Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field

good one doofus; except that countries with socialized health care have WORSE OUTCOMES fo things like cancer; so it is in these countries that they want them to "hurry up and die"

libs are losers who lie to themselves

oh and nice job using an unhinged far-left loser who threatened to kill his wife as a symbol of your values!!

And that's good enough for you? Would it be good enough if the US military was only superior in one thing? We suck for health care delivery in this country. It is a lie to say we don't.


everybody got their statistics[

Yea, I know what you mean. Did you read that bullshit above about how we have the highest corporate tax rate and all that bullshit? Companies aren't making any profit? (where does that bullshit come from?)

Everybody has their statistics though.
As much as I appreciate your "love it or leave it" conservative meme, I'd rather stay here in the country I love and work to get the rest of America the socialist healthcare I enjoy. :lol:

Except that you don't have "socialist" healthcare, sweetie. You earn your healthcare by serving in the military. And so can everyone else crying about healthcare. Problem solved!

And everyone paying taxes will pay for single payer. Duh.

and the working classes will pay much more proportionally than the rich.

those countries dont pay for all that by taxing the hell out of the rich and/or corporations. they pay for that with VALUE-ADDED OR USER TAXES; with VAT taxes; which are the most regressive of taxes.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Well let's see - Japan is bankrupt and about to collapse. UK is bankrupt and about to collapse (in fact, the UK is currently decentralizing their national healthcare).

So that's the model you want to being to America? Dumb ass...
The American Left is so arrogant they think they can repeat the same shit and make it work even after it fails.

Except it hasn't "failed" anywhere.

Why do you feel the need to lie about everything? Everything you Dumbocrats have done has failed miserably.

Obama campaigned on Obamacare by stating that the federal government could no longer avoid Medicare and Medicaid because healthcare costs were too high. That's a Dumbocrat admitting that TWO Dumbocrat programs are failing.

Social Security is insolvent. That's another failed Dumbocrat program.

Detorit filed for bankruptcy after 65 year of complete Dumbocrat control (mayor and city council)

Where you people go, failure, poverty, and misery ensues. Just ask Cuba and the former U.S.S.R.
Well let's see - Japan is bankrupt and about to collapse. UK is bankrupt and about to collapse (in fact, the UK is currently decentralizing their national healthcare).

So that's the model you want to being to America? Dumb ass...
The American Left is so arrogant they think they can repeat the same shit and make it work even after it fails.

Except it hasn't "failed" anywhere.
You keep telling yourself that SeaBuscuit. You are blind.
My God, stop being such a naïve idealist. This is the exactly how all communists think. The results? Cuba has healthcare that is right out of the 1600's.

You get what you pay for chief. You want cheap healthcare, go move to Cuba. Me? I'll take the best healthcare in the world, thank you very much. This is my life we are talking about - I want the best that money can buy.

I assume that comparing the US to Cuba is a little ridiculous seeing as they don't have a very high GDP to spend on healthcare in the first place (but still have good healthcare, that is no where near the 1600s, but is in fact on part with first world nations).

Many first world countries manage to have private healthcare, which is the best money can buy, and they have a system for those who can't afford the best healthcare in the world.

Is it idealism to believe that there can be the best of both worlds?
And that's good enough for you? Would it be good enough if the US military was only superior in one thing? We suck for health care delivery in this country. It is a lie to say we don't.


everybody got their statistics[

Yea, I know what you mean. Did you read that bullshit above about how we have the highest corporate tax rate and all that bullshit? Companies aren't making any profit? (where does that bullshit come from?)

Everybody has their statistics though.

dullard; many, if not most corporations are now MULTINATIONALS
they are making their money off of OVERSEAS operations; and sitting on their money
this is the whine you lefty losers cry about daily; now you're sayig it isnt true?

we on the right dont deny corporations are sitting on their money; we say it's because of YOUR FAILED POLICIES

ok care to try again?
Except that you don't have "socialist" healthcare, sweetie. You earn your healthcare by serving in the military. And so can everyone else crying about healthcare. Problem solved!

And everyone paying taxes will pay for single payer. Duh.

and the working classes will pay much more proportionally than the rich.

those countries dont pay for all that by taxing the hell out of the rich and/or corporations. they pay for that with VALUE-ADDED OR USER TAXES; with VAT taxes; which are the most regressive of taxes.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Indeed. Obama's and the Democraps running of this Government is KILLING the Middle Class they claim to be protecting, and CARE about.

Seabuscuit is another blind, bleating sheep.
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

What a fool you are.
A lying, slanderous, fool.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bet you don't know who the President was who signed it.
nobody on the right says corporations arent making profits
it is you losers on the Left; who promised to "MAKE THEM PAY!!" who now brag about the record profits on Wall Street; because it is one of the only bright spots on obama's otherwise recrod of failure

so stop pretending the other side is contradicting itself when you losers are
People come from all over the world to get healthcare here in America. If nationalized healthcare is so great, why don't people go to England for their healthcare? Better yet, why does the Canadian PM come to America for his life saving heart surgery?!?

Don't let the facts get in the way of your narrative though SeaWytch

We have great care, not great delivery. Yes, we have some of the best...if you can PAY for it. How much is life worth, Puppy?

