Healthcare Exchanges:Mass Confusion&Doctor Shortage.A Next Major Democrat Scandal?

You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

we tried to tell you assholes from the beginning it would not work, not a single solitary Republican voted for the crap bill that pelosi couldn't bother reading. so if it fails you have no one to blame but DEMOCRATS....:lmao::lmao:
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

we tried to tell you assholes from the beginning it would not work, not a single solitary Republican voted for the crap bill that pelosi couldn't bother reading. so if it fails you have no one to blame but DEMOCRATS....:lmao::lmao:

QFT. The Flustercluck that is ObamaCare is just as bad as we warned it would be. It's more expensive, doctor shortages are developing, the exchange IT project is a nightmare, and the young people who are needed to bankroll the fracas aren't interested in participating.

But the renamed ACORN organizations will get funding to be Navigators and coerce people into registering to vote in order to get benefits.

And that was one of the major agenda items all along.
how does the administration even expect any success with the exchange program with such high unemployment, therefore millions wont be able to afford to pay health-care. the average American is still in a state of uncertainty , especially in Blue States! and what happens to those who purchase Obama-Care, and rarely use it? Like with me, I have been buying auto insurance since driving in 1980(ish), and I have only made one claim ever since! when I drove into a gulley(is that what there are called?) and it was right next to my driveway, what a ditz! lol
I suspect that all of those illegal aliens who are going to be granted amnesty will be required to sign up for ObamaCare as condition, and also to register to vote (with big nudge nudge wink winks for identifying as a Democrat).
how does the administration even expect any success with the exchange program with such high unemployment, therefore millions wont be able to afford to pay health-care. the average American is still in a state of uncertainty , especially in Blue States! and what happens to those who purchase Obama-Care, and rarely use it? Like with me, I have been buying auto insurance since driving in 1980(ish), and I have only made one claim ever since! when I drove into a gulley(is that what there are called?) and it was right next to my driveway, what a ditz! lol

Yes. Car insurance and health insurance are so similar. Your comments make perfect sense. Brilliant.
how does the administration even expect any success with the exchange program with such high unemployment, therefore millions wont be able to afford to pay health-care. the average American is still in a state of uncertainty , especially in Blue States! and what happens to those who purchase Obama-Care, and rarely use it? Like with me, I have been buying auto insurance since driving in 1980(ish), and I have only made one claim ever since! when I drove into a gulley(is that what there are called?) and it was right next to my driveway, what a ditz! lol

Yes. Car insurance and health insurance are so similar. Your comments make perfect sense. Brilliant.

You are most likely the stupidest poster on the board. He asked some good questions moron.
OK libs. A retired person who is thrown onto Obama exchanges, what kind of premium can they expect to pay? What kind of coverage can they expect. Assuming they are 62-65?
Without Obamacare, we would still have the pre-existing condition requirements for insurance which means many people age 62-65 would not be able to retire because they would be paying huge premiums with limited benefits because they would be considered high risk. In fact, anyone that can afford an early retirement will be able to get insurance regardless of their health. This is one of the reasons AARP was such a strong supporter of the bill.

Often overlooked, is the the huge ACA benefit to employees with serious health problems. They can retire early, start up their own business, or change jobs without worrying about being denied insurance.

Because of my younger daughter's serious health problems, I had to turned down several wonderful job opportunities because, I could not get an individual policy that would pay her medical bills. I had to remained in a job I really hated for 9 years in order to be able to pay those bills.
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Sebelieus was ready to let that ten year old die because she wasn't 12. Such compassion..
how does the administration even expect any success with the exchange program with such high unemployment, therefore millions wont be able to afford to pay health-care. the average American is still in a state of uncertainty , especially in Blue States! and what happens to those who purchase Obama-Care, and rarely use it? Like with me, I have been buying auto insurance since driving in 1980(ish), and I have only made one claim ever since! when I drove into a gulley(is that what there are called?) and it was right next to my driveway, what a ditz! lol

Yes. Car insurance and health insurance are so similar. Your comments make perfect sense. Brilliant.

