Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field

Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.
Every physical thing and service that you have were profit driven, excluding those cute socks grandma knitted for you. What is new is the current crop of lemmings that equate profit with greed and refuse to take a look at what drives costs up. FDA approval, litigation and America's demand for premium treatment no matter how old, feeble or incapacitated we become are huge factors.

Competition and buying options are what lowers costs but the left plows full bore in the opposite direction and blames the predictable poor results on their favorite pinatas.
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

You mean like Planned Parenthood?
Take a look at the posts on this thread, not a even a little bit of acknowledgement of the problem or sympathy for the afflicted. If you people do not want to be seen as heartless assholes who like it that people die for lack of money then change your shitty tune.

lol; it's hilarious watching you sanctimonius liberal hypocrites crying phony crocodile tears for the poor given the FACT THAT YOU HAVE CREATED MILLIONS MORE POOR WITH YOUR FAILED POLICIES

Bullshit, where's that river of good jobs and income trickling down? Christ we should all be very well off according to the conservative dogma you people have been preaching like the true gospel for thirty years. It's conservative policies that failed, liberals are just a handy scapegoat.

you mindless morons on the Left ikeep forgetting YOU'RE IN CHARGE!1

THIS IS THE EIGHTH-STRAIGHT year of overall Progressive majority rule in the USA
why dont you ask yourselves where the river of good jobs is?

oh wait i know why; because you losers live in a world of denial and projection of your own failures onto others
making a profit isnt the same as "profiteering"

why dont you left-wing morons all move to a place with no "greedy" corporations?
i hear North Korea is nice this time of year

Making a profit by denying lifesaving care to sick people is profiteering.

you dont know what you are talking about; nobody makes a profit by denying a service. you cant get paid for what you didnt do. you're trying to apply a negative. you look stupid

Think IPAB under ObamaCare...remember the little girl that needed a transplant and Sebelius' pronouncement? "Someone lives, and someone dies..."? There's the left's profit motive...and that is CONTROL.
hilarious watching these mentally-ill LWNJs!
they are the ones in charge; yet still call themselves "scapegoats" to play the victim

what losers
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

It's not that poor people are worthless, excess population. It's people who cannot take care of themselves who ARE worthless, excess population. They add nothing to the society and take much more than their share out of it.

Life IS a commodity, like anything else. It has value when it ADDS to society and has none when it does not.

That may be the most disturbing admissions of conservative sociopathy I have ever encountered on this board. Who's to decide who's worthless? You? I bet you never have to look very hard to find why anyone deserves to die a miserable death.
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

It's not that poor people are worthless, excess population. It's people who cannot take care of themselves who ARE worthless, excess population. They add nothing to the society and take much more than their share out of it.

Life IS a commodity, like anything else. It has value when it ADDS to society and has none when it does not.

That may be the most disturbing admissions of conservative sociopathy I have ever encountered on this board. Who's to decide who's worthless? You? I bet you never have to look very hard to find why anyone deserves to die a miserable death.

LMAO!1 more comical hilarity from the people who enslaved whole families in dependence on government welfare that spanned across GENERATIONS; with the devastating consequences that brought; all to pander for votes.

idiots and hypocrites
making a profit isnt the same as "profiteering"

why dont you left-wing morons all move to a place with no "greedy" corporations?
i hear North Korea is nice this time of year

Making a profit by denying lifesaving care to sick people is profiteering.

Then go to medical school, become a licensed physician, and offer your "life saving" abilities to people at a price they can afford.

I love how liberals spend all day on USMB crying about the problems, but none one of them is willing to get up off of their ass and get in the game to solve the problem. Instead, they want to implement communism and force a physician to perform his/her labor at the barrel of a gun. Brilliant....


Not that it is at all surprising that you do...
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.
Ahhh, so those who show some interest in health care as a career shall be required to live as 13th century monks, complete with vow of poverty, burlap clothing and wooden bunks, or companies seeking to develop healthcare equipment, machinery or medicines should do so out of thin air.

