He raped a 13yo on a bus...'deported' 19 times...

Mexican man accused of rape had 19 deportations, removals

"WICHITA, Kan. – A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003, records obtained by The Associated Press show."

Forget the wall - tell SOBs like this, 'The next time you are found in the US you will be shot dead on sight/site'...THEN DO IT!
This guy is illegal alien poster child that's what happens when you have an absolute open border and no vetting of these fuck ups… Fact
Mexican man accused of rape had 19 deportations, removals

"WICHITA, Kan. – A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003, records obtained by The Associated Press show."

Forget the wall - tell SOBs like this, 'The next time you are found in the US you will be shot dead on sight/site'...THEN DO IT!

Trump's plan isn't summary execution of the undocumented is it?
You mean illegals.....

They have no rights....
This is what obama wants here.

EVERYONE that voted for HIllary, voted for this.

Voted for what? Deporting illegals? Isn't that what Trump ran on?

For NOT deporting illegals, and letting them come back if we do, so they can rape 13 year old girls, because it's racist to say that rapists are crossing the border.
Not if it's a Taco Bell..

Your inability to deny the results of your sides policies is noted.

YOur inablity to defend you sides policies is also noted.
This is what obama wants here.

EVERYONE that voted for HIllary, voted for this.

Voted for what? Deporting illegals? Isn't that what Trump ran on?

For NOT deporting illegals, and letting them come back if we do, so they can rape 13 year old girls, because it's racist to say that rapists are crossing the border.
Not if it's a Taco Bell..

Your inability to deny the results of your sides policies is noted.

YOur inablity to defend you sides policies is also noted.
My sides? I do have more than one... I have yet to figure them out..Considering that rape has never ceased under any presidential administration...and will continue..All one can do is try to nip it in the bud...
Mexican man accused of rape had 19 deportations, removals

"WICHITA, Kan. – A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003, records obtained by The Associated Press show."

Forget the wall - tell SOBs like this, 'The next time you are found in the US you will be shot dead on sight/site'...THEN DO IT!

Trump's plan isn't summary execution of the undocumented is it?

Got a link, Festus?

The guy I pay to mow my law is native born white. Your meme is wrong.
I've had two people knock on my door wanted to take care of my yard since we got this house. Both white. There is a Hispanic yard crew around here and I hired him once to cut up some tree limbs that were still halfway attached to the tree because I couldn't get them. He was a American.

The guy I pay to mow my law is native born white. Your meme is wrong.
I've had two people knock on my door wanted to take care of my yard since we got this house. Both white. There is a Hispanic yard crew around here and I hired him once to cut up some tree limbs that were still halfway attached to the tree because I couldn't get them. He was a American.

Couple of years ago when times were better, we had a cleaning lady come in once a week. She was white. Lost her to bigger house where she made more money.

THis idea that illegals are important, is complete bullshit.
The only thing I can say for them is that the ones who aren't criminals do want to work.
Once trump is in office, there will never be a 13 year old raped on a Greyhound bus by an illegal alien again!!!! He simply will not allow it. He will only allow LEGAL aliens to rape 13 year olds on Greyhound buses!
I think it's become rather clear that what many in america need is to be in constant rage over something, anything, most often things that that the corporate state media has pointed them toward precisely to keep the public anxious, enraged, and incoherent. Things such as this topic here which is utterly bipartisan and conjoined with concentrated corporate power and its wishes. Things the political system has no intention of really addressing, although it must be pointed out that the current administration has presided over deportations like no other before it.

The fact of the matter is that concentrated corporate wealth and power has seized both your media machine and your government. Your “job creator” class wants the free movement of labor across borders and a labor force they can abuse and under pay more readily. Furthermore, your military is not for defense, not for a while now, it is for the furtherance of corporate interests abroad and crowd control at home as the masses become more and more disillusioned with the “american dream”, watch.

And there will be no wall.
Remember this.

You poor poor sod.
Mexican man accused of rape had 19 deportations, removals

"WICHITA, Kan. – A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003, records obtained by The Associated Press show."

Forget the wall - tell SOBs like this, 'The next time you are found in the US you will be shot dead on sight/site'...THEN DO IT!
Think about that when you want to Mock Trump !

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