Health Scare Crisis

Again, that is NOT what I said! HERE is what I said:

"Smoking doesn't hurt you. Believing it will, does."

PERHAPS it should have been:

"Smoking may or may not hurt you. But believing it will, makes it a definite."

But MY stand, for ME is, Smoking will not hurt ME. Just like it didn't hurt my grandfather, uncle or aunt! Who smoked ALL of their adult lives, whereas I have only been smoking for 10 years.

You're arguing bullshit semantics. Are you DWP?

cut the crap,, you are bobo in disguise aren't you.. :lol::lol:

Actually, he has a very valid point, and sometimes when the news is slow they actually let the doctors say this, the number one cause of death in the US is stress, beyond anything else that kills us, stress and worry is often the real reason for heart attacks and strokes as well as has a severely negative effect on the entire body and mind. Stress can cause any type of damage that is often attributed to other things, and of all the evidence, the one thing that is common among those who die prematurely, stress is the only thing that is constant, those who die younger almost always have more stressful lives than those who live longer. It's the reason why smokers can live past a hundred so much ... almost everyone who has lived past 100 are smokers. So even medically the doctors agree, barring any accidents, stress is the most likely benefactor to death.
cut the crap,, you are bobo in disguise aren't you.. :lol::lol: or perhaps I shudda said "bobo in pink tights"
Cheap shot.

Booboo would've blamed this all on BOOOOOSH!! by now.

well, shit,, MM is running all around the mullberry bush..just like bobo in pink tights.. he keeps saying "I can smoke cigarettes and they won't harm me unless I believe they will" and then he keeps denying it.. sounds like a bobo to me..
cut the crap,, you are bobo in disguise aren't you.. :lol::lol: or perhaps I shudda said "bobo in pink tights"
Cheap shot.

Booboo would've blamed this all on BOOOOOSH!! by now.

well, shit,, MM is running all around the mullberry bush..just like bobo in pink tights.. he keeps saying "I can smoke cigarettes and they won't harm me unless I believe they will" and then he keeps denying it.. sounds like a bobo to me..
That's NOT what's happening. Please slow down and actually READ what's posted.

"Smoking may or may not hurt you. But believing it will, makes it a definite."

But MY stand, for ME is, Smoking will not hurt ME. Just like it didn't hurt my grandfather, uncle or aunt! Who smoked ALL of their adult lives, whereas I have only been smoking for 10 years.

No denials there, at all.

cut the crap,, you are bobo in disguise aren't you.. :lol::lol:

Actually, he has a very valid point, and sometimes when the news is slow they actually let the doctors say this, the number one cause of death in the US is stress, beyond anything else that kills us, stress and worry is often the real reason for heart attacks and strokes as well as has a severely negative effect on the entire body and mind. Stress can cause any type of damage that is often attributed to other things, and of all the evidence, the one thing that is common among those who die prematurely, stress is the only thing that is constant, those who die younger almost always have more stressful lives than those who live longer. It's the reason why smokers can live past a hundred so much ... almost everyone who has lived past 100 are smokers. So even medically the doctors agree, barring any accidents, stress is the most likely benefactor to death.

I think I said early on you and MM are the two DUmmies who actually think you can smoke cigarettes and because you "believe" they won't hurt you, will not get cancer.. I chuckle every time I read that. :lol:
I think I said early on you and MM are the two DUmmies who actually think you can smoke cigarettes and because you "believe" they won't hurt you, will not get cancer.. I chuckle every time I read that. :lol:
I've seen three folks do so, for decades, with NO ill effect. All three believed there would be no ill effect.

And there wasn't.

You're scoffing at what you haven't the candlepower to understand.
I think I said early on you and MM are the two DUmmies who actually think you can smoke cigarettes and because you "believe" they won't hurt you, will not get cancer.. I chuckle every time I read that. :lol:
I've seen three folks do so, for decades, with NO ill effect. All three believed there would be no ill effect.

And there wasn't.

You're scoffing at what you haven't the candlepower to understand.

Hell, my lung capacity is actually better than those who never smoke but live in this same city ...
well, shit,, MM is running all around the mullberry bush..just like bobo in pink tights.. he keeps saying "I can smoke cigarettes and they won't harm me unless I believe they will" and then he keeps denying it.. sounds like a bobo to me..
Reading for comprehension is a good thing...Try it some time.

MM's point is that any risky/potentially damaging behavior is exacerbated by the belief that it is damaging, which inevitably leads to what one may or may not do next.....Which, more often than not, ends up being even more risky/damaging thinking and behaviors.

