Heah cum da redistribution' Andy...

Wonderful, so the plan now evolves into shifting paying for all the insane promises made to Detroit City Employees over the last few decades onto the backs of tax payers that aren't currently residents of Detroit and never have been nor ever will be residents of Detroit, taxation sans representation at it's finest.

As a nation we should just go ahead and outlaw the negative consequences associated with poor decision making, save us the trouble of having to lie to ourselves about what we're actually engaged in.
"The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness."

"Psychopathology of the Liberal Mind: The adult drive toward omnipotent control of others, in any arena whatever, is rooted in fears of separation, abandonment loss or abuse--the residual effects of early attachment gone wrong. The need to dominate others arises from the tyrant's need for absolute assurance that the catastrophic loss of dependency or the pain of abuse so devastating to him in his earliest years will not be repeated."

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave." -- Dr. Lyle Rossiter
The question is do we have to wait until 2016 to end the madness, or do we reconcile with the devil like Matthew proposes in his thread?
The question is do we have to wait until 2016 to end the madness

What's going to happen in 2016 "to end this madness"?

GOP Plan For Economic Growth & Jobs - GOP.gov
Thanks for sharing the link, do you happen to have one to all the excuses they're going to make when/if the Republicans get into power and fail to achieve any of the nebulous objectives outlined in this intentionally vague plan? I would have given them more credit if they had simply been honest and released a "plan" that said "We promise more of the same with a different letter behind it's name".

Now all we have to do is find the reincarnation of The Gipper...
Good luck with that. :)
Thanks for sharing the link, do you happen to have one to all the excuses they're going to make when/if the Republicans get into power and fail to achieve any of the nebulous objectives outlined in this intentionally vague plan? I would have given them more credit if they had simply been honest and released a "plan" that said "We promise more of the same with a different letter behind it's name".

Now all we have to do is find the reincarnation of The Gipper...
Good luck with that. :)

Don't be so analytical...dream along with me....
Thanks for sharing the link, do you happen to have one to all the excuses they're going to make when/if the Republicans get into power and fail to achieve any of the nebulous objectives outlined in this intentionally vague plan? I would have given them more credit if they had simply been honest and released a "plan" that said "We promise more of the same with a different letter behind it's name".

Now all we have to do is find the reincarnation of The Gipper...
Good luck with that. :)

Don't be so analytical...dream along with me....

Dreaming is nice Deltex but unfortunately you eventually have to wake up and face the nightmare. ;)

"The Lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enormous prizes, was the one public event to which the proles paid serious attention. It was probable that there were some millions of proles for whom the Lottery was the principal if not the only reason for remaining alive. It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant. Where the Lottery was concerned, even people who could barely read and write seemed capable of intricate calculations and staggering feats of memory. There was a whole tribe of men who made their living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons." -- George Orwell, 1984
Facing the nightmare brings us back to the question of having to wait until 2016... The Egyptians didn't...nor did the Founders????.
Facing the nightmare brings us back to the question of having to wait until 2016... The Egyptians didn't...nor did the Founders????.

I admire your spirit deltex, my own hypothesis though is that our once great Republic will follow a course similar to the dissolution of the once great Roman Republic rather than the one that lead to the revolution of 1776, I hope I'm wrong but so far I don't see any reason to believe that I am.

We have already arrived at the bread & circuses stage.

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