As with all such price fixing schemes, once the price is set the supply dries up.
lol; it's hilarious watching you sanctimonius liberal hypocrites crying phony crocodile tears for the poor given the FACT THAT YOU HAVE CREATED MILLIONS MORE POOR WITH YOUR FAILED POLICIES

Bullshit, where's that river of good jobs and income trickling down? Christ we should all be very well off according to the conservative dogma you people have been preaching like the true gospel for thirty years. It's conservative policies that failed, liberals are just a handy scapegoat.

you mindless morons on the Left ikeep forgetting YOU'RE IN CHARGE!1

THIS IS THE EIGHTH-STRAIGHT year of overall Progressive majority rule in the USA
why dont you ask yourselves where the river of good jobs is?

oh wait i know why; because you losers live in a world of denial and projection of your own failures onto others

Progressives are not in charge, we wanted a clean single payer health care system and got this shit. I am probably as sick of fucking democrat neo-cons as you are.
YOUR God is Government; and your Progressive DEAR LEADER is the Prophet; the Messiah

you lefties are sick in the head
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

It's not that poor people are worthless, excess population. It's people who cannot take care of themselves who ARE worthless, excess population. They add nothing to the society and take much more than their share out of it.

Life IS a commodity, like anything else. It has value when it ADDS to society and has none when it does not.

That may be the most disturbing admissions of conservative sociopathy I have ever encountered on this board. Who's to decide who's worthless? You? I bet you never have to look very hard to find why anyone deserves to die a miserable death.

Remember how freaked out they got over Alan Grayson saying this?

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

And then they turn around and prove it. Shocking!
Bullshit, where's that river of good jobs and income trickling down? Christ we should all be very well off according to the conservative dogma you people have been preaching like the true gospel for thirty years. It's conservative policies that failed, liberals are just a handy scapegoat.

you mindless morons on the Left ikeep forgetting YOU'RE IN CHARGE!1

THIS IS THE EIGHTH-STRAIGHT year of overall Progressive majority rule in the USA
why dont you ask yourselves where the river of good jobs is?

oh wait i know why; because you losers live in a world of denial and projection of your own failures onto others

Progressives are not in charge, we wanted a clean single payer health care system and got this shit. I am probably as sick of fucking democrat neo-cons as you are.

oh ok sorry leftard; next time see if you can run Hugo Chavez or Raul Castro
It's not that poor people are worthless, excess population. It's people who cannot take care of themselves who ARE worthless, excess population. They add nothing to the society and take much more than their share out of it.

Life IS a commodity, like anything else. It has value when it ADDS to society and has none when it does not.

That may be the most disturbing admissions of conservative sociopathy I have ever encountered on this board. Who's to decide who's worthless? You? I bet you never have to look very hard to find why anyone deserves to die a miserable death.

Remember how freaked out they got over Alan Grayson saying this?

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

And then they turn around and prove it. Shocking!

good one doofus; except that countries with socialized health care have WORSE OUTCOMES fo things like cancer; so it is in these countries that they want them to "hurry up and die"

libs are losers who lie to themselves

oh and nice job using an unhinged far-left loser who threatened to kill his wife as a symbol of your values!!
Take a look at the posts on this thread, not a even a little bit of acknowledgement of the problem or sympathy for the afflicted. If you people do not want to be seen as heartless assholes who like it that people die for lack of money then change your shitty tune.

lol; it's hilarious watching you sanctimonius liberal hypocrites crying phony crocodile tears for the poor given the FACT THAT YOU HAVE CREATED MILLIONS MORE POOR WITH YOUR FAILED POLICIES

Bullshit, where's that river of good jobs and income trickling down? Christ we should all be very well off according to the conservative dogma you people have been preaching like the true gospel for thirty years. It's conservative policies that failed, liberals are just a handy scapegoat.

Liberals are the one's who forced jobs overseas junior. Do you not understand that life is a competition and whoever makes the best deal, wins? Of course not - what am I saying? You're a liberal, thus an immature idealist.

