
No amount of message board nonsense can change the simple fact that our President is a compulsive serial malicious liar. He gets caught lying every day. Provable ugly lies about everything. He tells lies that hurt people. He tells lies that hurt the country. Your kids, if you have kids, see the lies and hear the lies.

How do you, if you are a parent, explain his lying. How do you excuse it, if you even try to?

What are the repercussions of a kid knowing the President is a degenerate liar? Are we raising a generation of kids who will grow up thinking being a liar is OK?
Just imagine what they consider acceptable now when it comes to treating women.

So I was in high school in the late 90s. I grew up with Bill Clinton pinning Broaddrick to a bed, and biting her. I grew up with cigars, and abusing a young intern. I grew up with "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is". I grew up with we were not alone, because there were other people in the White House. I grew up with Bill Clinton groping a secret service agent on air force one. I grew up with a president pointing his finger at a camera, and saying "I did not have sex with that woman", when everyone knew he had, and it came out he had, and it was a joke around the entire school... "You wanna pull a Monica?"

You know what I considered acceptable then, and now? Being a moral man, and treating women with due respect.

Why? Two reasons. One, I'm a Christian. Two, I had these people called "parents", and when I disrespected my mother (which really only happened twice), she slapped the crap out of me, and rightly so. And the other time, my father dragged me outside by my ears, and then gave me a talking to that put the fear of G-d in my soul.

Bottom line... if your children get their ideas of what is right and wrong, from TV, the media, or god-forbid politics...... The reality is, that means you suck, and are a failure, as a parent.

Forget Trump for a second, or even the presidency. Half of Congress are alcoholic womanizing, corrupt people. At least half. If your children are so pathetic, they are looking to that group of people for their moral values... shame on you for being a bad parent.
A short list of issues I disagree with him on are personal income taxes, the wall/immigration, judges, abortion, gay rights, his approach to foreign policy, business regulation, health care.

His temperament and behaviors wouldn't be considered "issues", but I find both of them to be a national embarrassment.

Thanks, I am just trying to separate his actions from his personality. As to your short list, I would appreciate clarification regarding:

1. Do you think personal income taxes should be raised as a general principle or because of the deficits we are running?

2. Are you opposed to physical barriers or changes to current immigration law?

3. Do you think abortion and gay rights should be decided by federal judges?

4. Are you opposed to his foreign policy or just to his approach?

5. Do you favor greater business regulation?

6. Do you favor any changes to our current health care system?

P.S. I do not mean for these to be trick questions. I am just interested in your specific disagreements with Trump's actions and policies.
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