Health Benefits of Smoking - The REAL Truth


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
3.28 Health benefits of smoking - Tobacco In Australia

Research shows smoking cigarettes can help protect us from things like (full explanation for each at link)

- Ulcerative colitis
- Parkinson's disease
- Endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids
- Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
- Cognitive performance
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Thyroid cancer
- Skin cancer

Of course, you're not likely to ever hear about this on those 'truth' commercials.
While no one's suggesting anyone start smoking just to get these benefits, there's more to the subject of smoking and health than only the negative stuff 'ok' to broadcast on tv.
Great article here debunking many popular smoking myths (like lung cancer rate.)

Smoking s Many Myths Examined

Another good one here,
The 10 Most Deceiving Myths About Smoking Debunked - TheRichest

"6. Smoking Bans are Grassroots Initiatives

It would appear as though the move to ban smoking in bars, restaurants, and nowadays most public places began as a popular movement amongst the people. In fact, the people caught on AFTER the lobbyists did their spin doctoring. With over a billion dollars to spend annually, anti-smoking lobbyists have stuck to a mandate that they decided upon in 1975. At the World Conference on Smoking, lobbyists were told by doctors that in order to eliminate smoking it would be “essential to create an atmosphere in which it was perceived that active smokers would injure those around them, especially their family and any infants or young children…” With the money lobbyists have to spend, many poorly researched studies have been conducted showing the negative effects on non-smokers that smoking poses, when, even a study in the American Council on Science and Health reported that there was no negligible difference in the overall health pre and post smoking bans.

3. The World Health Organization has even gone so far as to state that the risk of second hand smoke is “either non-existent or too small to be measured at any meaningful level.” That’s a damning indictment of the anti-smoking groups’ reports that claim the contrary.

2. It is estimated that only about 10 percent of all lifelong smokers end up acquiring lung cancer. The amount of smokers who contract other high-risk cancers for smokers, such as cancers of the mouth and throat only adds up to about another 8 percent, and are generally not concurrent with lung cancer. Even in a worst-case scenario, a lifelong smoker has roughly an 82 to 90 percent chance of NOT getting cancer because of cigarettes. So, in reality, if you smoke, even heavily for half a century, your chances of getting cancer, though higher than a non-smoker, is not the exorbitantly high risk anti-smoking campaigns purport."

The Matrix has you, and it's lying to you. Or at least grossly exaggerating.
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3.28 Health benefits of smoking - Tobacco In Australia

Research shows smoking cigarettes can help protect us from things like (full explanation for each at link)

- Ulcerative colitis
- Parkinson's disease
- Endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids
- Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
- Cognitive performance
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Thyroid cancer
- Skin cancer

Of course, you're not likely to ever hear about this on those 'truth' commercials.

Delta missed the first day of intro to logic for idiots-----


in the case of the observed phenomenon---persons who
do not smoke are more likely to get Parkinson's-----
neurologists with functioning brains---long ago determined
that person's with very early ----not clinically detectable
ie prior smokers simply quit----years before the Parkinson's
constellation of signs manifests----will check out the other
Most of what we get told about drugs today comes from the perspective of abuse, not regulated medicinal use. Great chart here showing the harm to user/harm to others of various substances. Note the most harmful one is also the most glamourized and legal - alcohol. Heroin's less harmful according to this chart:


Drugs that cause most harm Scoring drugs The Economist
Thinking of the chart above, if anti-use ads on tv and elsewhere were applied proportionally to alcohol as with cigs and illicit substances, there'd be very few drinkers. Yet there's next to no such 'don't use' ads. 'Use responsibly' is about all there is. And yet the peril is twice to several times that of outlawed substances.
The problem today is tobacco in the USA is treated with numerous cancer causing chemicals and the paper used in cigarettes (fire safe) is also.

Natural organic tobacco is not nearly as carcinogenic.

Native Americans smoked tobacco for centuries and some claim cancer was non-existent.
The problem today is tobacco in the USA is treated with numerous cancer causing chemicals and the paper used in cigarettes (fire safe) is also.

Natural organic tobacco is not nearly as carcinogenic.

Native Americans smoked tobacco for centuries and some claim cancer was non-existent.

Similar phenomenae is seen in pre-western contact cultures like those in the Pacific. Prior to western explorers arriving, Hawaiians didn't have any STDs despite rather liberal and permissive policies about sex. Europeans introduced many sex-diseases.
3.28 Health benefits of smoking - Tobacco In Australia

Research shows smoking cigarettes can help protect us from things like (full explanation for each at link)

- Ulcerative colitis
- Parkinson's disease
- Endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids
- Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
- Cognitive performance
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Thyroid cancer
- Skin cancer

Of course, you're not likely to ever hear about this on those 'truth' commercials.

I am one of the few smokers left I know, are you serious right now?
3.28 Health benefits of smoking - Tobacco In Australia

Research shows smoking cigarettes can help protect us from things like (full explanation for each at link)

- Ulcerative colitis
- Parkinson's disease
- Endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids
- Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
- Cognitive performance
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Thyroid cancer
- Skin cancer

Of course, you're not likely to ever hear about this on those 'truth' commercials.

