Healthy eating for kids

Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.
I'm not sure you remember being a kid. Sugar tastes good. Cabbage, not so much.
You can tell them all you want, but short of providing them ONLY healthy foods, they will choose the stuff that tastes good. When they're kids, anyway.

Yes of course. Kids will always want the sugar.

However I also remember being a kid and I didn't get the choose. The meal was on the table, you ate it or you didn't eat it.

There's a difference between parents who try and keep their kids happy because they can't be bothered to teach their kids who is in charge, and those who take control.

Kids might not like something, but they damn well better do what they're told.
why do parents expect schools to do all this....nutritional classes etc....go sit in on your child's classes for the day see how much time is actual teaching and not admin paper work...schools cant do it all.....parents have to put down the fucking cell phones and be involved
I know parents who home school who tell me that get through their entire daily course load in less than 3 hours and they give the kids an hour of independent work ( you really can't call it homework)

so the kids have more time for exercise, and real world learning experiences than the average ( and I do mean average) public school kid

What about social interaction?
why do parents expect schools to do all this....nutritional classes etc....go sit in on your child's classes for the day see how much time is actual teaching and not admin paper work...schools cant do it all.....parents have to put down the fucking cell phones and be involved

Schools need to prioritize what is important for a kid to learn and a kid not to learn.

In China they prioritize, sex education doesn't exist, health eating doesn't exist, they put their kids in school 10 hours a day and then hours of homework on top and the kids come out of school not knowing about the real world.

In other countries like in Europe they put more effort into teaching kids how to be adults. The skills they need for the future.
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today
why do parents expect schools to do all this....nutritional classes etc....go sit in on your child's classes for the day see how much time is actual teaching and not admin paper work...schools cant do it all.....parents have to put down the fucking cell phones and be involved
I know parents who home school who tell me that get through their entire daily course load in less than 3 hours and they give the kids an hour of independent work ( you really can't call it homework)

so the kids have more time for exercise, and real world learning experiences than the average ( and I do mean average) public school kid

What about social interaction?

What about it?

The kids I know who are home schooled do just fine and in fact are more articulate, more polite and have just as many friends as any public school kid I have ever met
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business

And how do you make the choice if you don't understand the issues?

Also, isn't it the business of the teacher AND the other students in the class? It goes way beyond individual responsibility.
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business
Was it their choice that their sugar was replaced by HFC and aspartame?
Mom Goes Off On School After Learning Why They Threw Away Her Son’s Packed Lunch

Okay, this thread is not about the school throwing the school lunch away.

What this thread is about is the knowledge of parents to feed their kids healthily, and the need for education to educate students in how to eat healthily so when they are adults they don't make these sorts of mistakes.

The first thing is that whenever talking about eating healthily a lot of people on the right will say that everyone knows that sugar is bad. Fine, everyone knows that sugar is bad. But then again how does this then get into their brain and affect how they think?

"he was told he could not eat a piece of banana bread he had brought to school as a snack because it contained chocolate chips."

The first part I will bring up is that this banana bread that this kid had contained chocolate chips.

“It’s not like he had chips or a chocolate bar,” The mom says,

The second part is the mother's attitude that this banana bread which contained chocolate, probably quite a bit of sugar too, but the mother said "It's not like he had chips or a chocolate bar", well, no, it is like he had chips or a chocolate bar, actually.

This is the most worrying thing.

"she bought banana bread because they were labeled as being nut-free and safe for school children."

Oh, what? She bought the bread because it said it's "safe for children", what? What does "safe for children" mean? It won't kill them instantly? This is how easily manipulated people are.

Then the last part is "Brangman claims she felt “it was more unhealthy for a child not to eat at all, than to eat a granola bar with chocolate.”"

Well, actually it would be better for parents to take control of what their kids are eating. They stuff them full of sugar, get them addicted to sugar, use sugar as rewards, use them when their kids are going nuts, and then the kids demand to have sugar and refuse to eat other stuff. Bad parenting.

The point about manipulation brings me to this:

California woman sues Jelly Belly Candy claiming beans were full of sugar

This thread doesn't concern whether you think this woman suing this company is right or wrong.

"Jessica Gomez filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the Fairfield, Calif.-based candy company in March, claiming they mislabeled sugar on the product’s list of ingredients. She is asking for damages, restitution and a court order demanding the company end “fraudulent practices.”"

"According to Gomez’s attorneys, the company lists “evaporated cane juice” as an ingredient instead of sugar “to make the product appear even more appropriate for athletes and less like a candy.”"

Companies are all too ready to mislead consumers. Sure, a person who is knowledgeable about things would soon catch on that there is sugar. But there are millions of people who just aren't knowledgeable, don't take the time to find things out, and will end up being manipulated by these companies.

"evaporated cane juice" is just bullshit. It's sugar, and a company has an obligation to write the ingredients as they are, not how they want to present them.

People know sugar is bad, but they'll end up stuffing so much more sugar into their kids's mouths than they think they are doing because they simply don't take the time to learn about healthy eating.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.
30%? That's clearly wrong. In realityland it's nowhere near the number of people who are obese.
Adult Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC

"More than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity."

Overweight & Obesity Statistics | NIDDK

  • More than 1 in 3 adults are considered to be obese."
Obesity in the United States - Wikipedia

Adult Obesity in the United States: The State of Obesity

6 states in the US have an obesity rating BELOW 25%, California, Utah, Colorado, Montana Hawaii and Massachusetts.

4 states are above 35%, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia.

