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Health Care Is A Right Not a Privilege!

The US raised taxes but spent it on the military which, in turn, made the rich richer.

actually the US military saved the world in WW 1 & WW2, saved the world from communist slavery and en masse starvation, and is now saving us from ISIS which would cut our heads off if not prevented from doing so by our glorious military. Our military is the source if civilization on earth.
While health care is a right (paid for by taxes) in many other countries, its not a right in the US.

Even though we pay very high taxes, it goes to our incredibly bloated and outdated military. That's the same bloated and outdated military the right wants to spend more of our taxes on.

This is true, we obviously need a bigger military given the huge new terrorist threats we face from the middle east and now a reawakened Russia under Putin. America is bombing in Iraq to prevent genocide because only we have the capitalist wealth and moral standing to do it!.

No, dear, we don't.

America?s staggering defense budget, in charts - The Washington Post

Any country would spend the same amount if they were the world's policeman. And?
While health care is a right (paid for by taxes) in many other countries, its not a right in the US.

Even though we pay very high taxes, it goes to our incredibly bloated and outdated military. That's the same bloated and outdated military the right wants to spend more of our taxes on.

This is true, we obviously need a bigger military given the huge new terrorist threats we face from the middle east and now a reawakened Russia under Putin. America is bombing in Iraq to prevent genocide because only we have the capitalist wealth and moral standing to do it!.

No, dear, we don't.

America?s staggering defense budget, in charts - The Washington Post

Any country would spend the same amount if they were the world's policeman. And?

Actually, even that isn't entirely true. If someone else was the world's policeman, and we their supplier, they still wouldn't spend as much.

This is one thing I don't understand why people don't get.

I had a 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis. It had 78K miles when I bought it, and was in perfect working order. It was a luxury car. Leather, power everything, all the bells and whistles. Loaded. It had one prior owner, who was a doctor. This was the luxury model, of the biggest full size sedan Ford made other than the Lincoln Town Car, was bigger.

I got that car for only $3,000. Yeah, it might have been top of the line, mint condition, luxury car... but it was obsolete. It was old. New stuff replaced it several times over by the time I got it.

What many people seem to not grasp, is that most of the rest of the world, doesn't develop their own military stuff. They buy existing military supplies, from other countries.

For example, the M1A2 Abrams tanks we shipped to Saudi Arabia, were new in 1992. That was 20 years ago.

The M60A3 Patton tanks we sold Egypt, were designed in 1978. That's 34 years ago.

In the mean time, we're building the latest and greatest weapons, and buying them right off the show room floor. Premium prices all around.

Additionally, none of these countries are paying the cost of Research and design. When we sell a tank for $10 million, and it cost us $6 million to build it... that seems like a huge profit, and the politicians are quick to talk about their brilliant move. Of course none of them point out, that 100% of the R&D to make said tank, was already footed by the tax payer, in the billions of dollars. And of course when we were buying the tank for our own military, it was not $6 mill a pop. Likely over $10 Million a pop when they first came out.

The point is this. When you look at Egypt, or Venezuela, and see T-72 Tanks, that's not costing them a fraction of what it cost Russia to develop them.

Nor when other countries have our hardware, did it cost them a fraction of what it cost us.

Now I get it, if you have old F-16As or F-16Bs, and you are replacing them with F-16Es, why not sell those aircraft for what you can get? It might be pocket change, but that's better than zero, right?

But as long as we are doing the R&D, and as long as we're getting the bleeding edge weapons... our budget is going to be vastly larger than those who don't.

If we bought all our tanks, and planes, and ships, from France and Germany, or the UK, we could cut our defense budget by more than half. But we wouldn't have the bleed edge, or the latest greatest stuff.

Just like I can't afford a new Grand Marquis luxury car. But I sure can get a mint condition 10 year old one, for a few grand.
What adds to this is the assumption that since hospitals/ER provide care unconditionally, and taxpayers already pay for this, then the regulations set up were attempts to hold people responsible for their own health care costs such as by requiring insurance.

unfortunately this doesn't solve the problems but makes them worse.
instead of holding the people responsible who are INCURRING costs to the public, the liberal legislation took rights and liberties away from law-abiding citizens without first proving by due process that any such people committed crimes or had any intent of dumping more costs on the public than these citizens pay in.

