Head of NYC police union demands Mayor de Blasio resign by 'sundown'

So the cops don't care who the Voters elected? Awesome. So the cops protect the populace, by ignoring the will of the populace, and their elected leadership. Great. So where does this end? I mean, let's say that the Military decides that Trump is not pro Military enough, or is too willing to deploy them somewhere? Do they demand that the President Resign because they don't like him? How about just the Federal Law Enforcement folks? What if they decide that Trump is bad, and has to resign by Sundown? Are they traitors in this scenario?
Cops in NYC don't work for the Mayor. You should read up on the history of how the Police Commissioner came about in New York.

This isn't anything like the Military and the President.

The budget for New York City is proposed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. That includes the budget for the Police. If the cops don’t work for the Mayor, why is he managing their budget?

When the Mayor cut the budget for the cops, where did he get that authority?

Generally speaking the idea is that the person or office that hires you has the authority to fire you. For elected officials the voters hire them and can fire them. For appointed people like the NYPD Police Commissioner, it is the Mayor who hires and thus can fire.

So if the police do not answer to the elected official, the Mayor, why is he hiring the Police Commissioner?

The Mayor is selected and empowered by the Voters. The will of the people. He can be removed from office by the voters, or an action of the Judicial Branch regarding criminal action. I honestly do not know if there is a way to recall him by either the voters or the City Council. I don’t care either.

The point is that the employees told the boss to resign and leave town or else. The employees entrusted with firearms and authority by law. Not because De Blasio broke the law. Not because he did something horrible like pee on a cops casket. Nope. He just said something they didn’t like.
Because of corruption in the Mayor's office in the early years of NYC history and the Mayor's corrupting influence over the police, the people of the city voted to make the Commissioner an independent authority. It may be that there are recent changes I am not aware of, but the Police Commissioner of NYC has always been legally autonomous from the Mayor.
So the cops don't care who the Voters elected? Awesome. So the cops protect the populace, by ignoring the will of the populace, and their elected leadership. Great. So where does this end? I mean, let's say that the Military decides that Trump is not pro Military enough, or is too willing to deploy them somewhere? Do they demand that the President Resign because they don't like him? How about just the Federal Law Enforcement folks? What if they decide that Trump is bad, and has to resign by Sundown? Are they traitors in this scenario?
Cops in NYC don't work for the Mayor. You should read up on the history of how the Police Commissioner came about in New York.

This isn't anything like the Military and the President.

The budget for New York City is proposed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. That includes the budget for the Police. If the cops don’t work for the Mayor, why is he managing their budget?

When the Mayor cut the budget for the cops, where did he get that authority?

Generally speaking the idea is that the person or office that hires you has the authority to fire you. For elected officials the voters hire them and can fire them. For appointed people like the NYPD Police Commissioner, it is the Mayor who hires and thus can fire.

So if the police do not answer to the elected official, the Mayor, why is he hiring the Police Commissioner?

The Mayor is selected and empowered by the Voters. The will of the people. He can be removed from office by the voters, or an action of the Judicial Branch regarding criminal action. I honestly do not know if there is a way to recall him by either the voters or the City Council. I don’t care either.

The point is that the employees told the boss to resign and leave town or else. The employees entrusted with firearms and authority by law. Not because De Blasio broke the law. Not because he did something horrible like pee on a cops casket. Nope. He just said something they didn’t like.
Because of corruption in the Mayor's office in the early years of NYC history and the Mayor's corrupting influence over the police, the people of the city voted to make the Commissioner an independent authority. It may be that there are recent changes I am not aware of, but the Police Commissioner of NYC has always been legally autonomous from the Mayor.

He is not elected. So somebody hired the Commissioner. And the Mayor controls the budget and signs laws passed by the City Council. So the Mayor is in charge.

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