Healthcare Exchanges:Mass Confusion&Doctor Shortage.A Next Major Democrat Scandal?

I thought that, under the ACA, healthcare was still to be paid for by private health insurance.
Have I got that wrong?

dimocraps lie, it's what they do.

To say that Republicans haven't wanted Universal Health Insurance in the past is wrong. Most of us still do.

What we don't want it -- socialism. And that's what the Stuttering Clusterfukk has given us.

Not one Republican voted for this abortion of a bill.

And I find that curious since none other than Richard Nixon proposed Universal Health Insurance as early as 1947 -- His first year in Conggress.

He also made the keynote of his 1973 State of The Union Address.

But every time Republicans tried to advance the notion of Universal Health Insurance, guess who fought it and defeated it?

dimocrap scum. Most notably Ted Kennedy.

Republicans, and I, have always wanted Universal Health Insurance in this Country.

dimocrap scum just simply couldn't care less about Universal Health.... They want socialism. That is their goal.

Most of you are new to this game but I was in the Insurance Industry beginning in 1981. I made my living, and a decent one, in Insurance. I understand it. I know how it works. I followed it.

And believe me when I tell you.... What dimocrap scum have done here is nothing more than a gateway to socialist Health Care. And when you have socialized medicine - You have socialism.
I thought that, under the ACA, healthcare was still to be paid for by private health insurance.
Have I got that wrong?

dimocraps lie, it's what they do.

To say that Republicans haven't wanted Universal Health Insurance in the past is wrong. Most of us still do.

What we don't want it -- socialism. And that's what the Stuttering Clusterfukk has given us.

Not one Republican voted for this abortion of a bill.

And I find that curious since none other than Richard Nixon proposed Universal Health Insurance as early as 1947 -- His first year in Conggress.

He also made the keynote of his 1973 State of The Union Address.

But every time Republicans tried to advance the notion of Universal Health Insurance, guess who fought it and defeated it?

dimocrap scum. Most notably Ted Kennedy.

Republicans, and I, have always wanted Universal Health Insurance in this Country.

dimocrap scum just simply couldn't care less about Universal Health.... They want socialism. That is their goal.

Most of you are new to this game but I was in the Insurance Industry beginning in 1981. I made my living, and a decent one, in Insurance. I understand it. I know how it works. I followed it.

And believe me when I tell you.... What dimocrap scum have done here is nothing more than a gateway to socialist Health Care. And when you have socialized medicine - You have socialism.'re saying that I'm wrong then.
Private insurance will have no involvement under the ACA?
I thought that, under the ACA, healthcare was still to be paid for by private health insurance.
Have I got that wrong?

dimocraps lie, it's what they do.

To say that Republicans haven't wanted Universal Health Insurance in the past is wrong. Most of us still do.

What we don't want it -- socialism. And that's what the Stuttering Clusterfukk has given us.

Not one Republican voted for this abortion of a bill.

And I find that curious since none other than Richard Nixon proposed Universal Health Insurance as early as 1947 -- His first year in Conggress.

He also made the keynote of his 1973 State of The Union Address.

But every time Republicans tried to advance the notion of Universal Health Insurance, guess who fought it and defeated it?

dimocrap scum. Most notably Ted Kennedy.

Republicans, and I, have always wanted Universal Health Insurance in this Country.

dimocrap scum just simply couldn't care less about Universal Health.... They want socialism. That is their goal.

Most of you are new to this game but I was in the Insurance Industry beginning in 1981. I made my living, and a decent one, in Insurance. I understand it. I know how it works. I followed it.

And believe me when I tell you.... What dimocrap scum have done here is nothing more than a gateway to socialist Health Care. And when you have socialized medicine - You have socialism.'re saying that I'm wrong then.
Private insurance will have no involvement under the ACA?

Of course it will. These people are just parrotting lies they don't even know the meaning of the lies.

The exchanges are private insurance markets competing for business.

How come no one has ever asked Obama about the current doctor shortage we already have in a press conference?
What's the point of buying Obama-Care when so many doctors have retired and getting an appointment for an urgent care situation can take weeks?
And have you heard? The Libs are using these exchanges to register many customers for voter registration. In other words, No Free Health Care for Republicans?
Anyone wonder where all of this Healthcare Exchange money is really going to? Keeping in mind it's being run by Liberals!
Let's just wait and find out about the horror stories of those who bought government run health insurance and CAN'T FIND A DOCTOR, and some die waiting in the end.

Yer kidding, right?

Look, ladies and gents. Here it is.

dimocraps don't run this Country right now. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM does.

dimocraps couldn't get elected dogcatcher without the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM running interference for them and telling lies and omitting transgressions and hammering the opposition (Patriotic Republicans) for them.

That's just the way it is.

Of the major scandals the Stuttering Clusterfukk is now facing, know how many were actually broke by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

None. Not a one. Benghazi, the IRS, even the AP scandal wasn't broken by the AP!!

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and the dimocrap party are the same thing. They are totally and completely the same entity.

I'm talking the alphabet TV Networks, the Newspapers, the AP, UPI and Reuters American Affiliates, Hollywood, the New Yawk Stage, singers........

