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Healthcare Memo


Mar 10, 2016
To: Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan, and certain republicans

From: your employer, the American people

Re: health insurance bill

You’ve postponed the vote on your new bill because it probably won’t pass. This is because it shouldn’t pass. The conservatives are right. There are too many things missing from the bill.

Take this opportunity to fix it, to do it right. What you’ve offered, is not what you promised. We don’t want to hear that this is just a first stage and it’ll be tweaked later. That is unacceptable. Not only that, it smells of déjà vu. What’ll you tell us next? That we have to wait till it’s passed to see what’s in it? Learn from past debacles.

What is happening now is an unforced error. It is sloppy. It is inexcusable. Why this promised legislation wasn’t already written up and ready to go is a head scratcher, in light of all your promises of repeal and replace. But never mind that now. Write it properly, completely, now.

Create a bill that has all the elements promised and present that for a vote. Do your job.
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The GOP has had since 1994 to come up with a national health care bill.

There is no excuse for this nonsense.
No gridlock in Washington, simply no movement! Shumer(sic) and Pelousy(sic) love it. Perhaps we should also? I'm ok, you are ok, everyone is ok. Now does that make you feel better? :blowup::banana2: :bang3::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
You know, I am sickened by todays events. For too many years to list, the Republicans have been lamenting, put us in charge, we will effect change. And so, the voters "put them in charge" and what did they, the Republicans do(?), they shot themselves in the foot. Folks are quick to blame Trump, who in all respects is easy to blame. He is now "Big man on campus". However, what should someone do when they realize that the forces he is counting upon are in an internal dispute and are willing to sink the ship based upon that dispute? Cut and run is my advice. We all know the story concerning the sink "Obama care" bullshit. We all know that Democrats will pull a trigger with no second thought. We all know that Harry Reid would pull the sheets off the bed at the last moment and did. What in hell is so difficult about breaking a stiff one off in the Democrats rectum when the chance prevails? But no, the Repubs start bickering among themselves about peanuts when they should be thinking about a hard left to the jaw, just as Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or Chucky Schumer would do. This sickening and it hurts. The time for fair play is gone as it does not exist. The Repubs need to think about that. The Grand Old Party is no longer Grand, simply old! And that is why I left the GOP after the 2014 election and am Independent. How dumb must they be? Americans are begging for restoration of the American principle and dream. When will the Government get in step? Perhaps a third party is needed. An American National Party, with the designs of restoring the American Dreams and wishes. Piss on infighting, fight for the American Dream. Any thing else is is garbage!
What people want cannot be afforded....we simply do not have the money to do health care in the style and manner that would pacify everyone.....thus one must ask what can be done?

To understand that we should consider at least two major items.....doctors feel entitled to get rich....they are not happy with a comfortable middle class or even upper class lifestyle...they want to be really rich...of course they are not 'all' that way but far too many....thier spouses provoke much of this greed the doctors display.

Next.....the insurance companies.....want to make huge profits as they have done....and thus want to continue to do...at even a higher percentage if possible.

There are other factors aka--- too many people refusing to live a healthy lifestyle aka not knowing how to take care of themselves or lacking the discipline and thus they wind up getting sick more than they should and thus inflicting the costs of their irresponsibility/ignorance on the health care system......aka consuming more of the resource than they should.....driving up the costs.

To fix the huge mess requires some ability to think outside the box and the courage to go radical....aka taking an extremist approach to the problem.....that probably is not possible under the current political realities. I doubt Trump has the support needed for a radical approach.

Thus the mess and the inadequate approach to it, will without a doubt continue....Trump says wait till obama care implodes as it shortly will and then the democrats might come to their senses and be willing to negotiate in a more rational manner....some truth to this no doubt.

Just a few things that need to be done: make it possible for those who are qualified to be doctors but do not have the financial abilty to be able to go to medical school and increase or enlarge medical schools....we are relying too much on sub-trained foreign doctors to come here and practice....we need to be producing many more doctors of our own instead that have the best training available.

Also...set up some sort of program of a medical nature like the legal profession has where lawyers under the pro bono system help the impoverished. I am sure there would be many young doctors willing to devote some of their time to helping the poor if a system were in place to organize such a effort.

My final thought on this matter: Our national health care system is a matter of national security....whether or not that is understood.

Under National Security the Executive branch has the power to do a lot of things.....I suggest that Trump come out and declare our failed Health Care System..... a dire matter of National Security and use his power to 'draft' so to speak into National Service young doctors....to use their skills to help those without insurance....as in neighborhood health clinics etc.

During WWII many doctors were drafted....the need for that is no less now. I envision something similar to the peace corp set up under Kennedy or at least that type of framework....but make it more than just a voluntary program...there could be incentives to induce volunteers but also other methods to get the required numbers.

