my sources in Washington tell me-- biden out by Aug. 1

Sad, but true. Barack would LOVE to get his wife as the figurehead so he can continue to turn America into a third-world country. demonstrated by him never mentioning it once, nor ever advocating for it, nor the Obama's taking any steps to ever make it happen.

But hey, why let the complete and total lack of evidence to back your batshit story stop you.
I predicted long ago...that biden would not be the democratic party nominee.

I said back then the media would turn on him and that would be the signal that he will be ousted.

He will say he is leaving for health reasons and perhaps family problems....hunter knows this and is in deep depression because of it....understanding he will spend prison pardon for him.

Haha, Who do your sources say will take his place?
I'm an American who likes our Constitution and dislikes the leftards who crap on it all the time.

Your brand of leftard scumbaggery will never sell with me.

Leftards destroy everything they touch.
You say you like our constitution yet you support Trump… that’s an oxymoron
Sad, but true. Barack would LOVE to get his wife as the figurehead so he can continue to turn America into a third-world country.
The day after Obama left office the country was automatically the greatest in every category. Trump is still campaigning on how amazing everything was in his first three years. Anybody with common sense knows that economies and employment and living conditions don’t just change overnight. If everything was so incredible during trumps term then that has a large part to do with how things were trending from past years… yet here you are saying obama was turning us into a third world country?? Makes no factual or logical sense.
I dont think she would be a figurehead
She’s not going to be anything in the political realm. She doesn’t like politics. Do you know how silly everybody who is predicting she’s going to be the nominee sounds?!
I predicted long ago...that biden would not be the democratic party nominee.

I said back then the media would turn on him and that would be the signal that he will be ousted.

He will say he is leaving for health reasons and perhaps family problems....hunter knows this and is in deep depression because of it....understanding he will spend prison pardon for him.

Conspiracy theory alert!
I predicted long ago...that biden would not be the democratic party nominee.

I said back then the media would turn on him and that would be the signal that he will be ousted.

He will say he is leaving for health reasons and perhaps family problems....hunter knows this and is in deep depression because of it....understanding he will spend prison pardon for him.

Do you have a link that supports your thread title?

What sources said this?

All I see in your link is some guys speculation.

Nothing about sources in Washington.
I predicted long ago...that biden would not be the democratic party nominee.

I said back then the media would turn on him and that would be the signal that he will be ousted.

He will say he is leaving for health reasons and perhaps family problems....hunter knows this and is in deep depression because of it....understanding he will spend prison pardon for him.

He planned ahead for this. It's why he takes a cue from Vincente Gigante and Ronald Reagan by faking mental illness and 'senility n stuff'; it's to avoid being prosecuted for his long criminal career and getting away with it all.

A glorious inspiration to all Democrats.
She’s not going to be anything in the political realm. She doesn’t like politics. Do you know how silly everybody who is predicting she’s going to be the nominee sounds?!
I dont know who the dems will pick if its not biden

But if the suggestion is the angry black woman from Chicago I wouldnt rule it out
I hope the DNC pics Maxine Waters or that Muslim terrorist welfare bunny whose name I can't remember.
Biden isn’t going anywhere morons
The fact remains, he’s in an obvious and rapid mental and physical decline. There’s no way he could go another term as POTUS. He can barely get through his current term
I dont think she would be a figurehead
What do you think she would be? She would be like the Queen of England, carted out for state dinners and whatnot, while her husband runs the “Transform American into a Third-World, Anti-White Banana Republic” from behind the curtains.
What do you think she would be? She would be like the Queen of England, carted out for state dinners and whatnot, while her husband runs the “Transform American into a Third-World, Anti-White Banana Republic” from behind the curtains.
Once she is sworn in she becomes the most powerful person in the world

No one call tell her what to do
The fact remains, he’s in an obvious and rapid mental and physical decline. There’s no way he could go another term as POTUS. He can barely get through his current term
I think he will .

You think the fat orange freak will last four years???
The fact remains, he’s in an obvious and rapid mental and physical decline. There’s no way he could go another term as POTUS. He can barely get through his current term
He’s in a “rapid decline” phase. I’ve seen it with my own mother, as she will remain stable for several months, and even a year, and then all of a sudden head downhill for several weeks, and then stop there - the new normal.

Even if Biden has stablized at this “new normal,” it is at moderately severe dementia. He can still walk (although he should be using a walker), but his speech is very impaired, he loses his train of thought just a few words into a sentence, does those freezing things, and has nasty outbreaks (did you see how he barked at the reporters yesterday, and then went into broad smile?).

A man like that cannot be President of the United States, and the Dems know it. They are delaying until the last possible moment to give Trump less time to develop and disseminate a campaign against the new opponent.

P.S. Michelle is even MORE of an anti-white racist than her husband.
Once she is sworn in she becomes the most powerful person in the world

No one call tell her what to do
What do you think she might do?

But whatever, shows how important it will be for us to have both chambers of Congress. Only way we can stop her anti-white and anti-American agenda.
What do you think she might do?

But whatever, shows how important it will be for us to have both chambers of Congress. Only way we can stop her anti-white and anti-American agenda.
The Executive Branch has become almost unstoppable

Think of Caesar entering Rome after the conquests

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