Healthcare Exchanges:Mass Confusion&Doctor Shortage.A Next Major Democrat Scandal?

I am hearing that some private practices may offer their own programs whereas a patient will pay them a monthly fee for unlimited(to some extent) services. It was brought up in a recent Hannity radio show. Not a bad idea where a single healthy person can pay about 50.00 a month to his private doctor and be treated whenever needed, and very little paper work. I hope they all do this! maybe 50/75 per person and a family plan of about 250.00.

That's works great when you have to go to the doctor for the flu or some minor ailment. It doesn't work out so well when you have a heart attack and need to go to the hospital for a triple bypass.
There's something somewhat unpleasant about the reasoning that leads one to decide that people who can't afford healthcare need to continue to be unable to afford it lest we put pressure on the availability of doctors.
There's something somewhat unpleasant about the reasoning that leads one to decide that people who can't afford healthcare need to continue to be unable to afford it lest we put pressure on the availability of doctors.

There's something somewhat unpleasant about the reasoning that leads one to decide that people can receive health care if there are no doctors to dispense it.
well you know that any private practice wont offer 50-100.00 a month insurance to anyone who is a heavy smoker/and or/very obese/never works out, etc. and aren't those the ones who are some of the culprits behind expensive health-care costs? have u seen any of those Discover/TLC documents on 400-800 pound people on the verge of death? why would anyone even do that to themselves?
I thought that, under the ACA, healthcare was still to be paid for by private health insurance.
Have I got that wrong?

dimocraps lie, it's what they do.

To say that Republicans haven't wanted Universal Health Insurance in the past is wrong. Most of us still do.

What we don't want it -- socialism. And that's what the Stuttering Clusterfukk has given us.

Not one Republican voted for this abortion of a bill.

And I find that curious since none other than Richard Nixon proposed Universal Health Insurance as early as 1947 -- His first year in Conggress.

He also made the keynote of his 1973 State of The Union Address.

But every time Republicans tried to advance the notion of Universal Health Insurance, guess who fought it and defeated it?

dimocrap scum. Most notably Ted Kennedy.

Republicans, and I, have always wanted Universal Health Insurance in this Country.

dimocrap scum just simply couldn't care less about Universal Health.... They want socialism. That is their goal.

Most of you are new to this game but I was in the Insurance Industry beginning in 1981. I made my living, and a decent one, in Insurance. I understand it. I know how it works. I followed it.

And believe me when I tell you.... What dimocrap scum have done here is nothing more than a gateway to socialist Health Care. And when you have socialized medicine - You have socialism.

You're making me dizzy. Do you always talk in circles?

I believe this genius thinks "universal health care" means that everyone gets a good job and pays for it like we always have. Universal=everyone.
People, allow this to sink in, "The IRS can only enforce this mandate on the population that earns enough to have to file a tax return each year." In my world, employers generally do not hire sickly people or keep them very long if they do become ill frequently. Obviously the population that the mandate will cover is mostly healthy people.

There is no good reason for raising our premiums and if fact should be lower with a larger pool being insured across the board.
There's something somewhat unpleasant about the reasoning that leads one to decide that people who can't afford healthcare need to continue to be unable to afford it lest we put pressure on the availability of doctors.

There's something somewhat unpleasant about the reasoning that leads one to decide that people can receive health care if there are no doctors to dispense it.

So I guess you'd solve a teacher shortage problem by kicking the poorest people out of school?

lol moron.
No one has been able to explain to me what "Obamacare" has to do with the fact that less people are going to medical school and more people (boomers) are getting old and sick.
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012
The myth that tens of thousands of doctors will be giving up medicine dates back a few years when Medicare reimbursement were suppose to be cut in 2005 but never happen. According to the 1997 reimbursement formula, cuts were required but lawmakers have kept finding ways to avoid those cuts. Again, Medicare reimbursements were going to be cut as a part of ACA but that really didn't happen, actually it was sidestepped. In 2013, Medicare reimbursements are suppose to be cut by 2%. I doubt this will happen. Even if it does, it's certainly not going to drive doctors out of their profession

It's just another myth like $20,000 health insurance premiums for low income families.
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well you know that any private practice wont offer 50-100.00 a month insurance to anyone who is a heavy smoker/and or/very obese/never works out, etc. and aren't those the ones who are some of the culprits behind expensive health-care costs? have u seen any of those Discover/TLC documents on 400-800 pound people on the verge of death? why would anyone even do that to themselves?


