Healthcare Exchanges:Mass Confusion&Doctor Shortage.A Next Major Democrat Scandal?

You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(
I doubt that. More people with health insurance will mean higher revenues and less write offs for doctors.
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and the Libs expect the 1% to pay for the other 99%? lets just wait and see how many doctors refuse to take Obama-Care knowing they will never be reimbursed, or have to wait 3 months for their tiny reinbursment check from Obama.

So who is it doctors will refuse treatment to? Will it be those on Medicaid or those with private health insurance? Last of all, how will this affect you personally?
Most of the forecasts of doctor shortages assume that a primary care physician can handle a set amount of patients in a practice, usually about 2,500. And if that remains the case, then there will be shortage. However, the healthcare system is rapidly changing.

First of all, doctors are increasingly joining bigger practices. They’re able to share support staff and office space, which makes it easier to take on a much bigger patient population. Second, the health care workforce is changing, as physician assistants and nurse practitioners take on larger roles. Having non-physicians take care of routine care, things like strep throats and ear infections, can again increase the size of a doctor’s patient population.

In the latest report, CBO estimated that by 2023, about 25 million U.S. residents will gain coverage under the ACA. This means the number of people with health insurance will increase only about 8% which can easily be absorbed by better patient management.

Read more: CBO Revises Projections Related to ACA and Health Care Spending - California Healthline

CBO Revises Projections Related to ACA and Health Care Spending - California Healthline

I have Hemochromatosis and Cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis, so I go to a cancer center for ongoing care. Basically, I just need to have a phlebotomy every three to four months, and they monitor my liver. I have an AFP (Alpha Feta Protein) tumor marker test done every six months and they check my liver by ultrasound once per year just to make certain there are no tumors since I am at high risk to develop liver cancer. If I do, and it is caught early, I might survive it. Since they know I am at high risk, they monitor it closely.

That brings me to my point. While I have an appointment with them about every three months, I only see the doctor once per year, after I have my liver ultrasound which he checks on. The rest of the year, I see the nurse practitioner whom I really like and have all the confidence in. You are correct, healthcare is changing, and I think it is for the better.
bad enough an average household of 5, income 45,000-50,000 can't even afford a new car, and most don't have a 1 or2 year supply cash in the bank in the event of a financial crisis, yet Obama expects them to pay about 20,000 a year in higher health-care costs?

Wrong. Fail.
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.
6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012
No, they won't quit.

Are you going to pass more laws to force them to take government insured people? Because what they will do is go into private practice and NOT take any government insured individual.
I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.
6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012
No, they won't quit.

Are you going to pass more laws to force them to take government insured people? Because what they will do is go into private practice and NOT take any government insured individual.

One step at a time. If many of the provisions in Obamacare do work at reducing costs, it will help make it more affordable for doctors to take on medicaid patients.
What is happening here is that the "Conservatives" are once again losing on an issue. Like all the predictions of economic collapse because of the President's stimulas program, the predictions of a collapse of the health care system as the ACA is implemented, are going to be shown to be bogus.

Will there be problems? Yes. As with any new system. But more Americans will be able to afford health care, and we will be a better nation for it.
What is happening here is that the "Conservatives" are once again losing on an issue. Like all the predictions of economic collapse because of the President's stimulas program, the predictions of a collapse of the health care system as the ACA is implemented, are going to be shown to be bogus.

Will there be problems? Yes. As with any new system. But more Americans will be able to afford health care, and we will be a better nation for it.

I hope you're right.

This thing, however, remains a bloated pig that will not even insure everyone. A massive bureaucratic blob that could have been done so much better, a perfect example of a bunch of professional politicians letting politics interfere with rational governance. Again. Both parties. From what I've seen, I expect some definite improvements, some definite (and predictable) bloat & bottlenecks.

Not to mention the absolute madness of handing so much authority within a health care system to the IRS. Holy fucking crap.

My expectations now of politicians are so low that I'll just hope for the best. Not much else I can do. Here it comes.

(Also, I checked the Colorado exchange numbers. Our individual family plan will be going from $580/mo to $740/mo)

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This thread should be flagged by the admins as an example of how meaningful debate can take place when only one of the sides gives a shirt about facts. The nutters have been thoroughly schooled here.
Medicare for all would insure everyone. Which of the two parties is likely to never go for that idea?

