Healthy eating for kids

they still bought the food didn't they?
No, they didn't. It was not their choice that the only thing they could buy was not food but those chemicals to eat. The generation before 1979 was not in this poisoned situation, for your comparison.

it is their choice to buy the food therefore it is their choice to consume the ingredients. If they don't want to consume those ingredients they can do what I do and make everything from scratch

it doesn't really get much simpler than that
No they can't because they don't get time out of the office for cooking food.

really they work 24 7 365?

and you never heard of bringing your own lunch to work?
No, but I have heard of office managers ordering pizzas for them when the mothers stay in the office beyond 8pm.
and they are forced to eat it right?
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.
So...why are the food nazi's at this school rummaging through children's lunch bags in the first place?
We sponsor bad food, because we insure for their consequences. Shouldn't a person lose his health insurance if eating unhealthy? I mean you can lose your car insurance if driving badly. Why shouldn't you lose your health insurance if eating badly? Especially when feeding your child badly?

Agreed. Kids are getting conflicting messages. They hear: "childhood obesity is a serious issue that needs to be addressed" on one hand...yet those same people turn around and tell others "it's ok to be overweight-don't let people body shame you" wonder the kids have no clue what to think.

Interestingly, it has been scientifically proven that body shaming increments obesity in the obese. Also that it can create obesity even in the non obese.
Right...because people who are denied sweets learn to hoarde and hide them. And then binge eat them in secret....When normally if not deprived...they would consume them moderately.
No, they didn't. It was not their choice that the only thing they could buy was not food but those chemicals to eat. The generation before 1979 was not in this poisoned situation, for your comparison.

it is their choice to buy the food therefore it is their choice to consume the ingredients. If they don't want to consume those ingredients they can do what I do and make everything from scratch

it doesn't really get much simpler than that
No they can't because they don't get time out of the office for cooking food.

really they work 24 7 365?

and you never heard of bringing your own lunch to work?
No, but I have heard of office managers ordering pizzas for them when the mothers stay in the office beyond 8pm.
and they are forced to eat it right?
Either that or they work hungry for hours in the evening.
child obesity is just sick...i was a plump kid..never fat but never thin kind with a diet of cokes from the was okay in the 50 i when i had a kid it was one thing i worked hard on doing...a good should be breast milk for a year then home made can simply grind up when you eat with a grinder ...forcing parents to eat better also..

hidden sugars are a major issue for this think yogurt is good for ya...look at the sugar...and the carbs...people forget that carbs are sugars in hiding...

In the 50s-70s, fat kids were quite rare. It's not the diet that's causing the problem, it's all the little dears sitting around on their plump spoiled asses playing digital games and watching TV ALL DAY LONG.

We didn't have such modern wonders back then. We drank Coke by the gallon and ate disgusting amounts of candy and pastries and chips. THEN we spent our time outside running around like lunatics, burning off all the calories.

On another note, go to a mall and see who the fat kids are. Most by far are Latino and black.

Not racist. Just a fact.
And pizza is another fatso food. Also pizza is the staple food of Americans.

funny how I can be at a party where there's tons of pizza and not eat any

I wonder how I do that
At a party maybe. But we are not talking about an occasional party, we are talking about the office, which is a permanent fixture of every woman's life every day ever since feminism invented the working woman.
We sponsor bad food, because we insure for their consequences. Shouldn't a person lose his health insurance if eating unhealthy? I mean you can lose your car insurance if driving badly. Why shouldn't you lose your health insurance if eating badly? Especially when feeding your child badly?

Agreed. Kids are getting conflicting messages. They hear: "childhood obesity is a serious issue that needs to be addressed" on one hand...yet those same people turn around and tell others "it's ok to be overweight-don't let people body shame you" wonder the kids have no clue what to think.

Interestingly, it has been scientifically proven that body shaming increments obesity in the obese. Also that it can create obesity even in the non obese.
Right...because people who are denied sweets learn to hoarde and hide them. And then binge eat them in secret....When normally if not deprived...they would consume them moderately.

Very interesting, I think I have observed this at some people. So how does such a person figure out what is moderate and not big?
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

What? Ham? Beef? PBJ? Banana? Chips? Oreos? Brownie? Bread and lard is what you have deserved, self indulgent pigs.
Shut up Ravi
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.
So...why are the food nazi's at this school rummaging through children's lunch bags in the first place?