But let's look at the facts anyway, shall we? Liberals have given us...

  • The highest corporate tax rate in the world
    Thus forcing jobs overseas where taxes are lower resulting in lower cost of doing business.

  • Unions
    No unionized workers inflating salaries, perks, and benefits in China. No unionized workers inflating salaries, perks, and benefits in Indonesia. Once again, a better deal for the business, thus that's where they have taken their jobs.

  • Regulations
    Certainly don't have the crushing regulations in China and Indonesia that liberals have given us here in America.
Here is the bottom line chief - businesses will go wherever they get the best deal and they will take their jobs with them. So you liberals have to decide whether you want the jobs here in America or over in China. If you want them here, then you need to create an environment where businesses can prosper more here in America than they can over in China.

Your serve, ace....
you mindless morons on the Left ikeep forgetting YOU'RE IN CHARGE!1

THIS IS THE EIGHTH-STRAIGHT year of overall Progressive majority rule in the USA
why dont you ask yourselves where the river of good jobs is?

oh wait i know why; because you losers live in a world of denial and projection of your own failures onto others

Progressives are not in charge, we wanted a clean single payer health care system and got this shit. I am probably as sick of fucking democrat neo-cons as you are.

oh ok sorry leftard; next time see if you can run Hugo Chavez or Raul Castro

Are you brain damaged of something? Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child?
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.
Ahhh, so those who show some interest in health care as a career shall be required to live as 13th century monks, complete with vow of poverty, burlap clothing and wooden bunks, or companies seeking to develop healthcare equipment, machinery or medicines should do so out of thin air.

As with all such price fixing schemes, once the price is set the supply dries up.

Really? Is that how health care professionals live in:

Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Belgium, UK, Sweden etc? No, of course not. Try harder.
Making a profit by denying lifesaving care to sick people is profiteering.

Then go to medical school, become a licensed physician, and offer your "life saving" abilities to people at a price they can afford.

I love how liberals spend all day on USMB crying about the problems, but none one of them is willing to get up off of their ass and get in the game to solve the problem. Instead, they want to implement communism and force a physician to perform his/her labor at the barrel of a gun. Brilliant....


Not that it is at all surprising that you do...

Ah! In other words, you're too lazy to do what you want to force other people to do. Got it (and not at all surprising that you do).
lol; it's hilarious watching you sanctimonius liberal hypocrites crying phony crocodile tears for the poor given the FACT THAT YOU HAVE CREATED MILLIONS MORE POOR WITH YOUR FAILED POLICIES

Bullshit, where's that river of good jobs and income trickling down? Christ we should all be very well off according to the conservative dogma you people have been preaching like the true gospel for thirty years. It's conservative policies that failed, liberals are just a handy scapegoat.

Liberals are the one's who forced jobs overseas junior. Do you not understand that life is a competition and whoever makes the best deal, wins? Of course not - what am I saying? You're a liberal, thus an immature idealist.

But let's look at the facts anyway, shall we? Liberals have given us...

  • The highest corporate tax rate in the world
  • Thus forcing jobs overseas where taxes are lower resulting in lower cost of doing business.
  • Unions
  • No unionized workers inflating salaries, perks, and benefits in China. No unionized workers inflating salaries, perks, and benefits in Indonesia. Once again, a better deal for the business, thus that's where they have taken their jobs.
  • Regulations
  • Certainly don't have the crushing regulations in China and Indonesia that liberals have given us here in America.
Here is the bottom line chief - businesses will go wherever they get the best deal and they will take their jobs with them. So you liberals have to decide whether you want the jobs here in America or over in China. If you want them here, then you need to create an environment where businesses can prosper more here in America than they can over in China.

Your serve, ace....

Slaves, freedom to pollute, offshore tax havens, they were running to something not away from something and conservatives cheered their flight to places where the 19th century was still in effect and would have it blackening our skies again if they had their way.
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