They ARE the dimocrap party.

So why would someone criticize themselves?

It ain't gonna happen.

There are two kinds of people in this Country right now -- Those few of us who can think for ourselves and the majority of people who don't think at all but instead, receive all their thoughts, get all their information, learn everything they know from the Pop Culture disease I call the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

And I'll tell you why..... Being stupid helps. A lot. But most importantly...??

It's easy. It's just so easy to be a libtard. You don't have to think for yourself because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM does that for you, you don't have a POV, the LSM does that for you too. You don't have any heavy decisions to make come election time.....

It's easy. Being a libtard is just that -- Easy.

But, being a servant always has been

One more disgusting example of the LSM (it took me a while to figure out what LSM stood for, then I remember reading others posts by you and the light went on - you're a dittohead).

Probe of gifts to McDonnell widens - The Washington Post

A God fearing Christian libeled by the media - have they no shame.
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If this bloated pig of a bill had been written by a Republican congress and the White House occupant had an (R) after his name, the Democrats would be screaming from the freakin' mountaintops that it was a huge bureaucratic giveaway to the insurance companies. They would then point to the fact that millions will remain uninsured and freakin' crucify the GOP for leaving such a big hole in such an expensive system.



GOP chief executive, Democratic leaders favoring near-universal coverage based on an individual mandate and subsidized private insurance (c. April 2006).
I actually opposed this bill. It IS a handout to insurance companies. I think the answer to our problem lies with single payer. is a step in the right direction. Those insurance companies now have to use their riches to provide the fucking insurance. Get it?
Doctor shortage?

Just do away with licensing requirement as advocated by Milton Friedman.
I am hearing that some private practices may offer their own programs whereas a patient will pay them a monthly fee for unlimited(to some extent) services. It was brought up in a recent Hannity radio show. Not a bad idea where a single healthy person can pay about 50.00 a month to his private doctor and be treated whenever needed, and very little paper work. I hope they all do this! maybe 50/75 per person and a family plan of about 250.00.
I am hearing that some private practices may offer their own programs whereas a patient will pay them a monthly fee for unlimited(to some extent) services. It was brought up in a recent Hannity radio show. Not a bad idea where a single healthy person can pay about 50.00 a month to his private doctor and be treated whenever needed, and very little paper work. I hope they all do this! maybe 50/75 per person and a family plan of about 250.00.

Got a link to an actual program or doctor offering this plan? $250 per month for my family to get unlimited coverage and services? I am in! There is no chicken requirement, right?

May I also say that I am very pleased to see that you have given up your attempt to become a comedian. This new endeavor......just being a regular old nutter talking point vomit bag......suits you much better.
Even among younger adults – a group that many have speculated may be resistant to getting coverage under the ACA – more than seven in ten rate having health insurance as “very important,” and similar shares feel it is something they need and that it is worth the money. Overall, just a quarter of those ages 18-30 feel they are healthy enough to go without insurance.

While young adults are sometime described as viewing themselves as “young invincibles,” the poll findings indicate that many young adults worry about affording medical bills, particularly catastrophic ones. Among those ages 30 and younger, roughly two-thirds say they are worried about “not being able to pay medical bills in the event of a serious illness or accident,” while over four in ten say they worry about affording medical bills “for routine health care services.”

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: June 2013 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
I don't think they thought it through or even read what they passed and Obamacare will be another failure like all government-run programs.
I'm praying that it is successful. I really am....

I'm just scared that doctors will quit and our ability to innovate within the health care field will be harmed. Even the congress don't like the medical device tax. :(

Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

The number of students applying to and enrolling in medical school grew both in volume and diversity in 2012, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012

The doctors I have spoken to say once Obamacare goes into effect they are moving to private practices even if they have to hang a sign from the front yard. They won't be a part of Obamacare because it conflicts with their ethics and the reason they studied medicine to begin with. Who can blame them. In Canada the same thing happened. Socialised medicine resulted in huge patient waiting line with one doctor carrying all the work without the monetary compensation. The doctor I knew in Canada left and moved here. He said, Obamacare will be alot worse than the waiting lists in Canada. People die while waiting on those lists. Good luck with finding any decent doctor who would want to be a part of that. The Canadians solved their doctor shortage by importing Muslim Doctors from 3rd world nations who appreciated a better standard of living than from where they came from. The problem with that is that the female patients are complaining they do not get the same quality care as male patients get. Don't know if that is true or not that is just what I've heard Canadians complain about. Back when they were "allowed to complain" without threat of a jail sentence. - Jeri

I have friends in Canada. They think we are idiots having the type of healthcare system that we do. Every one of them that I know are very satisfied with their healthcare. They have all told me that the stories we hear are completely exaggerated.
Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012

The doctors I have spoken to say once Obamacare goes into effect they are moving to private practices even if they have to hang a sign from the front yard. They won't be a part of Obamacare because it conflicts with their ethics and the reason they studied medicine to begin with. Who can blame them. In Canada the same thing happened. Socialised medicine resulted in huge patient waiting line with one doctor carrying all the work without the monetary compensation. The doctor I knew in Canada left and moved here. He said, Obamacare will be alot worse than the waiting lists in Canada. People die while waiting on those lists. Good luck with finding any decent doctor who would want to be a part of that. The Canadians solved their doctor shortage by importing Muslim Doctors from 3rd world nations who appreciated a better standard of living than from where they came from. The problem with that is that the female patients are complaining they do not get the same quality care as male patients get. Don't know if that is true or not that is just what I've heard Canadians complain about. Back when they were "allowed to complain" without threat of a jail sentence. - Jeri are full of shit.