I think that's a separate question. Probably related to relationships between dead beat parents and unprofessional unqualified teachers, I guess.
it is their choice to buy the food therefore it is their choice to consume the ingredients. If they don't want to consume those ingredients they can do what I do and make everything from scratch

it doesn't really get much simpler than that
No they can't because they don't get time out of the office for cooking food.

really they work 24 7 365?

and you never heard of bringing your own lunch to work?
No, but I have heard of office managers ordering pizzas for them when the mothers stay in the office beyond 8pm.
and they are forced to eat it right?
Either that or they work hungry for hours in the evening.
Nothing wrong with being a little hungry
Since they know they'll be working late they could plan on bringing a little extra food from home

OH MY GAWD what a concept
So why doesn't it happen? Why don't people go feed their kids healthy stuff?

The four states which have the highest obesity ratings, three of them are neighbors. Is this a surprise?

48th, 47th, 44th and 42nd on the the list for high school graduation levels, the "best" of these states has 15% of kids not graduating from high school. That state happens to have the worst bachelor's degree level at 19.2%, next up is Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama are in the top 7.

Poverty plays a part too. Mississippi is 49th in the US for poverty, all these states are in the bottom 20 for poverty. I wouldn't be surprised if it is those in poverty who are the ones most likely to be afflicted by obesity, either.

Poverty and Obesity in the U.S.

"people in America who live in the most poverty-dense counties are those most prone to obesity"


"Thus, in many poverty-dense regions, people are in hunger and unable to access affordable healthy food, even when funds avail"

So, you have links with poverty to obesity. Which in turn has links with education, parenting and all of those issues.

If you want to deal with the problems of crime, if you want to deal with the problems of education, then you're going to have to deal with the issues of obesity.

Obesity is a choice. I don't know why people choose to eat like shit and never exercise but it's none of my business if they do and it's none of yours.

every fat person knows they are fat.
every fat person knows how to lose weight and eat healthier

you can't force them to make different choices

Not really, there are different types of people who are obese. Some it's because they eat badly, others because they have problems.

You say it's none of your business, but is it not your business to help people if they want help?

An educated populace impacts everyone in society. Everyone benefits from this in some way or other. Wages increase, potential levels of life increase. A poor person in rural Africa is living in a mud hut, surrounded by dust, eking out a subsistence level life. A poor person in the US gets an education and can potentially get out, they'll not be living in a mud hut and they'll possibly be able to get some sort of job that will give them a decent wage. That's the difference education can make, even at the bottom levels of society.
In Germany or other countries, less people are fat. Are the people so different? Is that what makes this such a difference? America people are more likely to "choose" to be fat? No, I don't think so. This isn't the issue here.

The issue is more that A) the diet of the country is different. The US is more and more about McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, fizzy drinks and the like. The parents have them, the kids grow up with them. They don't make the choice to eat and drink these things, these are what they eat and what they always have eaten.

In China people eat either rice or noodles, if they're from a rice place they grow up eating rice and they love rice. If they're from a noodles place they grow up eating noodles and love noodles. In Sichuan the people love spicy food, they grow up with this and they'll need spicy food their whole life. What kids eat is what they like, it's what they're comfortable with, and it's what they'll want to eat as adults. The brain adapts as a kid, and is molded by the time they're adults. If kids are growing up on a McDonald's diet, chances are this is what they'll eat as an adult.

It's not really choice, it's what you feel comfortable with. Yes, you can choose how much you eat. However I know people who never feel full. There are different levels of this problem.

Telling a person they'll be fat if they eat this food, well, does it stick in their head. They eat "just one" McDonalds, doesn't do anything. Or once a week, I'm not getting fat. Then suddenly they wake up and they're fat, and they're depressed. Too late, they're already addicted to the food. It makes them feel less depressed.

I used to eat sugar when I needed an energy spurt. Then I was finding I needed sugar every day to deal with my lack of energy. I didn't know it was the sugar that was making me feel low. Until you understand how this stuff works, you can't deal with it.

But hey, you can just come up with a simple answer "It's not my business", and that's your excuse for doing nothing, let people wallow in their own problems, let's not try and make life better for everyone, fuck everyone else, I'm an island, piss off and leave me alone.