The first problem, is that the entire premise if false. It is not automatic, that a person who gets treatment at a hospital, is costing the tax payers. I went to the hospital without insurance, and got something called "a bill". I then did something known as "paying the bill".

The BBC did a documentary on Obama care, and discovered numerous people who were paying their own health care bills, and now thanks to ObamaCare, are on government programs, costing tax payers money.

So the entire left-wing premise if false from the start. ObamaCare has done more to increase the cost to tax payers, than reduce it.

one side does not want to pay for war and destroying infrastructure when govt funding could be used to pay for hospital development and health care.

We have already tried that. It's called the "VA system", and it sucks. If I have to choose between my tax money going to the military, which is the fundamental duty of the Federal government, and bad socialized health care, I'll choose the military every single time.

why can't both parties pay for health care by redirecting taxes that they don't want to waste on problems that can be solved instead? why not let all parties pay for health care by reducing or preventing waste or abuses in areas they deem wasteful?

do we really expect to pay for things all the same way?
why not let each party take on problems of govt abuse and waste,
solve those problems, and redirect those funds to pay for health care, education etc.

why not let all approaches work together to solve the problems of waste
and let people pay their taxes into whatever programs they believe are cost effective

who says it all has to be done the same way?

Because when you talk about "waste and govt abuse", all of those things, the other side thinks are great wonderful and a benefit.

For example, I believe that Wind Power is a complete waste. The other side, thinks that the Holy Totems of Power are wonderful.

There is no reconciling these two views. One side has to win, and the other has to lose.

Further, no matter how much we clean out the waste, there will always be waste. Always. Waste is inherent to government.

The only way to eliminate waste from say, medicare... is to eliminate medicare. You will never reach a point where Medicare is waste free. Can't happen. First, there is no "Purity Party", where we can vote for Heavenly Angels, who are perfect, and operate purely on the good of society, instead of partisanship and self interest. Second, even if there was such a party, waste in inherent to very system of government.

Even if you elected *ME* as head of some government agency, it wouldn't make any real difference. Even if my whole goal was to eliminate waste, you have to remember, every year I show money left over, congress is going to cut funding. Now that sounds great, and to me that's wonderful because I'm trying to cut waste.....

But what about all of the people under me? What about all my department heads? What about all my employees? Their entire goal is to prevent those cuts. They want more money, and more raises, and more employees. They have every incentive to make sure there is no money left over at the end of the year. If they have an extra $1,000, they are going to find something to blow it on. Hard to make the case to congress that you need more money, when you have leftover cash.

My entire agency is going to be working 100% against me cutting out the waste.

Do you get the problem? It sounds really easy "just cut waste and use the money to fund health care". That works great in the movies.... simply not true in reality. "Dave" was a great movie, but it was a horrible portrayal of reality. That's why it's not in the Documentary section, but rather the Fiction section.

when I hear them spew that stupid line, taxpayers are paying for it already.
that's the dishonesty they spread.... as if nobody ever pay a thing called, a bill
I would rather pay for those few who don't, than pay for all of people in this country, MOST are abled bodied and able to work to take care of themselves, and their LIFES responsibilities , like paying for what you want in life and not expect other to do it FOR YOU
when I hear them spew that stupid line, taxpayers are paying for it already.
that's the dishonesty they spread.... as if nobody ever pay a thing called, a bill
I would rather pay for those few who don't, than pay for all of people in this country, MOST are abled bodied and able to work to take care of themselves, and their LIFES responsibilities , like paying for what you want in life and not expect other to do it FOR YOU

Hi @Stephanie I agree with what you are saying, and just urging everyone to watch how we say it where we can solve this problem!

If we don't agree who or how these "bills" are getting paid for, instead of arguing day and night over "who is lying"
let's just FIX the problem. We already KNOW taxpayers are paying around 50K a year for inmates in jails.
Let's start where we AGREE and work on WAYS to redirect the funds we ARE paying as taxpayers,
and hold the people responsible who ARE racking up these costs!

We don't need to argue who's lying. The numbers we agree on are enough to speak for themselves.

We know states are spending billions of dollars on prisons, and people LEFT and RIGHT are arguing this taxmoney is wasted on poor managed or corrupted/abused contracts. We all KNOW this is going on.

The only thing missing is we are too busy and divided arguing whose fault it is, instead of fixing it.

If Taxpayers unite and demand this money be managed better and responsibly, where the people who actually incur the costs are held to pay taxpayers back, THAT'S the common issue!