I guess the doctors he talks to are employed by the VA. Now they are going into private practice.
The last quarter of 2013 will be a second wave of scandals and government programs going over the edge. especially the mass confusion with the exchanges with employees who will be like chickens missing their heads when asked complicated questions regarding Obama-Care. (now that's assuming it will be up and running by Halloween).
Why do so many people buy into this idea that doctors are going to quit? What do they think they are going to do, become lawyers? Maybe they will open new restaurants? And if you believe less people will go to med school to become doctors, think again.

6 Statistics on Medical School Enrollment in 2012

The doctors I have spoken to say once Obamacare goes into effect they are moving to private practices even if they have to hang a sign from the front yard. They won't be a part of Obamacare because it conflicts with their ethics and the reason they studied medicine to begin with. Who can blame them. In Canada the same thing happened. Socialised medicine resulted in huge patient waiting line with one doctor carrying all the work without the monetary compensation. The doctor I knew in Canada left and moved here. He said, Obamacare will be alot worse than the waiting lists in Canada. People die while waiting on those lists. Good luck with finding any decent doctor who would want to be a part of that. The Canadians solved their doctor shortage by importing Muslim Doctors from 3rd world nations who appreciated a better standard of living than from where they came from. The problem with that is that the female patients are complaining they do not get the same quality care as male patients get. Don't know if that is true or not that is just what I've heard Canadians complain about. Back when they were "allowed to complain" without threat of a jail sentence. - Jeri

Meme-busting: Doctors are all leaving Canada to practice in the U.S. - The Washington Post

So when emigration “spiked,” 400-500 doctors were leaving Canada for the United States. There are more than 800,000 physicians in the U.S. right now, so I’m skeptical that every doctor knows one of those emigres. But I’d especially like you to pay attention to the yellow line, which is the net loss of doctors to Canada.

In 2003, net emigration became net immigration. Let me say that again. More doctors were moving into Canada than were moving out.

So there’s no part of this meme that’s true. Not only are physicians not more dissatisfied practicing in Canada than in the Unites States, but more doctors are also moving into Canada to practice than leaving.

I have heard this also. One of the main reasons it has happened is that doctors in Canada can be doctors and don't need to spend half their time worrying about paperwork with insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid. The paperwork for private physicians in the US is backbreaking. In Canada, it's simple. Granted, doctors in Canada generally do earn less, but they also have a lot less headaches.

If this bloated pig of a bill had been written by a Republican congress and the White House occupant had an (R) after his name, the Democrats would be screaming from the freakin' mountaintops that it was a huge bureaucratic giveaway to the insurance companies. They would then point to the fact that millions will remain uninsured and freakin' crucify the GOP for leaving such a big hole in such an expensive system. Not to mention turning the "policing" of the whole thing to the freakin' IRS.

And I wouldn't blame them a bit.

I don't understand partisan politics, I never will.


We got this plan because Republicans objected to any and every plan. This was the end result. Had Republicans worked with Dems to actually put together a workable plan, we might have gotten something better. But Republicans don't seem interested in solving problems. This is why they are losing.
I thought that, under the ACA, healthcare was still to be paid for by private health insurance.
Have I got that wrong?

It is but it will also increase the number of people on Medicaid. Doctors are not likely to see much change in the way they run their practices. The biggest problem is going to take place with the tax credits. Determining the credits will require tax accountants to figure out who falls where. The biggest trouble will come for those who see a big change in their income level from one year to the next.
I thought that, under the ACA, healthcare was still to be paid for by private health insurance.
Have I got that wrong?

dimocraps lie, it's what they do.

To say that Republicans haven't wanted Universal Health Insurance in the past is wrong. Most of us still do.

What we don't want it -- socialism. And that's what the Stuttering Clusterfukk has given us.

Not one Republican voted for this abortion of a bill.

And I find that curious since none other than Richard Nixon proposed Universal Health Insurance as early as 1947 -- His first year in Conggress.

He also made the keynote of his 1973 State of The Union Address.

But every time Republicans tried to advance the notion of Universal Health Insurance, guess who fought it and defeated it?

dimocrap scum. Most notably Ted Kennedy.

Republicans, and I, have always wanted Universal Health Insurance in this Country.

dimocrap scum just simply couldn't care less about Universal Health.... They want socialism. That is their goal.

Most of you are new to this game but I was in the Insurance Industry beginning in 1981. I made my living, and a decent one, in Insurance. I understand it. I know how it works. I followed it.

And believe me when I tell you.... What dimocrap scum have done here is nothing more than a gateway to socialist Health Care. And when you have socialized medicine - You have socialism.

You're making me dizzy. Do you always talk in circles?

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