Health insurance companies are a big problem in this country. My friend just had to shell out $130 out of pocket for his mom’s medicine.

Well despite the economic war the US has waged on Cuba for decades they have more Doctors per head than the US, they have also managed to send Doctors all over the World, that must really piss you off.

Not at all. I love living in the USA with all my medical issues. If you need someone to smack your back while you sneeze, feel free to go to Cuba, Fidel
That’s right, he’s broke because of the inflation, the billions of dollars we give to Israel in Ukraine for nothing. We get nothing for that. And the economic lockdowns. All of them combined not just one of them.
But both christians and atheists can boycott telephone services and get paid ~$80 per month to do something about inflation. Why is this thread not in the religion forum or morality forum?
Oil companies? I’m talking about healthcare and the government here.

Anyway, my friend is broke, the inflation caused by Democrats and Republicans for locking us down and paying out trillions of dollars in stimulus, along with giving billions to Ukraine and Israel. And he has child support payments, and has to pay huge out-of-pocket costs for his mom‘s medicine.

This used to be a great country 75 years ago. Now huge swaths of Americans white and black many of them with military backgrounds are struggling to make ends meet. Something like 50% of Americans don’t have $1000 for an emergency cost.
Whose fault is that? Big Pharma? Oil companies? Donald Trump?
Oil companies? I’m talking about healthcare and the government here.

Anyway, my friend is broke, the inflation caused by Democrats and Republicans for locking us down and paying out trillions of dollars in stimulus, along with giving billions to Ukraine and Israel. And he has child support payments, and has to pay huge out-of-pocket costs for his mom‘s medicine.

This used to be a great country 75 years ago. Now huge swaths of Americans white and black many of them with military backgrounds are struggling to make ends meet. Something like 50% of Americans don’t have $1000 for an emergency cost.

Um, we didn't have inflation under Trump, ONLY BIDEN.

So let me correct you:

"Anyway, my friend is broke, the inflation caused by Democrats for locking us down and paying out trillions of dollars in stimulus, along with giving billions to Ukraine and Israel. And he has child support payments, and has to pay huge out-of-pocket costs for his mom‘s medicine."

You voted for that senile mother fucker, enjoy it.
No disrespect to your mother in any way, but why can't you pay it? Why do we have to? She's not our mother
I mean, if you're not a nation that looks out for each other, weakest to the wall is the moral choice.
That's why I have been asking who pays because Dems clear goal is to eliminate private healthcare, implement government healthcare and pass a massive TAX INCREASE to pay for it.

I'm with you. I've been arguing the same point in the thread. Why shouldn't the son pay rather than all of us who don't know either of them? No disrespect to the mother, but she's not my mother. Why should I have to pay?
I believe they don’t have these problems in Scandinavia or Sweden and I they have communism there. ..we’re one of the only western countries in the world without a nationalized healthcare system.

Anyway, the point is there’s some non-Communist countries with better healthcare options compared to America.
Scandinavia is not country, and Sweden is not Communist, you idiot!
I believe they don’t have these problems in Scandinavia or Sweden and I they have communism there. ..we’re one of the only western countries in the world without a nationalized healthcare system.

Anyway, the point is there’s some non-Communist countries with better healthcare options compared to America.
Many of the treatments and medications used here are unavailable in countries with socialized medicine.
Agreed, and I've had cancer, afib, at least five strokes, a seizure just to start. My meds are incredibly expensive and I haven't asked Uncle Sam for a dime of it
No, just the other suckers who purchased policies from the same company. They're paying for your treatment.
Just as it’s been posted before John Kramer had it right. The problem is not the government or the people it’s the goddamn health insurance companies.

One cannot be a morally upright Christian, and say it’s totally fine for insurance companies and the pharmacy industry to demand extremely high payments for medicine. It is literally pricing people out of healthcare. That’s unbelievable in the country like America. It’s a straightforward issue. It’s either somebody is on the right side of morality or they’re

I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every day, working for these pharmaceutical or health insurance companies, and jacking up the prices of medicine. These are the most evil people in the world. They’re worse than people who engage in a strong armed robberies of 7-Elevens.

Obumble Care, they played you like a fiddle
There are limitations on hospital stays. That was the case for me when I was in the hospital and it was the case for his mother when she was in the hospital. She was thrown out of the hospital and sent back home when she was not rehabilitated fully.

I spent 89 days straight in the hospital this past summer. My insurance never said a word.
I'm with you. I've been arguing the same point in the thread. Why shouldn't the son pay rather than all of us who don't know either of them? No disrespect to the mother, but she's not my mother. Why should I have to pay?
After Dems get total control of healthcare, a mountain of mandates, bans and punishments will follow to force people to OBEY their world view.
Well you said it, the best money can buy, and what if people have no money?

Great question. What if they don't? What are you proposing? There are a LOT of people who can't afford the latest most expensive treatment. What are you going to do about it?
I mean, if you're not a nation that looks out for each other, weakest to the wall is the moral choice.

OK, so your priority is we all live in poverty and squalor but it's OK, we're breathing and that's all that matters. Got it
No, just the other suckers who purchased policies from the same company. They're paying for your treatment.

OK, so again the best insurance companies pay 2-3% more. So for the $150 in the OP they pay an extra 3$ to $4.50, make nothing and then everything is fine.

Got it

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