He may have made his decision

Biden needs to either shit or get off the pot. With all this speculation, Biden is starting to look like a 2016 version of Palin back in 2012.
I personally don't think he's going to run, because as soon as he declares, he has to start paying 43,000/hr for use of Air Force Two, because as a candidate, he can't use government stuff for his campaign.

I think he's pulling a Palin and doing this just for the attention.
Getting a bit tired of these announcements that Biden is close to making an announcement....
Enough already...
I personally don't think he's going to run, because as soon as he declares, he has to start paying 43,000/hr for use of Air Force Two, because as a candidate, he can't use government stuff for his campaign.

I think he's pulling a Palin and doing this just for the attention.
He can always pull an Obama. Give a speech to some officials in a city and then a "public" appearance.
Both Bill and Joe could bury the Democrats if sufficiently pissed off. They know where all the bodies are buried.
so if Biden wins,,will we see a Biden/Anthony Weiner ticket,,,hey, they both have so much in common, just ask Huma.

Actually, I would think a Biden/O'Malley ticket could be in the future. The rumor mill has been suggesting that if he runs, he'll run on a one-and-done platform, which makes sense. Politically, it would be best to [hope] to use such a one term Presidency to prepare a solid up-and-comer for 2020.

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