Exactly sweetie, how much is life worth? I'd say every penny I have and then some. But apparently, life to you is put all that important since you're not willing to pay for it. You get what you pay for sweetie, and I want the best. Your cheap ass just wants free regardless of what that does to quality.
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

What a fool you are.
A lying, slanderous, fool.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bet you don't know who the President was who signed it.

Ultra-conservative Ronald Reagan!
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

What a fool you are.
A lying, slanderous, fool.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bet you don't know who the President was who signed it.

But how many of his worshipers would repeal it if they could?
People come from all over the world to get healthcare here in America. If nationalized healthcare is so great, why don't people go to England for their healthcare? Better yet, why does the Canadian PM come to America for his life saving heart surgery?!?

Don't let the facts get in the way of your narrative though SeaWytch

We have great care, not great delivery. Yes, we have some of the best...if you can PAY for it. How much is life worth, Puppy?

Exactly sweetie, how much is life worth? I'd say every penny I have and then some. But apparently, life to you is put all that important since you're not willing to pay for it. You get what you pay for sweetie, and I want the best. Your cheap ass just wants free regardless of what that does to quality.

Again missing the point. If you've got billions, you can get the best care money can buy. Your life is worth more if you have more? No.
People come from all over the world to get healthcare here in America. If nationalized healthcare is so great, why don't people go to England for their healthcare? Better yet, why does the Canadian PM come to America for his life saving heart surgery?!?

Don't let the facts get in the way of your narrative though SeaWytch

We have great care, not great delivery. Yes, we have some of the best...if you can PAY for it. How much is life worth, Puppy?

Exactly sweetie, how much is life worth? I'd say every penny I have and then some. But apparently, life to you is put all that important since you're not willing to pay for it. You get what you pay for sweetie, and I want the best. Your cheap ass just wants free regardless of what that does to quality.
And that's the rub, isn't it? NOTHING is free...someone is paying for it in some capacity. This escapes the left somehow.
As much as I appreciate your "love it or leave it" conservative meme, I'd rather stay here in the country I love and work to get the rest of America the socialist healthcare I enjoy. :lol:

Except that you don't have "socialist" healthcare, sweetie. You earn your healthcare by serving in the military. And so can everyone else crying about healthcare. Problem solved!

And everyone paying taxes will pay for single payer. Duh.

Except that 48% of the nation doesn't pay taxes now genius. Once you move to the model you're proposing, that number will skyrocket to 65% or more. Still haven't figured out how you liberals collapsed Detroit, uh SeaWytch? :lol:

Furthermore, it's not my job to pay for someone else's healthcare. They can join the military and earn their healthcare. God knows we need the man power.

Lastly, taxes are not a way to redistribute wealth sweetie (even though you weak-minded liberals have been brainwashed into believing so). They are explicitly for running the government (ie salaries, materials, etc.). So unless you're employed by the government, handing you tax payer money or using that money to pay for something for you is unconstitutional.
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

You didn't even try to support your claim. Why shouldn't medicine be driven by profit? Why do you think people should perform a service for free?
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

What does that have to do with drug companies making a profit? How does Pfizer making a profit turn poor people into commodities?
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

it's so nice of you to cry for them though; as if they asked you to.

Nice of you to give confirmation that I am correct, at least about you.

One thing we know about you and every other lib is that you wouldn't spend a dime of your own money to help a poor person.
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

What a fool you are.
A lying, slanderous, fool.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bet you don't know who the President was who signed it.

You know the biggest difference between Reagan supporters like me (he signed the bill!) and idiots like you?
We admit when Reagan was wrong!
See people like me and even Reagan admit when they are wrong!
Idiots like you though NEVER NEVER admit they are wrong.
EMTALA WAS A BIG BIG PERFECT example of unintended consequences-- "A perverse effect contrary to what was originally intended (when an intended solution makes a problem worse)"
Unintended consequences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AND because of EMTALA we have hospitals as the CEO once said:
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

I AM totally in agreement with you this was wrong.
But do you know the simplest way to solve this???
Do what ACA did to tanning salons i.e. tax them 10% because tanning causing cancer right???

So why not tax LAWYERS 10% of the $270 billion a year as THEY ARE according to 90% of physicians the cause of over $850 billion a year in waste!
"Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the Federal Tort Claims Act.
Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
89% of physicians support a patient’s right to be compensated fairly for true negligence.
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Take the 10% or $27 billion and pay the premiums for the 4 million TRULY uninsured that want insurance.
Then audit hospitals that under EMTALA see those uninsured and make sure they don't overcharge Medicare/insurance companies!
That solves the problem of the truly 4 million not the 46 bogus million!
Reduces the $850 billion PLUS reduces the hospitals from sometimes overcharging by 6,000% for services they bill Medicare!
Last edited:
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

If you get Hepatitis by using a needle, then you don't get the drug. How about that ?

Why should someone else pay for your bad choices.

Why are we forced to pay for all the fatties that have diabetes ? They got fat on their own.

But in liberal land....we should be "understanding".

I understand this....when a mom who has a 200# eight grader keeps stuffing him full of Big Macs.....she should be force to set aside half her check to take care of him in the future.

That works for me.

You mean by abusing IV drugs. I'm diabetic and I use a needle every day to inject insulin. Should I get the drug if I contract hepatitis?

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