So let's stick to that, and we don't need to accuse, prove or blame this person or that group for who is skirting or lying about what part of the problem. We know it's there, let's fix it instead of arguing who is to blame for it.

I agree with you, but this blame approach is not going to fix the problem. That's the part I'm trying to focus on fixing first, and the numbers and solutions will work themselves out if we quit dividing over political blame and points.
agree to respect and separate by beliefs and/or by party. period!

yes, we should respect and separate as much as possible but liberals are 100% opposed. They are naturally violent and want to use govt violence to impose their will and taxes on everybody else regardless of their beliefs.

Hi @EdwardBaiamonte
I count myself as among the progressive liberals. I may get verbally violent by threatening to go on hunger strikes if people and parties don't get their **** together, but that's the worst I will do.

Most liberals I know are defensive because they do not draw authority directly from the Natural Laws and Constitution as conservatives and Christians do as with the Bible. The liberal Democrats seem to depend on their Party and organizing majority-rule votes to have representation and defense for their views.

That is what is causing this defensiveness and division that obstructs due process and consent of the governed.
People who feel so powerless because they don't feel they have any other way to enforce their consent,
resort to political bullying by exclusion or coercion which I COMPLETELY agree is hypocritical and goes
against "free choice" and everything the Democrats and Liberals are supposed to stand for. I won't stand for that.

At this point, given there is NO Democrat leadership willing to stand up and call it out for what it is,
I am SERIOUSLY considering offering to play this role. And set up some way I can accept FULL responsibility for all the wrongs I see being done by the Democrat Party since NO ONE ELSE seems to be willing to step forward.

So if I am the ONLY liberal here willing to put the Constitution and equal interests/representation and protection of due process/redress of grievances above the selfish political interest of politicians, then just work with me and please let's no longer acknowledge any of these other hypocrites abusing power in ways that are in conflict with both the Constitutional principles and the Democrat Platform itself that is supposed to be equally inclusive.

I am thinking of writing up all the things I see going wrong, and ask the other parties to please petition ME for redress of grievances since everyone else with the party is in complete denial. And see if anyone joins me.

And just do a complete "control alt delete" on all this denial and projection of blame going on,
start with honest grievances and solutions that are being censored by the party themselves
that is too busy funding fake campaigns to invest in sustainable solutions promoted by their own members!

Just quit and start over.

On behalf of all liberals and Democrats that have created this mess before me,
I do apologize and ask to accept responsibility, legally financially socially and media wise for
correcting all these errors and wrongs that nobody else seems to want responsibility for.

I do accept this, on behalf of the Constitution and Americans who should be united under it.

Thank you, EB
I will try to set up a website for this and just quit this whole mess going in circles
because of everyone pointing the finger at everyone else for political points to leverage more funding.

All sold out and nowhere to go!
when I hear them spew that stupid line, taxpayers are paying for it already.
that's the dishonesty they spread.... as if nobody ever pay a thing called, a bill
I would rather pay for those few who don't, than pay for all of people in this country, MOST are abled bodied and able to work to take care of themselves, and their LIFES responsibilities , like paying for what you want in life and not expect other to do it FOR YOU

Hi @Stephanie I agree with what you are saying, and just urging everyone to watch how we say it where we can solve this problem!

If we don't agree who or how these "bills" are getting paid for, instead of arguing day and night over "who is lying"
let's just FIX the problem. We already KNOW taxpayers are paying around 50K a year for inmates in jails.
Let's start where we AGREE and work on WAYS to redirect the funds we ARE paying as taxpayers,
and hold the people responsible who ARE racking up these costs!

We don't need to argue who's lying. The numbers we agree on are enough to speak for themselves.

We know states are spending billions of dollars on prisons, and people LEFT and RIGHT are arguing this taxmoney is wasted on poor managed or corrupted/abused contracts. We all KNOW this is going on.

The only thing missing is we are too busy and divided arguing whose fault it is, instead of fixing it.

If Taxpayers unite and demand this money be managed better and responsibly, where the people who actually incur the costs are held to pay taxpayers back, THAT'S the common issue!

So let's stick to that, and we don't need to accuse, prove or blame this person or that group for who is skirting or lying about what part of the problem. We know it's there, let's fix it instead of arguing who is to blame for it.

