Healthcare Exchanges:Mass Confusion&Doctor Shortage.A Next Major Democrat Scandal?

Feb 1, 2013

How come no one has ever asked Obama about the current doctor shortage we already have in a press conference?
What's the point of buying Obama-Care when so many doctors have retired and getting an appointment for an urgent care situation can take weeks?
And have you heard? The Libs are using these exchanges to register many customers for voter registration. In other words, No Free Health Care for Republicans?
Anyone wonder where all of this Healthcare Exchange money is really going to? Keeping in mind it's being run by Liberals!
Let's just wait and find out about the horror stories of those who bought government run health insurance and CAN'T FIND A DOCTOR, and some die waiting in the end.

How come no one has ever asked Obama about the current doctor shortage we already have in a press conference?
What's the point of buying Obama-Care when so many doctors have retired and getting an appointment for an urgent care situation can take weeks?
And have you heard? The Libs are using these exchanges to register many customers for voter registration. In other words, No Free Health Care for Republicans?
Anyone wonder where all of this Healthcare Exchange money is really going to? Keeping in mind it's being run by Liberals!
Let's just wait and find out about the horror stories of those who bought government run health insurance and CAN'T FIND A DOCTOR, and some die waiting in the end.

Yer kidding, right?

Look, ladies and gents. Here it is.

dimocraps don't run this Country right now. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM does.

dimocraps couldn't get elected dogcatcher without the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM running interference for them and telling lies and omitting transgressions and hammering the opposition (Patriotic Republicans) for them.

That's just the way it is.

Of the major scandals the Stuttering Clusterfukk is now facing, know how many were actually broke by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

None. Not a one. Benghazi, the IRS, even the AP scandal wasn't broken by the AP!!

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and the dimocrap party are the same thing. They are totally and completely the same entity.

I'm talking the alphabet TV Networks, the Newspapers, the AP, UPI and Reuters American Affiliates, Hollywood, the New Yawk Stage, singers........

They ARE the dimocrap party.

So why would someone criticize themselves?

It ain't gonna happen.

There are two kinds of people in this Country right now -- Those few of us who can think for ourselves and the majority of people who don't think at all but instead, receive all their thoughts, get all their information, learn everything they know from the Pop Culture disease I call the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

And I'll tell you why..... Being stupid helps. A lot. But most importantly...??

It's easy. It's just so easy to be a libtard. You don't have to think for yourself because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM does that for you, you don't have a POV, the LSM does that for you too. You don't have any heavy decisions to make come election time.....

It's easy. Being a libtard is just that -- Easy.

But, being a servant always has been

How come no one has ever asked Obama about the current doctor shortage we already have in a press conference?
What's the point of buying Obama-Care when so many doctors have retired and getting an appointment for an urgent care situation can take weeks?
And have you heard? The Libs are using these exchanges to register many customers for voter registration. In other words, No Free Health Care for Republicans?
Anyone wonder where all of this Healthcare Exchange money is really going to? Keeping in mind it's being run by Liberals!
Let's just wait and find out about the horror stories of those who bought government run health insurance and CAN'T FIND A DOCTOR, and some die waiting in the end.

Yer kidding, right?

Look, ladies and gents. Here it is.

dimocraps don't run this Country right now. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM does.

dimocraps couldn't get elected dogcatcher without the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM running interference for them and telling lies and omitting transgressions and hammering the opposition (Patriotic Republicans) for them.

That's just the way it is.

Of the major scandals the Stuttering Clusterfukk is now facing, know how many were actually broke by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

None. Not a one. Benghazi, the IRS, even the AP scandal wasn't broken by the AP!!

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and the dimocrap party are the same thing. They are totally and completely the same entity.

I'm talking the alphabet TV Networks, the Newspapers, the AP, UPI and Reuters American Affiliates, Hollywood, the New Yawk Stage, singers........

They ARE the dimocrap party.

So why would someone criticize themselves?

It ain't gonna happen.

There are two kinds of people in this Country right now -- Those few of us who can think for ourselves and the majority of people who don't think at all but instead, receive all their thoughts, get all their information, learn everything they know from the Pop Culture disease I call the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

And I'll tell you why..... Being stupid helps. A lot. But most importantly...??

It's easy. It's just so easy to be a libtard. You don't have to think for yourself because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM does that for you, you don't have a POV, the LSM does that for you too. You don't have any heavy decisions to make come election time.....

It's easy. Being a libtard is just that -- Easy.

But, being a servant always has been


Is that you?

and the Libs expect the 1% to pay for the other 99%? lets just wait and see how many doctors refuse to take Obama-Care knowing they will never be reimbursed, or have to wait 3 months for their tiny reinbursment check from Obama.
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.
Most of the forecasts of doctor shortages assume that a primary care physician can handle a set amount of patients in a practice, usually about 2,500. And if that remains the case, then there will be shortage. However, the healthcare system is rapidly changing.

First of all, doctors are increasingly joining bigger practices. They’re able to share support staff and office space, which makes it easier to take on a much bigger patient population. Second, the health care workforce is changing, as physician assistants and nurse practitioners take on larger roles. Having non-physicians take care of routine care, things like strep throats and ear infections, can again increase the size of a doctor’s patient population.

In the latest report, CBO estimated that by 2023, about 25 million U.S. residents will gain coverage under the ACA. This means the number of people with health insurance will increase only about 8% which can easily be absorbed by better patient management.

Read more: CBO Revises Projections Related to ACA and Health Care Spending - California Healthline

CBO Revises Projections Related to ACA and Health Care Spending - California Healthline
bad enough an average household of 5, income 45,000-50,000 can't even afford a new car, and most don't have a 1 or2 year supply cash in the bank in the event of a financial crisis, yet Obama expects them to pay about 20,000 a year in higher health-care costs?
bad enough an average household of 5, income 45,000-50,000 can't even afford a new car, and most don't have a 1 or2 year supply cash in the bank in the event of a financial crisis, yet Obama expects them to pay about 20,000 a year in higher health-care costs?
$20,000 a year is huge exaggeration. Health Insurance for the family of 3 at that income level will be approximately $2,074/yr or $172/mo. including the federal subsidy. I doubt anyone with a family of five at that income level would consider a new car more important than health insurance.

Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
bad enough an average household of 5, income 45,000-50,000 can't even afford a new car, and most don't have a 1 or2 year supply cash in the bank in the event of a financial crisis, yet Obama expects them to pay about 20,000 a year in higher health-care costs?

That's a stupid thing to say. You don't believe it, right? You're just repeating some anti Obama nonsense you heard somewhere, right?
Healthcare Exchanges:Mass Confusion&Doctor Shortage.A Next Major Democrat Scandal?

Scandal? Ummm no. You know, if you wingnuts keep calling everything a scandal, you start sounding overzealous and people stop taking you seriously. Err, my bad. People STOPPED taking you seriously a while back. Carry on.

So you think the IRS and NSA "Scandals aren't Scandals at all"?:eek:
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

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