Health care chat

how true this is. we take care of everyone else but not are own. other countries can do it why cant we free health care for all. this is a form of war right in the usa..40,000 die a yr. no health ins.
Very true indeed. I myself worked as an auto mechanic/technician for 30 yrs. I raised 5 kids, paid my taxes, and contributed to Social Security. In 2006 while working on a vehicle I sustained an injury to my right index finger, it looked like it belonged on a cadaver as there was no blood going to it. I had insurance and it was amputated shortly there after as the meds I was given didn't help. It was diagnosed as a freak injury and I was not to work as a mechanic anymore. Well I had to look for another job and found one in the auto parts field, when the same symptoms manifested in my middle finger which had taken over quite nicely as the new index finger. I was so depressed, but suspected something else was going on. After a battery of blood tests it was confirmed I was one of 300 to 400,000 persons with an immune disorder, that there is no cure for, only symptom management. I applied for SSD, and got turned down. I hired an attorney and filed an appeal. Meanwhile, I can't work, and we barely get by on what my wife makes. I paid into the system and in my time of need I get denied. I know that I'm not alone and many others have gone through this red tape mess known as SSD. It just pisses me off to no end that this country that I love would rather send foriegn aid around the world before they take care of their own. You also have to wait 2 yrs to be eligible for Medicaid once you are approved (if). It seems like they just want folks to go away and die rather then deal with us. We could have a better health care system in place but greed has replaced integrity in todays government and society as a whole. That's my .02 on it.
Friend of mine 50 y.o, a long time consturction worker just had a quadruple bypass.

Cost? $80,000.

He's worked his whole life, paid taxes his whole life and been a stand up guy who raised a family.

Now, if our libertarians chums had their way, he'd have died.


Because that guy hasn't gotten health care benefits in decades, that's why.

Yeah he can drive bulldozer or build a house, but he couldn't find a consturcution jo with any company big enough and well connected enough to pay for his health care.

Is he NOW a parasite to our community?

According to what many of you have said in the past, many of you must think he is.

I have two questions. First, what libertarian EVER said he didn't want people to have healthcare? In fact, what PERSON on this board has ever said he didn't want people to have any healthcare at all? Second, who paid for his bypass surgery?
Unfortunately in the USA if a person cannot afford Health Care Insurance he or she will die if they become seriously ill.

Whereas in Canada, one will have government health coverage and STILL die if he becomes seriously ill.

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