I agree with you, but this blame approach is not going to fix the problem. That's the part I'm trying to focus on fixing first, and the numbers and solutions will work themselves out if we quit dividing over political blame and points.

Again, the problem is you simply can't stop waste. It is simply not possible. The only way to eliminate waste, is to eliminate the government.

You have to have a free-market system, in order to stop waste. When you are going to be shut down and out of business, unless you stop wasting money, that incentive will cause the waste to be eliminated. Government officials have no such incentive. In fact, there is more danger in cutting waste which may accidentally causes a backlash, than to just allow the waste to continue.

And as I said before, people disagree on what waste is. What I consider waste, others think is imperative, and vice versa.
. I may get verbally violent by threatening to go on hunger strikes if people and parties don't get their **** together, but that's the worst I will do.

no dear, as a liberal you are violent by nature. You want a big powerful govt to impose its will on others at the point of a gun.

Also, please get organized and cut number of words in your posts by 97%
What adds to this is the assumption that since hospitals/ER provide care unconditionally, and taxpayers already pay for this, then the regulations set up were attempts to hold people responsible for their own health care costs such as by requiring insurance.

unfortunately this doesn't solve the problems but makes them worse.
instead of holding the people responsible who are INCURRING costs to the public, the liberal legislation took rights and liberties away from law-abiding citizens without first proving by due process that any such people committed crimes or had any intent of dumping more costs on the public than these citizens pay in.

The first problem, is that the entire premise if false. It is not automatic, that a person who gets treatment at a hospital, is costing the tax payers. I went to the hospital without insurance, and got something called "a bill". I then did something known as "paying the bill".

The BBC did a documentary on Obama care, and discovered numerous people who were paying their own health care bills, and now thanks to ObamaCare, are on government programs, costing tax payers money.

So the entire left-wing premise if false from the start. ObamaCare has done more to increase the cost to tax payers, than reduce it.

one side does not want to pay for war and destroying infrastructure when govt funding could be used to pay for hospital development and health care.

We have already tried that. It's called the "VA system", and it sucks. If I have to choose between my tax money going to the military, which is the fundamental duty of the Federal government, and bad socialized health care, I'll choose the military every single time.

why can't both parties pay for health care by redirecting taxes that they don't want to waste on problems that can be solved instead? why not let all parties pay for health care by reducing or preventing waste or abuses in areas they deem wasteful?

do we really expect to pay for things all the same way?
why not let each party take on problems of govt abuse and waste,
solve those problems, and redirect those funds to pay for health care, education etc.

why not let all approaches work together to solve the problems of waste
and let people pay their taxes into whatever programs they believe are cost effective

who says it all has to be done the same way?

Because when you talk about "waste and govt abuse", all of those things, the other side thinks are great wonderful and a benefit.

For example, I believe that Wind Power is a complete waste. The other side, thinks that the Holy Totems of Power are wonderful.

There is no reconciling these two views. One side has to win, and the other has to lose.

Further, no matter how much we clean out the waste, there will always be waste. Always. Waste is inherent to government.

The only way to eliminate waste from say, medicare... is to eliminate medicare. You will never reach a point where Medicare is waste free. Can't happen. First, there is no "Purity Party", where we can vote for Heavenly Angels, who are perfect, and operate purely on the good of society, instead of partisanship and self interest. Second, even if there was such a party, waste in inherent to very system of government.

Even if you elected *ME* as head of some government agency, it wouldn't make any real difference. Even if my whole goal was to eliminate waste, you have to remember, every year I show money left over, congress is going to cut funding. Now that sounds great, and to me that's wonderful because I'm trying to cut waste.....

But what about all of the people under me? What about all my department heads? What about all my employees? Their entire goal is to prevent those cuts. They want more money, and more raises, and more employees. They have every incentive to make sure there is no money left over at the end of the year. If they have an extra $1,000, they are going to find something to blow it on. Hard to make the case to congress that you need more money, when you have leftover cash.

My entire agency is going to be working 100% against me cutting out the waste.

Do you get the problem? It sounds really easy "just cut waste and use the money to fund health care". That works great in the movies.... simply not true in reality. "Dave" was a great movie, but it was a horrible portrayal of reality. That's why it's not in the Documentary section, but rather the Fiction section.

when I hear them spew that stupid line, taxpayers are paying for it already.
that's the dishonesty they spread.... as if nobody ever pay a thing called, a bill
I would rather pay for those few who don't, than pay for all of people in this country, MOST are abled bodied and able to work to take care of themselves, and their LIFES responsibilities , like paying for what you want in life and not expect other to do it FOR YOU

Interesting words, coming from a welfare queen. Its not a stupid line: taxpayers DO pay for those who do not pay their own way - like you.