I am one of the few smokers left I know, are you serious right now?

Completely. Smoked cigs for about 25 years, smoke a pipe now quitting cigs a few years ago because they became ridiculously expensive.
Not saying smoking's advisable as much as the information people are being spoon-fed is all negative. It's a deliberate attempt to impose some people's will onto everyone by deliberately distorting the truth of it so as to gain support for a coming complete ban. If people udnerstood there's two sides, and one's massively lying to them, they'd never support a ban. But if the only info they get is from the pro-ban side, they will.
3.28 Health benefits of smoking - Tobacco In Australia

Research shows smoking cigarettes can help protect us from things like (full explanation for each at link)

- Ulcerative colitis
- Parkinson's disease
- Endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids
- Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
- Cognitive performance
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Thyroid cancer
- Skin cancer

Of course, you're not likely to ever hear about this on those 'truth' commercials.

Does anyone here prefer lung disease?

CDC - Annual Deaths Attributable to Cigarette Smoking - Smoking Tobacco Use

Most of what we get told about drugs today comes from the perspective of abuse, not regulated medicinal use. Great chart here showing the harm to user/harm to others of various substances. Note the most harmful one is also the most glamourized and legal - alcohol. Heroin's less harmful according to this chart:


Drugs that cause most harm Scoring drugs The Economist
Have you noticed what a horrible place America has become since LSD virtually disappeared?
3.28 Health benefits of smoking - Tobacco In Australia

Research shows smoking cigarettes can help protect us from things like (full explanation for each at link)

- Ulcerative colitis
- Parkinson's disease
- Endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids
- Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
- Cognitive performance
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Thyroid cancer
- Skin cancer

Of course, you're not likely to ever hear about this on those 'truth' commercials.

Does anyone here prefer lung disease?

CDC - Annual Deaths Attributable to Cigarette Smoking - Smoking Tobacco Use


Can get lung disease and cancer from things besides smoking. Because there's so many risk factors in our industrialized society, knowing which was the straw that broke the camel's back is impossible. Many foods cause cancers, the flame retardant chemicals in baby clothes and products do, vehicle exhaust, etc.

You're not eliminating the risk of developing cancer or other maladies if you don't smoke. Only about 10% of smokers develop lung cancer. And despite the impression, you're still gonna die of something unplesant even if you don't smoke.

The aim of singling out tobacco use is I believe the same sorta rationale as is seen in the permissive policy about alcohol while we've banned all the less-harmful or harmless recreational drugs. By demonizing them no one's paying attention to alcohol's effects. Same with smoking, but singling out tobacco, no one's looking at other risk factors like the chemicals in daily products. It's scapegoating, pure and simple.

Sure, smoking's harmful, no one saying it isn't. But so are other thins perhaps even riskier than smoking. But if no one ever heards about them, we're not likely to study them to find out.
3.28 Health benefits of smoking - Tobacco In Australia

Research shows smoking cigarettes can help protect us from things like (full explanation for each at link)

- Ulcerative colitis
- Parkinson's disease
- Endometrial cancer and uterine fibroids
- Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
- Cognitive performance
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Thyroid cancer
- Skin cancer

Of course, you're not likely to ever hear about this on those 'truth' commercials.

Does anyone here prefer lung disease?

CDC - Annual Deaths Attributable to Cigarette Smoking - Smoking Tobacco Use


Can get lung disease and cancer from things besides smoking. Because there's so many risk factors in our industrialized society, knowing which was the straw that broke the camel's back is impossible. Many foods cause cancers, the flame retardant chemicals in baby clothes and products do, vehicle exhaust, etc.

You're not eliminating the risk of developing cancer or other maladies if you don't smoke. Only about 10% of smokers develop lung cancer. And despite the impression, you're still gonna die of something unplesant even if you don't smoke.

The aim of singling out tobacco use is I believe the same sorta rationale as is seen in the permissive policy about alcohol while we've banned all the less-harmful or harmless recreational drugs. By demonizing them no one's paying attention to alcohol's effects. Same with smoking, but singling out tobacco, no one's looking at other risk factors like the chemicals in daily products. It's scapegoating, pure and simple.

Sure, smoking's harmful, no one saying it isn't. But so are other thins perhaps even riskier than smoking. But if no one ever heards about them, we're not likely to study them to find out.

Sorry, there's no way you're going to convince me that smoking is not that bad. Both of my grandfathers died from lung disease, and I've known too many cigarette smokers, including friends, die in their 50's because of smoking.

Before I quit smoking several years ago, I was experiencing horrible bronchitis episodes, at least once a year.

I prefer being addicted to air.
I would hate to go back to being controlled by cigarettes.

And, would really hate stinking that bad again.
I would hate to go back to being controlled by cigarettes.

And, would really hate stinking that bad again.

Yes, it was embarrassing. I didn't want to stand near anyone at the grocery store because I knew I reeked of cigarette smoke. Gross!

I don't even know if I can count how many times I tried to quit before I actually quit. It's an evil addictive drug. And you don't even get a high from it. What a rip-off! lol

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