Great attitude... not.
If people want help they can get it.
There are literally millions of resources for people who want to eat better lose weight and get fit.

And why the fuck should I do anything when to you "doing" means forcing people to do what YOU want them to do.

If they wanted to do it they would.

They DON"T want to do it so they don't and no amount of government money will make them do what they DON"T want to do.

Because you seem to think that choice is the most important thing, and yet don't want people to have the ability to make choices that make more sense.

You're perfectly fine with adults treating their kids in a manner which isn't good for their health and then blaming those kids when they become adults for not getting the help, or not making good choices, but you seem to ignore the fact that there is a cycle of problems that keeps going around and getting worse with every passing generation.
People already know how to choose healthier food

why do you think you have to show them?

The fattest unhealthiest 5th generation lard ass knows that a salad is better for him than an ice cream sundae yet he chooses to eat the ice cream.

He's fat because he wants to be fat

And sooner or later ever kid becomes responsible for his own behavior. You once again are removing that responsibility by saying it's not the fat adult's fault that he's fat.

Sorry but it is.

But then none of what you say makes any sense. If it were as simple as you repeatedly try and make out, then surely the figures for different countries and different regions would be pretty similar. They're not.

But hey, you keep ignoring everything, and tell yourself that people are better off obese and "free" rather than healthier and whatever word you'd use to describe someone in this position. Your attitude is the sort of attitude that makes empires fall.
People have known how to lose weight and this was published 150 years ago
Letter On Corpulence by William Banting -

People have also known how to fly to the moon since the 1960s..... and yet only 12 have made it there. Hmm...

so eating better costs billions of dollars and requires super specialized equipment teams of engineers, scientists, computer geeks and pilots?


No. But then I didn't say that.

The point is that just because something is known, doesn't mean it happens.

People know that you have to look when you cross the road, doesn't stop people getting killed. Also it doesn't mean that you don't teach kids how to cross the road for fear that they'll not be free and not making their own choices if you teach them how to do so.
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.
So...why are the food nazi's at this school rummaging through children's lunch bags in the first place?

Did you see the part in red in my OP?
No they can't because they don't get time out of the office for cooking food.

really they work 24 7 365?

and you never heard of bringing your own lunch to work?
No, but I have heard of office managers ordering pizzas for them when the mothers stay in the office beyond 8pm.
and they are forced to eat it right?
Either that or they work hungry for hours in the evening.
Nothing wrong with being a little hungry
Since they know they'll be working late they could plan on bringing a little extra food from home

OH MY GAWD what a concept

I totally agree, but they say that hunger + stress reduces their work efficiency, and I think stress creates false hunger too. Plus they should suspect that they would work late, but they don't because their boss just tells them at the end of the day. Now what shall they do?
Obesity is a choice. I don't know why people choose to eat like shit and never exercise but it's none of my business if they do and it's none of yours.

every fat person knows they are fat.
every fat person knows how to lose weight and eat healthier

you can't force them to make different choices

Not really, there are different types of people who are obese. Some it's because they eat badly, others because they have problems.

You say it's none of your business, but is it not your business to help people if they want help?

An educated populace impacts everyone in society. Everyone benefits from this in some way or other. Wages increase, potential levels of life increase. A poor person in rural Africa is living in a mud hut, surrounded by dust, eking out a subsistence level life. A poor person in the US gets an education and can potentially get out, they'll not be living in a mud hut and they'll possibly be able to get some sort of job that will give them a decent wage. That's the difference education can make, even at the bottom levels of society.
In Germany or other countries, less people are fat. Are the people so different? Is that what makes this such a difference? America people are more likely to "choose" to be fat? No, I don't think so. This isn't the issue here.

The issue is more that A) the diet of the country is different. The US is more and more about McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, fizzy drinks and the like. The parents have them, the kids grow up with them. They don't make the choice to eat and drink these things, these are what they eat and what they always have eaten.

In China people eat either rice or noodles, if they're from a rice place they grow up eating rice and they love rice. If they're from a noodles place they grow up eating noodles and love noodles. In Sichuan the people love spicy food, they grow up with this and they'll need spicy food their whole life. What kids eat is what they like, it's what they're comfortable with, and it's what they'll want to eat as adults. The brain adapts as a kid, and is molded by the time they're adults. If kids are growing up on a McDonald's diet, chances are this is what they'll eat as an adult.