Its true that you pay PART of your Medicare premium but those who work for a living pay for most of what you get. Bottom line, hon, is that you are the person you say you hate.

As for waste, of course we could cut it substantially.

We, in the US believe we can waste and throw away damn near anything. We're stupid that way. Once its out of our sight, it simply ceases to exist. Spend a month recycling everything you can and you'll see what I mean.

Obviously, medical waste has certain different requirements and needs but that doesn't mean we have to throw away without giving it any thought.

If we stopped doing that, we would not have to pay $10 for a Tylenol.
agree to respect and separate by beliefs and/or by party. period!

yes, we should respect and separate as much as possible but liberals are 100% opposed. They are naturally violent and want to use govt violence to impose their will and taxes on everybody else regardless of their beliefs.

Hi @EdwardBaiamonte
I count myself as among the progressive liberals. I may get verbally violent by threatening to go on hunger strikes if people and parties don't get their **** together, but that's the worst I will do.

Most liberals I know are defensive because they do not draw authority directly from the Natural Laws and Constitution as conservatives and Christians do as with the Bible. The liberal Democrats seem to depend on their Party and organizing majority-rule votes to have representation and defense for their views.

That is what is causing this defensiveness and division that obstructs due process and consent of the governed.
People who feel so powerless because they don't feel they have any other way to enforce their consent,
resort to political bullying by exclusion or coercion which I COMPLETELY agree is hypocritical and goes
against "free choice" and everything the Democrats and Liberals are supposed to stand for. I won't stand for that.

At this point, given there is NO Democrat leadership willing to stand up and call it out for what it is,
I am SERIOUSLY considering offering to play this role. And set up some way I can accept FULL responsibility for all the wrongs I see being done by the Democrat Party since NO ONE ELSE seems to be willing to step forward.

So if I am the ONLY liberal here willing to put the Constitution and equal interests/representation and protection of due process/redress of grievances above the selfish political interest of politicians, then just work with me and please let's no longer acknowledge any of these other hypocrites abusing power in ways that are in conflict with both the Constitutional principles and the Democrat Platform itself that is supposed to be equally inclusive.

I am thinking of writing up all the things I see going wrong, and ask the other parties to please petition ME for redress of grievances since everyone else with the party is in complete denial. And see if anyone joins me.

And just do a complete "control alt delete" on all this denial and projection of blame going on,
start with honest grievances and solutions that are being censored by the party themselves
that is too busy funding fake campaigns to invest in sustainable solutions promoted by their own members!

Just quit and start over.

On behalf of all liberals and Democrats that have created this mess before me,
I do apologize and ask to accept responsibility, legally financially socially and media wise for
correcting all these errors and wrongs that nobody else seems to want responsibility for.

I do accept this, on behalf of the Constitution and Americans who should be united under it.

Thank you, EB
I will try to set up a website for this and just quit this whole mess going in circles
because of everyone pointing the finger at everyone else for political points to leverage more funding.

All sold out and nowhere to go!

I don't even know how you support your own position.

You say you are against coercion.
Yet you consider yourself a progressive liberal.

Um... those are mutually exclusive. It is not possible to have a progressive state, without coercion.

Now for the sake of fairness to you, I am open to your answer. Tell me what progressive view you have, that does not require coercion. I am interested in your explanation.
While health care is a right (paid for by taxes) in many other countries, its not a right in the US.

Even though we pay very high taxes, it goes to our incredibly bloated and outdated military. That's the same bloated and outdated military the right wants to spend more of our taxes on.

This is true, we obviously need a bigger military given the huge new terrorist threats we face from the middle east and now a reawakened Russia under Putin. America is bombing in Iraq to prevent genocide because only we have the capitalist wealth and moral standing to do it!.

No, dear, we don't.

America?s staggering defense budget, in charts - The Washington Post

Any country would spend the same amount if they were the world's policeman. And?

Actually, even that isn't entirely true. If someone else was the world's policeman, and we their supplier, they still wouldn't spend as much.

This is one thing I don't understand why people don't get.