As I have said....our leaders must be able to think outside the box....the traditional approach to solving the problems of health care in America is not working.
You know, I am sickened by todays events. For too many years to list, the Republicans have been lamenting, put us in charge, we will effect change. And so, the voters "put them in charge" and what did they, the Republicans do(?), they shot themselves in the foot. Folks are quick to blame Trump, who in all respects is easy to blame. He is now "Big man on campus". However, what should someone do when they realize that the forces he is counting upon are in an internal dispute and are willing to sink the ship based upon that dispute? Cut and run is my advice. We all know the story concerning the sink "Obama care" bullshit. We all know that Democrats will pull a trigger with no second thought. We all know that Harry Reid would pull the sheets off the bed at the last moment and did. What in hell is so difficult about breaking a stiff one off in the Democrats rectum when the chance prevails? But no, the Repubs start bickering among themselves about peanuts when they should be thinking about a hard left to the jaw, just as Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or Chucky Schumer would do. This sickening and it hurts. The time for fair play is gone as it does not exist. The Repubs need to think about that. The Grand Old Party is no longer Grand, simply old! And that is why I left the GOP after the 2014 election and am Independent. How dumb must they be? Americans are begging for restoration of the American principle and dream. When will the Government get in step? Perhaps a third party is needed. An American National Party, with the designs of restoring the American Dreams and wishes. Piss on infighting, fight for the American Dream. Any thing else is is garbage!
A third party is a loser idea all it does is split the only conservative group we have to combat the Progressives. We need to put the pressure on those in office, and if they fold we vote someone else in until we get who and what we want. We have another wall to climb in a few years and its now time to find who we want to do the job, either the one in office or a new face. Remember Vote.......
You know, I am sickened by todays events. For too many years to list, the Republicans have been lamenting, put us in charge, we will effect change. And so, the voters "put them in charge" and what did they, the Republicans do(?), they shot themselves in the foot. Folks are quick to blame Trump, who in all respects is easy to blame. He is now "Big man on campus". However, what should someone do when they realize that the forces he is counting upon are in an internal dispute and are willing to sink the ship based upon that dispute? Cut and run is my advice. We all know the story concerning the sink "Obama care" bullshit. We all know that Democrats will pull a trigger with no second thought. We all know that Harry Reid would pull the sheets off the bed at the last moment and did. What in hell is so difficult about breaking a stiff one off in the Democrats rectum when the chance prevails? But no, the Repubs start bickering among themselves about peanuts when they should be thinking about a hard left to the jaw, just as Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or Chucky Schumer would do. This sickening and it hurts. The time for fair play is gone as it does not exist. The Repubs need to think about that. The Grand Old Party is no longer Grand, simply old! And that is why I left the GOP after the 2014 election and am Independent. How dumb must they be? Americans are begging for restoration of the American principle and dream. When will the Government get in step? Perhaps a third party is needed. An American National Party, with the designs of restoring the American Dreams and wishes. Piss on infighting, fight for the American Dream. Any thing else is is garbage!
A third party is a loser idea all it does is split the only conservative group we have to combat the Progressives. We need to put the pressure on those in office, and if they fold we vote someone else in until we get who and what we want. We have another wall to climb in a few years and its now time to find who we want to do the job, either the one in office or a new face. Remember Vote.......

A third party is a great idea.
Independents make up the largest voting group, yet are barely represented in the halls of Washington or state governments.
The two major parties have done quite the job of keeping a two party systems by setting up hurdles for the third party competition.
The fact is, the two parties do not reflect the demographics of America and it continues to get worse. It's basically, taxation without representation.
You know, I am sickened by todays events. For too many years to list, the Republicans have been lamenting, put us in charge, we will effect change. And so, the voters "put them in charge" and what did they, the Republicans do(?), they shot themselves in the foot. Folks are quick to blame Trump, who in all respects is easy to blame. He is now "Big man on campus". However, what should someone do when they realize that the forces he is counting upon are in an internal dispute and are willing to sink the ship based upon that dispute? Cut and run is my advice. We all know the story concerning the sink "Obama care" bullshit. We all know that Democrats will pull a trigger with no second thought. We all know that Harry Reid would pull the sheets off the bed at the last moment and did. What in hell is so difficult about breaking a stiff one off in the Democrats rectum when the chance prevails? But no, the Repubs start bickering among themselves about peanuts when they should be thinking about a hard left to the jaw, just as Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or Chucky Schumer would do. This sickening and it hurts. The time for fair play is gone as it does not exist. The Repubs need to think about that. The Grand Old Party is no longer Grand, simply old! And that is why I left the GOP after the 2014 election and am Independent. How dumb must they be? Americans are begging for restoration of the American principle and dream. When will the Government get in step? Perhaps a third party is needed. An American National Party, with the designs of restoring the American Dreams and wishes. Piss on infighting, fight for the American Dream. Any thing else is is garbage!
A third party is a loser idea all it does is split the only conservative group we have to combat the Progressives. We need to put the pressure on those in office, and if they fold we vote someone else in until we get who and what we want. We have another wall to climb in a few years and its now time to find who we want to do the job, either the one in office or a new face. Remember Vote.......

A third party is a great idea.
Independents make up the largest voting group, yet are barely represented in the halls of Washington or state governments.
The two major parties have done quite the job of keeping a two party systems by setting up hurdles for the third party competition.
The fact is, the two parties do not reflect the demographics of America and it continues to get worse. It's basically, taxation without representation.
You think that would work? Example: Collage campus voting on the Queen the white Frats put up a girl to run for the spot, two black Frat put up 1 black girl...Ok the whites are a majority and the blacks are a minority. The white guys all vote for their girl the votes are split up. lets say 1000 white guys are in the Frats and the largest Frat girls get 240 votes. The two black frats have only 300 votes and guess who wins.....yep the vote is "Ham boned" by the whites voting for their special interests the blacks win by joining forces. This just what would happen if we took the stupid three party system into effect.
To: Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan, and certain republicans

From: your employer, the American people

Re: health insurance bill

You’ve postponed the vote on your new bill because it probably won’t pass. This is because it shouldn’t pass. The conservatives are right. There are too many things missing from the bill.

Take this opportunity to fix it, to do it right. What you’ve offered, is not what you promised. We don’t want to hear that this is just a first stage and it’ll be tweaked later. That is unacceptable. Not only that, it smells of déjà vu. What’ll you tell us next? That we have to wait till it’s passed to see what’s in it? Learn from past debacles.

What is happening now is an unforced error. It is sloppy. It is inexcusable. Why this promised legislation wasn’t already written up and ready to go is a head scratcher, in light of all your promises of repeal and replace. But never mind that now. Write it properly, completely, now.

Create a bill that has all the elements promised and present that for a vote. Do your job.
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