It's not really choice, it's what you feel comfortable with. Yes, you can choose how much you eat. However I know people who never feel full. There are different levels of this problem.

Telling a person they'll be fat if they eat this food, well, does it stick in their head. They eat "just one" McDonalds, doesn't do anything. Or once a week, I'm not getting fat. Then suddenly they wake up and they're fat, and they're depressed. Too late, they're already addicted to the food. It makes them feel less depressed.

I used to eat sugar when I needed an energy spurt. Then I was finding I needed sugar every day to deal with my lack of energy. I didn't know it was the sugar that was making me feel low. Until you understand how this stuff works, you can't deal with it.

But hey, you can just come up with a simple answer "It's not my business", and that's your excuse for doing nothing, let people wallow in their own problems, let's not try and make life better for everyone, fuck everyone else, I'm an island, piss off and leave me alone.

Great attitude... not.
If people want help they can get it.
There are literally millions of resources for people who want to eat better lose weight and get fit.

And why the fuck should I do anything when to you "doing" means forcing people to do what YOU want them to do.

If they wanted to do it they would.

They DON"T want to do it so they don't and no amount of government money will make them do what they DON"T want to do.

Because you seem to think that choice is the most important thing, and yet don't want people to have the ability to make choices that make more sense.

You're perfectly fine with adults treating their kids in a manner which isn't good for their health and then blaming those kids when they become adults for not getting the help, or not making good choices, but you seem to ignore the fact that there is a cycle of problems that keeps going around and getting worse with every passing generation.
People already know how to choose healthier food

why do you think you have to show them?

The fattest unhealthiest 5th generation lard ass knows that a salad is better for him than an ice cream sundae yet he chooses to eat the ice cream.

He's fat because he wants to be fat

And sooner or later ever kid becomes responsible for his own behavior. You once again are removing that responsibility by saying it's not the fat adult's fault that he's fat.

Sorry but it is.

But then none of what you say makes any sense. If it were as simple as you repeatedly try and make out, then surely the figures for different countries and different regions would be pretty similar. They're not.

But hey, you keep ignoring everything, and tell yourself that people are better off obese and "free" rather than healthier and whatever word you'd use to describe someone in this position. Your attitude is the sort of attitude that makes empires fall.

I never said anyone was better off being obese but I can't tell someone else how to live his life. You seem to have no problem with forcing and manipulating people via any means possible to get them to do what you think is best for them.

And there is nothing overly difficult about losing weight and eating better you yourself agree than people know that a bowl of fruit and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake.

But people in this country have an aversion to any type of discomfort so they won't make it through the adjustment period of a diet or they won't stand for being the least bit hungry for a day.

It all comes down to choice and ANYONE can make a choice to eat better, lose weight and get fit ANY Time they want to
really they work 24 7 365?

and you never heard of bringing your own lunch to work?
No, but I have heard of office managers ordering pizzas for them when the mothers stay in the office beyond 8pm.
and they are forced to eat it right?
Either that or they work hungry for hours in the evening.
Nothing wrong with being a little hungry
Since they know they'll be working late they could plan on bringing a little extra food from home

OH MY GAWD what a concept

I totally agree, but they say that hunger + stress reduces their work efficiency, and I think stress creates false hunger too. Plus they should suspect that they would work late, but they don't because their boss just tells them at the end of the day. Now what shall they do?

is it really so hard to keep some nuts in your desk drawer or to bring an extra piece of fruit in your lunch in case you have to work late?
People have known how to lose weight and this was published 150 years ago
Letter On Corpulence by William Banting -

People have also known how to fly to the moon since the 1960s..... and yet only 12 have made it there. Hmm...

so eating better costs billions of dollars and requires super specialized equipment teams of engineers, scientists, computer geeks and pilots?


No. But then I didn't say that.

The point is that just because something is known, doesn't mean it happens.

People know that you have to look when you cross the road, doesn't stop people getting killed. Also it doesn't mean that you don't teach kids how to cross the road for fear that they'll not be free and not making their own choices if you teach them how to do so.

Apples to orangutans comparison.

Crossing the road depends on variable you cannot control (the behavior of drivers)
Eating depends only on YOUR choices of what you put in your mouth.

You seem to believe that there is some unseen power making people eat what they eat.

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