You are most likely the stupidest poster on the board. He asked some good questions moron.

You think those were good questions? me stupid. The world is clearly はんたい がわ.
what about the aliens from Mars and Uranus? will they be able to buy insurance from the Exchanges? will they need proper ID? maybe that Commentator who is from Mars can help them (James something? the one with the alien bald head and has that southern fried accent).
what about the aliens from Mars and Uranus? will they be able to buy insurance from the Exchanges? will they need proper ID? maybe that Commentator who is from Mars can help them (James something? the one with the alien bald head and has that southern fried accent).

Not funny. The aliens from Uranus are known as semen.
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That, along with the (mistaken) opinion that most doctors (and medical professionals in general) are only doing what they are doing for the earnings it affords them. Don't get me wrong, being able to afford nice things is always a plus, but most medical professionals do what they do because they have a talent and interest in that professional field of helping people and treating disease and injury.

If being nice paid the bills then I agree, but being nice only goes so far. How would YOU react to whomever you work for suggested you take less because you love your work?
Pretty pissed off if they actual were to see a decrease in income. However, that is very unlikely with an increase in revenue of 8% due to more patents, a reduction in write offs for bad debts, and only a 2% reduction in Medicare reimbursements. Bottom line is doctors will end up making more money, not less which is one of the reasons doctors support the ACA.

Not ALL doctors.

Pretty sure the ones who pass around pictures of the President with a bone in his nose don't support the ACA.
If being nice paid the bills then I agree, but being nice only goes so far. How would YOU react to whomever you work for suggested you take less because you love your work?
Pretty pissed off if they actual were to see a decrease in income. However, that is very unlikely with an increase in revenue of 8% due to more patents, a reduction in write offs for bad debts, and only a 2% reduction in Medicare reimbursements. Bottom line is doctors will end up making more money, not less which is one of the reasons doctors support the ACA.

Not ALL doctors.

Pretty sure the ones who pass around pictures of the President with a bone in his nose don't support the ACA.

Why do Africans use bones in that way?:confused:
OK libs. A retired person who is thrown onto Obama exchanges, what kind of premium can they expect to pay? What kind of coverage can they expect. Assuming they are 62-65?
Without Obamacare, we would still have the pre-existing condition requirements for insurance which means many people age 62-65 would not be able to retire because they would be paying huge premiums with limited benefits because they would be considered high risk. In fact, anyone that can afford an early retirement will be able to get insurance regardless of their health. This is one of the reasons AARP was such a strong supporter of the bill.

Often overlooked, is the the huge ACA benefit to employees with serious health problems. They can retire early, start up their own business, or change jobs without worrying about being denied insurance.

Because of my younger daughter's serious health problems, I had to turned down several wonderful job opportunities because, I could not get an individual policy that would pay her medical bills. I had to remained in a job I really hated for 9 years in order to be able to pay those bills.

That's one of the best arguments in favor of national health care which most countries now have. I knew one independent contractor that took a school system job because his son had a serious condition that he couldn't afford as an individual worker. I think productivity as well as job satisfaction would increase if health care wasn't such a determining factor in what you do for a living.
You can bet that we'll all know about every hiccup in the rollout of these exchanges. Even the "LSM" will be happy to run the stories of glitches and screw-ups.

It is the only hope that nutters have. The success of Obamacare must be stalled or the water muddied. They have run on this being a failure for two cycles now. GOP candidates are betting their jobs on the failure of this program. They are betting against America.

we tried to tell you assholes from the beginning it would not work, not a single solitary Republican voted for the crap bill that pelosi couldn't bother reading. so if it fails you have no one to blame but DEMOCRATS....:lmao::lmao:

You also tried to tell us that romney would win the election, remember? Your prediction skills are pretty lousy.
what about the aliens from Mars and Uranus? will they be able to buy insurance from the Exchanges? will they need proper ID? maybe that Commentator who is from Mars can help them (James something? the one with the alien bald head and has that southern fried accent).

That depends upon whether or not they register as Democrats.

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