Well....fortunately, obesity is now a disease that qualifies for treatment and will be covered under insurance plans. That means that doctors will diagnose young people who are obese......determine a treatment regimen.....and get the person healthy before he/she develops symptoms from the disease.

Progress. It's progressive.
...It's just another myth like $20,000 health insurance premiums for low income families.

That, along with the (mistaken) opinion that most doctors (and medical professionals in general) are only doing what they are doing for the earnings it affords them. Don't get me wrong, being able to afford nice things is always a plus, but most medical professionals do what they do because they have a talent and interest in that professional field of helping people and treating disease and injury.
People, allow this to sink in, "The IRS can only enforce this mandate on the population that earns enough to have to file a tax return each year." In my world, employers generally do not hire sickly people or keep them very long if they do become ill frequently. Obviously the population that the mandate will cover is mostly healthy people.

There is no good reason for raising our premiums and if fact should be lower with a larger pool being insured across the board.
For some policies, the premium will rise because of the elimination of life time maximums, the reduction of yearly maximums, the inclusion of preventive care, and the elimination of some loopholes that allowed the insurance companies to cancel policies due to illness. This has already been eliminated from most policies.

The only reason I can see that premiums should rise is the requirement to include people with pre-existing conditions. However, with more younger people carrying insurance, even this increased cost should mitigated.
Healthcare Exchanges:Mass Confusion&Doctor Shortage.A Next Major Democrat Scandal?

Scandal? Ummm no. You know, if you wingnuts keep calling everything a scandal, you start sounding overzealous and people stop taking you seriously. Err, my bad. People STOPPED taking you seriously a while back. Carry on.

There'll Be not treatment for this condition under Obamacare.

I do agree this is not a scandal it is a cluster f...k.
...It's just another myth like $20,000 health insurance premiums for low income families.

That, along with the (mistaken) opinion that most doctors (and medical professionals in general) are only doing what they are doing for the earnings it affords them. Don't get me wrong, being able to afford nice things is always a plus, but most medical professionals do what they do because they have a talent and interest in that professional field of helping people and treating disease and injury.

If being nice paid the bills then I agree, but being nice only goes so far. How would YOU react to whomever you work for suggested you take less because you love your work?
No one has been able to explain to me what "Obamacare" has to do with the fact that less people are going to medical school and more people (boomers) are getting old and sick.

Of course the boomer thing will take care of itself when we boomers die. Then the country should be swimming in money.

The lack of doctors? The ends justify the means. If there is no gold at the end of a very long and rigorous rainbow then who is going to enter the field. Especially when there is more gold and less work in other fields for the bright young person?
OK libs. A retired person who is thrown onto Obama exchanges, what kind of premium can they expect to pay? What kind of coverage can they expect. Assuming they are 62-65?
...It's just another myth like $20,000 health insurance premiums for low income families.

That, along with the (mistaken) opinion that most doctors (and medical professionals in general) are only doing what they are doing for the earnings it affords them. Don't get me wrong, being able to afford nice things is always a plus, but most medical professionals do what they do because they have a talent and interest in that professional field of helping people and treating disease and injury.

If being nice paid the bills then I agree, but being nice only goes so far. How would YOU react to whomever you work for suggested you take less because you love your work?
Pretty pissed off if they actual were to see a decrease in income. However, that is very unlikely with an increase in revenue of 8% due to more patents, a reduction in write offs for bad debts, and only a 2% reduction in Medicare reimbursements. Bottom line is doctors will end up making more money, not less which is one of the reasons doctors support the ACA.
and look at what happened to Tony Soprano, my brother is close to his age and the same body, I know of he doesn't shrink back to a safe 190/200 lbs, he may in for a surprise someday.

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