Health insurers fear young people will opt out


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this is what's coming to a lot of the (youngsters) who voted for Obama...they have a real SHOCK coming their way..Obama and his followers will probably call this person, young people WERE DUPED but don't feel alone, so were all the people who voted for Obama


Associated Press
KELLI KENNEDY 20 hours ago Health Care PolicyHealthPatient Protection and Affordable Care ActBarack Obama

In this Friday, June 21, 2013 photo, college student Francois Louis, 20, poses for a photo in Davie, Fla. Louis can’t remember the last time he went to the doctor and gets by on over the counter medication or health remedies whenever he’s sick. He’d love to be able to the doctor and have a check-up, but says it’s just too expensive on his salary of less than $15,000 a year. For millions of unemployed and underemployed twenty-somethings, many who are still living at home in the wake of a recession, health care has been out of reach. Now sweeping federal health laws are promising make coverage more affordable, but the big question remains, will it be affordable enough? (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)
MIAMI (AP) — Dan Lopez rarely gets sick and hasn't been to a doctor in 10 years, so buying health insurance feels like a waste of money.

Even after the federal health overhaul takes full effect next year, the 24-year-old said he will probably decide to pay the $100 penalty for those who skirt the law's requirement that all Americans purchase coverage.

"I don't feel I should pay for something I don't use," said the Milwaukee resident, who makes about $48,000 a year working two part-time jobs.

Because he makes too much to qualify for government subsidies, Lopez would pay a premium of about $3,000 a year if he chose to buy health insurance.

"I shouldn't be penalized for having good health," he said.

Persuading young, healthy adults such as Lopez to buy insurance under the Affordable Care Act is becoming a major concern for insurance companies as they scramble to comply with the law, which prohibits them from denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions and limits what they can charge to older policy holders.

Experts warn a lot of these so-called "young invincibles" could opt to pay the fine instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars each year on insurance premiums. If enough young adults avoid the new insurance marketplace, it could throw off the entire equilibrium of the Affordable Care Act. Insurers are betting on the business of that group to offset the higher costs they will incur for older, sicker beneficiaries.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that about six million people of various ages will pay the tax penalty for not having insurance in 2014, the first year the law championed by President Barack Obama will be fully implemented.

all of it here
Health insurers fear young people will opt out
Well what the hell did they expect, when they have written in the new bill, that previous conditions are exempt?
It's cheaper for the young to pay the penalties each year and get health insurance when something happens when they need it.
Who ever wrote that into the bill was stupid to think that the young and healthy would do such a thing in the first place.
The young are not able to afford this.
they needed the young to fall for this to help PAY for it..

that is why when they voted Obama and Democrats they voted to make themselves slaves of state

but they wouldn't listen to here they are
Well what the hell did they expect, when they have written in the new bill, that previous conditions are exempt?
It's cheaper for the young to pay the penalties each year and get health insurance when something happens when they need it.
Who ever wrote that into the bill was stupid to think that the young and healthy would do such a thing in the first place.
The young are not able to afford this.

They wrote it that way intentionally. You can't say "see, the system doesn't work so we must replace with universal/government run health care" unless you make it so the system doesn't work.

Remember, there is always an agenda behind their illogical pov.
Well what the hell did they expect, when they have written in the new bill, that previous conditions are exempt?
It's cheaper for the young to pay the penalties each year and get health insurance when something happens when they need it.
Who ever wrote that into the bill was stupid to think that the young and healthy would do such a thing in the first place.
The young are not able to afford this.

They wrote it that way intentionally. You can't say "see, the system doesn't work so we must replace with universal/government run health care" unless you make it so the system doesn't work.

Remember, there is always an agenda behind their illogical pov.

Exactly !
This is a set up so that the next unitary Democratic government (presidency, senate, house) will pass a single payer system as well as increase the fine/tax for opt out.
Well what the hell did they expect, when they have written in the new bill, that previous conditions are exempt?
It's cheaper for the young to pay the penalties each year and get health insurance when something happens when they need it.
Who ever wrote that into the bill was stupid to think that the young and healthy would do such a thing in the first place.
The young are not able to afford this.

They wrote it that way intentionally. You can't say "see, the system doesn't work so we must replace with universal/government run health care" unless you make it so the system doesn't work.

Remember, there is always an agenda behind their illogical pov.

Obama is a snake in that way
[ame=]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]
Limbaugh theorem.
Design it so it fails.
Blame others for it's failure.
Then come in as the guy who can fix the screw up.
This is a set up so that the next unitary Democratic government (presidency, senate, house) will pass a single payer system as well as increase the fine/tax for opt out.

We won't need the fine if single-payer is done correctly.
"I don't feel I should pay for something I don't use," said the Milwaukee resident,

Welcome to the Democratic Party. ObamaCare is nothing but a Marxist program to redistribute wealth from the young, the poorest age group in the country, to the elderly, the wealthiest age group in the country.

But remember, the Democratic Party is the party for the little guy.
Single payer is unconstitutional.

Nope, you have no single line of defense that's relevant.

Yep. Nothing in the Constitution permits the federal government to nationalize an industry. And you telling somebody else their defense if irrelevant is quite laughable considering you've been batting around 100.

Says the guy who never gets into the game. However, :lol: I have emailed SCOTUS to inform them of your scintillating discovery.

Hint: study "socialism" and "nationalization" and study the examples to which the words apply. Don't embarrass yourself again.
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Single payer is unconstitutional.

Nope, you have no single line of defense that's relevant.

Yep. Nothing in the Constitution permits the federal government to nationalize an industry.

And you telling somebody else their defense if irrelevant is quite laughable considering you've been batting around 100.

Nationalize what industry? Health care? Single-payer has nothing to do with providing health care. It's about paying for it.

So you may mean nationalizing the health insurance industry but that's not right, either. Single-payer will eliminate the health insurance industry. The US government will become a health insurer and all existing health insurers will close.

Would that be constitutional? Who knows? I'd bet they would hear a challenge to a single-payer law but there's no telling what they'd say.

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