The same party that fought everything in the little we get from the ACA. The same party that lies constantly about how the health care systems in the other democratic industrial nations are working.
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012

The doctors I have spoken to say once Obamacare goes into effect they are moving to private practices even if they have to hang a sign from the front yard. They won't be a part of Obamacare because it conflicts with their ethics and the reason they studied medicine to begin with. Who can blame them. In Canada the same thing happened. Socialised medicine resulted in huge patient waiting line with one doctor carrying all the work without the monetary compensation. The doctor I knew in Canada left and moved here. He said, Obamacare will be alot worse than the waiting lists in Canada. People die while waiting on those lists. Good luck with finding any decent doctor who would want to be a part of that. The Canadians solved their doctor shortage by importing Muslim Doctors from 3rd world nations who appreciated a better standard of living than from where they came from. The problem with that is that the female patients are complaining they do not get the same quality care as male patients get. Don't know if that is true or not that is just what I've heard Canadians complain about. Back when they were "allowed to complain" without threat of a jail sentence. - Jeri
This thread should be flagged by the admins as an example of how meaningful debate can take place when only one of the sides gives a shirt about facts. The nutters have been thoroughly schooled here.

Yep. When you are losing badly in a debate, lie like hell. Tell really big ones. The GOP way at present. Eisenhower and Buckley would be ashamed of the present GOP.
I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012

The doctors I have spoken to say once Obamacare goes into effect they are moving to private practices even if they have to hang a sign from the front yard. They won't be a part of Obamacare because it conflicts with their ethics and the reason they studied medicine to begin with. Who can blame them. In Canada the same thing happened. Socialised medicine resulted in huge patient waiting line with one doctor carrying all the work without the monetary compensation. The doctor I knew in Canada left and moved here. He said, Obamacare will be alot worse than the waiting lists in Canada. People die while waiting on those lists. Good luck with finding any decent doctor who would want to be a part of that. The Canadians solved their doctor shortage by importing Muslim Doctors from 3rd world nations who appreciated a better standard of living than from where they came from. The problem with that is that the female patients are complaining they do not get the same quality care as male patients get. Don't know if that is true or not that is just what I've heard Canadians complain about. Back when they were "allowed to complain" without threat of a jail sentence. - Jeri are full of shit.
I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012

The doctors I have spoken to say once Obamacare goes into effect they are moving to private practices even if they have to hang a sign from the front yard. They won't be a part of Obamacare because it conflicts with their ethics and the reason they studied medicine to begin with. Who can blame them. In Canada the same thing happened. Socialised medicine resulted in huge patient waiting line with one doctor carrying all the work without the monetary compensation. The doctor I knew in Canada left and moved here. He said, Obamacare will be alot worse than the waiting lists in Canada. People die while waiting on those lists. Good luck with finding any decent doctor who would want to be a part of that. The Canadians solved their doctor shortage by importing Muslim Doctors from 3rd world nations who appreciated a better standard of living than from where they came from. The problem with that is that the female patients are complaining they do not get the same quality care as male patients get. Don't know if that is true or not that is just what I've heard Canadians complain about. Back when they were "allowed to complain" without threat of a jail sentence. - Jeri

Meme-busting: Doctors are all leaving Canada to practice in the U.S. - The Washington Post

So when emigration “spiked,” 400-500 doctors were leaving Canada for the United States. There are more than 800,000 physicians in the U.S. right now, so I’m skeptical that every doctor knows one of those emigres. But I’d especially like you to pay attention to the yellow line, which is the net loss of doctors to Canada.

In 2003, net emigration became net immigration. Let me say that again. More doctors were moving into Canada than were moving out.

So there’s no part of this meme that’s true. Not only are physicians not more dissatisfied practicing in Canada than in the Unites States, but more doctors are also moving into Canada to practice than leaving.
Since the Canadians adapted universal single payer health care, their average lifespan has increased over that of the US. Not only that, but their infant mortality rate is excellant, while that of the US is third world.

If this bloated pig of a bill had been written by a Republican congress and the White House occupant had an (R) after his name, the Democrats would be screaming from the freakin' mountaintops that it was a huge bureaucratic giveaway to the insurance companies. They would then point to the fact that millions will remain uninsured and freakin' crucify the GOP for leaving such a big hole in such an expensive system. Not to mention turning the "policing" of the whole thing to the freakin' IRS.

And I wouldn't blame them a bit.

I don't understand partisan politics, I never will.

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I thought that, under the ACA, healthcare was still to be paid for by private health insurance.
Have I got that wrong?
bad enough an average household of 5, income 45,000-50,000 can't even afford a new car, and most don't have a 1 or2 year supply cash in the bank in the event of a financial crisis, yet Obama expects them to pay about 20,000 a year in higher health-care costs?

That's a stupid thing to say. You don't believe it, right? You're just repeating some anti Obama nonsense you heard somewhere, right?

I used to think this poster was a 10 year-old but now I'm convinced it's some sort of computer-generated troll.
All it does is spout right-wing memes and never engages in debate or responds to other posters.

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