I had a 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis. It had 78K miles when I bought it, and was in perfect working order. It was a luxury car. Leather, power everything, all the bells and whistles. Loaded. It had one prior owner, who was a doctor. This was the luxury model, of the biggest full size sedan Ford made other than the Lincoln Town Car, was bigger.

I got that car for only $3,000. Yeah, it might have been top of the line, mint condition, luxury car... but it was obsolete. It was old. New stuff replaced it several times over by the time I got it.

What many people seem to not grasp, is that most of the rest of the world, doesn't develop their own military stuff. They buy existing military supplies, from other countries.

For example, the M1A2 Abrams tanks we shipped to Saudi Arabia, were new in 1992. That was 20 years ago.

The M60A3 Patton tanks we sold Egypt, were designed in 1978. That's 34 years ago.

In the mean time, we're building the latest and greatest weapons, and buying them right off the show room floor. Premium prices all around.

Additionally, none of these countries are paying the cost of Research and design. When we sell a tank for $10 million, and it cost us $6 million to build it... that seems like a huge profit, and the politicians are quick to talk about their brilliant move. Of course none of them point out, that 100% of the R&D to make said tank, was already footed by the tax payer, in the billions of dollars. And of course when we were buying the tank for our own military, it was not $6 mill a pop. Likely over $10 Million a pop when they first came out.

The point is this. When you look at Egypt, or Venezuela, and see T-72 Tanks, that's not costing them a fraction of what it cost Russia to develop them.

Nor when other countries have our hardware, did it cost them a fraction of what it cost us.

Now I get it, if you have old F-16As or F-16Bs, and you are replacing them with F-16Es, why not sell those aircraft for what you can get? It might be pocket change, but that's better than zero, right?

But as long as we are doing the R&D, and as long as we're getting the bleeding edge weapons... our budget is going to be vastly larger than those who don't.

If we bought all our tanks, and planes, and ships, from France and Germany, or the UK, we could cut our defense budget by more than half. But we wouldn't have the bleed edge, or the latest greatest stuff.

Just like I can't afford a new Grand Marquis luxury car. But I sure can get a mint condition 10 year old one, for a few grand.

You need to cut your words by 97% cuz what you write is mostly ...

. It is not possible to have a progressive state, without coercion.


very true! lib progressive commie is merely a violence progression. Liberals are told they are morally superior when the reality is they are merely more violent!.
Interesting words, coming from a welfare queen. Its not a stupid line: taxpayers DO pay for those who do not pay their own way - like you.

Its true that you pay PART of your Medicare premium but those who work for a living pay for most of what you get. Bottom line, hon, is that you are the person you say you hate.

As for waste, of course we could cut it substantially.

We, in the US believe we can waste and throw away damn near anything. We're stupid that way. Once its out of our sight, it simply ceases to exist. Spend a month recycling everything you can and you'll see what I mean.

Obviously, medical waste has certain different requirements and needs but that doesn't mean we have to throw away without giving it any thought.

If we stopped doing that, we would not have to pay $10 for a Tylenol.

Huh? Why is it, people like you always have to be a scummy jerks. Didn't you have parents that taught you how to be decent?

Yes, Medicare is socialized system. That's why it's going broke. Medicare can't work, and at some point will in fact fail, or the quality of care will drastically be cut. This is unavoidable, just as it has been throughout Europe.

And, no it has nothing to do with Tylenol costing $10. That has to do with health care regulations, that require the Tylenol at hospitals be administered by a Registered Nurse, and that the Tylenol come individually wrapped, instead of in bulk containers.

Government regulations are what has driven up costs, not a lack of recycling or some such leftard nonsense. Good grief.
While health care is a right (paid for by taxes) in many other countries, its not a right in the US.

Even though we pay very high taxes, it goes to our incredibly bloated and outdated military. That's the same bloated and outdated military the right wants to spend more of our taxes on.
No other civilized nation lets its citizens die rather than provide medical care to them.

how frikken civilized is a nation that aborts 55million babies
you people are a joke. everyone is treated at an emergency...the only ones left to die it seems is OUR VETS. And that's the health care you so generous people want to put on all our backs
While health care is a right (paid for by taxes) in many other countries, its not a right in the US.

Even though we pay very high taxes, it goes to our incredibly bloated and outdated military. That's the same bloated and outdated military the right wants to spend more of our taxes on.

