Health Care and the 4 branches of government


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
4 branches of government, the Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and Insure-ative.

the government unconstitutionally forces people to buy insurance and insurance companies have been dictating policy to to the public for over 20 years.
an unelected group of people, telling the public what they have to do.

anyone who even entertains the idea that the Health Care Bill MIGHT BE a good idea, needs to spend a year in jail contemplating the definitions of treason.
the government passed another form of slavery.

"I can end homelessness by forcing everyone to buy a house" - Obama's anti-health care speech to Hillary, debates.
"You have to pass it to see what inside" -Nancy Pelosi treason comment.

now, Republicans are placing their faith on Romney to over-turn the health care bill, the guy who passed the state prototype of Obamacare in Massachusetts. ...i say good luck.

we haven't even scratched the surface of what kind of monstrosity this is going to be for us and all future generations.
they lied.
there's going to be a lot of people getting cut off from health care.
if you're not paying into the system or designated as a freebie recipient, you're getting cut off.

are they going to force you to buy a pound of vitamin C pills each month, or get cut off from the insurance you HAVE TO pay for?

are they going to force you to get those baby embryo flu shots each year , or get cut off from the insurance you HAVE TO pay for?

are they going to force you to get a certification from a physical training, saying you jogged a mile every month, or get cut off from the insurance you HAVE TO pay for?

are they going to stop treating you after you start collecting Social Security?

go ahead and laugh, you WILL see rules like this enforced.
..and there's not much you can do when you surrender your freedom


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