This does not automatically lead to the conclusion that one can believe their way out of the potential risks of any given risky behavior on its own.
well, shit,, MM is running all around the mullberry bush..just like bobo in pink tights.. he keeps saying "I can smoke cigarettes and they won't harm me unless I believe they will" and then he keeps denying it.. sounds like a bobo to me..
Reading for comprehension is a good thing...Try it some time.

MM's point is that any risky/potentially damaging behavior is exacerbated by the belief that it is damaging, which inevitably leads to what one may or may not do next.....Which, more often than not, ends up being even more risky/damaging thinking and behaviors.

This does not automatically lead to the conclusion that one can believe their way out of the potential risks of any given risky behavior on its own.

This is where you guys part ways with common sense.. Jeez.. believe it is damaging and stop doing it.. that's your very best bet.. To do it and think you can slide by "not believing it does damage" is just plain stoopit!
well, shit,, MM is running all around the mullberry bush..just like bobo in pink tights.. he keeps saying "I can smoke cigarettes and they won't harm me unless I believe they will" and then he keeps denying it.. sounds like a bobo to me..
Reading for comprehension is a good thing...Try it some time.

MM's point is that any risky/potentially damaging behavior is exacerbated by the belief that it is damaging, which inevitably leads to what one may or may not do next.....Which, more often than not, ends up being even more risky/damaging thinking and behaviors.

This does not automatically lead to the conclusion that one can believe their way out of the potential risks of any given risky behavior on its own.

This is where you guys part ways with common sense.. Jeez.. believe it is damaging and stop doing it.. that's your very best bet.. To do it and think you can slide by "not believing it does damage" is just plain stoopit!
Talk about missing the point.

What if the person exhibiting the risky/damaging behavior perceives a benefit that, in their subjective judgment, outweighs the risks??
This is where you guys part ways with common sense.. Jeez.. believe it is damaging and stop doing it.. that's your very best bet.. To do it and think you can slide by "not believing it does damage" is just plain stoopit!
You have no common sense to part with!

Because you are conditioned and programmed. I'll illustrate:

How many people smoke annually? 48 million? That's fair.... in fact it's probably quite conservative. How many new cases of lung cancer attributed to cigarette smoking annually? 100 thousand? 200? Know the difference between thousands and millions?

You seem to believe everyone who smokes develops lung cancer, yet are scoffing at the possibility that the metaphysical world might, in some cases, make it NOT happen? Can you not see how stupid that is?

Please explain the 47.8 million people who smoke, who never develop lung cancer. I can't, can medical science? Were they just lucky? Random chance? You'll believe that?

Or is it possible this deal about smoking is overblown, exaggerated, ALL out of proportion?
You 'believe" you know. You are too scared to really "know"
I only just caught this. Do you have any clue how nonsensical this is? Especially IF you even bothered to read the OP? Scared people believe smoking WILL kill them. I'm on the opposite side of that.
I also eshew medicine as much as humanly possible and for much the same reason that our chum MM does.

Now it is possible that I will die early because I don't discover some easily solved medical problem in time, I'll admit that.

But given that iatrogenises is the third or fouth cause of death in the USA, I guess I'm willing to risk it.

Unless and until I notice something untoward, I tend to avoid modern medicine.

I did finally get a check-up recently, just because I needed to check something that was real, (and turned out to be nothing) and discovered that basically I'm in good (excellent, really) health.

Given that I treated my body like a playground for decades, and still basically don't even remotely take care of myself, I must admit I was pleased that my genetics trumped that less than ideal lifestyle I seem to be so comfortable with.

My nurse practicioner and MD (neither knew me) both thought I was much younger than I was until they asked my age.

My blood tests and vital signs seemed to indicate that physically I am apparently somewhat younger than my chonological age, too.

knock wood.
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This is where you guys part ways with common sense.. Jeez.. believe it is damaging and stop doing it.. that's your very best bet.. To do it and think you can slide by "not believing it does damage" is just plain stoopit!
You have no common sense to part with!

Because you are conditioned and programmed. I'll illustrate:

How many people smoke annually? 48 million? That's fair.... in fact it's probably quite conservative. How many new cases of lung cancer attributed to cigarette smoking annually? 100 thousand? 200? Know the difference between thousands and millions?

You seem to believe everyone who smokes develops lung cancer, yet are scoffing at the possibility that the metaphysical world might, in some cases, make it NOT happen? Can you not see how stupid that is?

Please explain the 47.8 million people who smoke, who never develop lung cancer. I can't, can medical science? Were they just lucky? Random chance? You'll believe that?

Or is it possible this deal about smoking is overblown, exaggerated, ALL out of proportion?

are you gonna sit there and tell us that lung cancer is the only adverse effect you might have from smoking? and, that since so many don't get it smoking is just fine and dandy as long as you believe you won't get lung cancer? and you say I don't have common sense? :lol:

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