This is true, we obviously need a bigger military given the huge new terrorist threats we face from the middle east and now a reawakened Russia under Putin. America is bombing in Iraq to prevent genocide because only we have the capitalist wealth and moral standing to do it!.

No, dear, we don't.

America?s staggering defense budget, in charts - The Washington Post

Any country would spend the same amount if they were the world's policeman. And?

Actually, even that isn't entirely true. If someone else was the world's policeman, and we their supplier, they still wouldn't spend as much.

This is one thing I don't understand why people don't get.

I had a 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis. It had 78K miles when I bought it, and was in perfect working order. It was a luxury car. Leather, power everything, all the bells and whistles. Loaded. It had one prior owner, who was a doctor. This was the luxury model, of the biggest full size sedan Ford made other than the Lincoln Town Car, was bigger.

I got that car for only $3,000. Yeah, it might have been top of the line, mint condition, luxury car... but it was obsolete. It was old. New stuff replaced it several times over by the time I got it.

What many people seem to not grasp, is that most of the rest of the world, doesn't develop their own military stuff. They buy existing military supplies, from other countries.

For example, the M1A2 Abrams tanks we shipped to Saudi Arabia, were new in 1992. That was 20 years ago.

The M60A3 Patton tanks we sold Egypt, were designed in 1978. That's 34 years ago.

In the mean time, we're building the latest and greatest weapons, and buying them right off the show room floor. Premium prices all around.

Additionally, none of these countries are paying the cost of Research and design. When we sell a tank for $10 million, and it cost us $6 million to build it... that seems like a huge profit, and the politicians are quick to talk about their brilliant move. Of course none of them point out, that 100% of the R&D to make said tank, was already footed by the tax payer, in the billions of dollars. And of course when we were buying the tank for our own military, it was not $6 mill a pop. Likely over $10 Million a pop when they first came out.

The point is this. When you look at Egypt, or Venezuela, and see T-72 Tanks, that's not costing them a fraction of what it cost Russia to develop them.

Nor when other countries have our hardware, did it cost them a fraction of what it cost us.

Now I get it, if you have old F-16As or F-16Bs, and you are replacing them with F-16Es, why not sell those aircraft for what you can get? It might be pocket change, but that's better than zero, right?

But as long as we are doing the R&D, and as long as we're getting the bleeding edge weapons... our budget is going to be vastly larger than those who don't.

If we bought all our tanks, and planes, and ships, from France and Germany, or the UK, we could cut our defense budget by more than half. But we wouldn't have the bleed edge, or the latest greatest stuff.

Just like I can't afford a new Grand Marquis luxury car. But I sure can get a mint condition 10 year old one, for a few grand.

You need to cut your words by 97% cuz what you write is mostly ...


Coming from the dominate king of BS. Grow up child.
While health care is a right (paid for by taxes) in many other countries, its not a right in the US.

Even though we pay very high taxes, it goes to our incredibly bloated and outdated military. That's the same bloated and outdated military the right wants to spend more of our taxes on.
No other civilized nation lets its citizens die rather than provide medical care to them.

how frikken civilized is a nation that aborts 55million babies
you people are a joke. everyone is treated at an emergency...the only ones left to die it seems is OUR VETS. And that's the health care you so generous people want to put on all our backs

You are quickly becoming my favorite poster. No heart emote. Oh well <3 :)
While health care is a right (paid for by taxes) in many other countries, its not a right in the US.

Even though we pay very high taxes, it goes to our incredibly bloated and outdated military. That's the same bloated and outdated military the right wants to spend more of our taxes on.
No other civilized nation lets its citizens die rather than provide medical care to them.

how frikken civilized is a nation that aborts 55million babies
you people are a joke. everyone is treated at an emergency...the only ones left to die it seems is OUR VETS. And that's the health care you so generous people want to put on all our backs

You are quickly becoming my favorite poster. No heart emote. Oh well <3 :)

I just put things as they are, no bs, sugar or honey in between.
as for the rest of your judgement, whatever
The reason we pay $10 for a Tylenol is the don't care, because we're not paying for it. Someone else is.

Nope. We pay for it all right. Its just that its not right in front of us.

If we had to actually look at the bill instead of losing it nickels and dimes at a time in our pay checks, we'd look at it differently.

We really are a throw-away society. Americans take pride in waste. We see it as a sign of wealth.


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