Obesity in the U.S. - Food Research & Action Center

"More than one-third of U.S. adults are obese (Flegal et al., 2016)."

US obesity rates 'rising for first time since 2004' - BBC News

"This latest study means they are rising again - to nearly 38% in 2013-14, up from about 32% a decade ago."

Nothing like a right winger to come on here and start making up statistics based on what they feel, rather than actually bothering to go out and find out the information that's available.
You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business

And how do you make the choice if you don't understand the issues?

Also, isn't it the business of the teacher AND the other students in the class? It goes way beyond individual responsibility.

here we go again

tell you what ask 1000 random people on the street if eating ice cream and candy is healthier for you than eating fruits and vegetables and get back to me
Adult Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC

"More than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity."

Overweight & Obesity Statistics | NIDDK

  • More than 1 in 3 adults are considered to be obese."
Obesity in the United States - Wikipedia

Adult Obesity in the United States: The State of Obesity

6 states in the US have an obesity rating BELOW 25%, California, Utah, Colorado, Montana Hawaii and Massachusetts.

4 states are above 35%, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia.

Obesity in the U.S. - Food Research & Action Center

"More than one-third of U.S. adults are obese (Flegal et al., 2016)."

US obesity rates 'rising for first time since 2004' - BBC News

"This latest study means they are rising again - to nearly 38% in 2013-14, up from about 32% a decade ago."

Nothing like a right winger to come on here and start making up statistics based on what they feel, rather than actually bothering to go out and find out the information that's available.
Yeah and every adult in the country knows that to lose weight you have to eat less and exercise more they simply choose not to
You know when I was a kid I and all my classmates used to bring our lunches to school and across the board everyone had a sandwich made withham, bologna, beef loaf, PB&J etc on white bread an apple or a banana some potato chips or corn chips etc and some sort of sweet be it a few Oreos or a brownie or banana bread

and guess what?

None of us were fat.

Please explain

Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business
Was it their choice that their sugar was replaced by HFC and aspartame?
they still bought the food didn't they?
Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business

And how do you make the choice if you don't understand the issues?

Also, isn't it the business of the teacher AND the other students in the class? It goes way beyond individual responsibility.

here we go again

tell you what ask 1000 random people on the street if eating ice cream and candy is healthier for you than eating fruits and vegetables and get back to me

And did you read what I wrote in the first post? Did you?

People who KNOW that stuff is bad for you, then give their kids stuff with CHOCOLATE in it and then say "It's not like we're giving them chocolate, is it?" Yes, it's exactly like giving them chocolate.

The levels of ignorance among the people is massive.

Just because they know ice cream is bad for them, if you ask 1000 people on the streets WHY it's bad for them, how many of them will say because:

Sugar Decreases Attention Span and Memory
Chronic Sugar Consumption Might Permanently Impair Memory Functions
Sugary Foods Crowd Out Brain Food
Hyperactivity, yeast overgrowth leads to eczema, ear infections, throat infection and other things, addiction, hinders absorption of vitamin B (vitamin B is good for the brain) lack of vitamin B leads to a drop in blood sugar levels which can reduce oxygen to the brain which leads to the brain not working well, forgetfulness etc. Vitamin B regulates mood and behavior, increases adrenaline levels, increases anxiety and irritability. ????

I'd say, oh, about zero...
Adult Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC

"More than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity."

Overweight & Obesity Statistics | NIDDK

  • More than 1 in 3 adults are considered to be obese."
Obesity in the United States - Wikipedia

Adult Obesity in the United States: The State of Obesity

6 states in the US have an obesity rating BELOW 25%, California, Utah, Colorado, Montana Hawaii and Massachusetts.

4 states are above 35%, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia.

Obesity in the U.S. - Food Research & Action Center

"More than one-third of U.S. adults are obese (Flegal et al., 2016)."

US obesity rates 'rising for first time since 2004' - BBC News

"This latest study means they are rising again - to nearly 38% in 2013-14, up from about 32% a decade ago."

Nothing like a right winger to come on here and start making up statistics based on what they feel, rather than actually bothering to go out and find out the information that's available.
Yeah and every adult in the country knows that to lose weight you have to eat less and exercise more they simply choose not to

But this isn't just about losing weight.

Yes, people choose not to. Why?

I mean, from your perspective it would just seem like no one gives a fuck, but often there's more to it than that.

Why is obesity MUCH worse in the US than any other country? Why is it much worse in the Deep South than other parts of the country?
Notice that the title of the thread is HEALTHY eating for kids. It's not FAT KIDS.

Please explain why you changed from healthy eating to fat.

But here's the thing. Sugar slows the brain down, it reduces the amount of oxygen that goes to the brain, it makes kids more fidgety, more moody, it makes them worse students, it makes it harder for the teacher to control the class, it means that all the kids in the class have a reduced level of teaching because the teacher is spending more time dealing with the kids.

The impact of healthy eating goes far beyond being fat.


but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business
Was it their choice that their sugar was replaced by HFC and aspartame?
they still bought the food didn't they?
No, they didn't. It was not their choice that the only thing they could buy was not food but those chemicals to eat. The generation before 1979 was not in this poisoned situation, for your comparison.

but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business

And how do you make the choice if you don't understand the issues?

Also, isn't it the business of the teacher AND the other students in the class? It goes way beyond individual responsibility.

here we go again

tell you what ask 1000 random people on the street if eating ice cream and candy is healthier for you than eating fruits and vegetables and get back to me

And did you read what I wrote in the first post? Did you?

People who KNOW that stuff is bad for you, then give their kids stuff with CHOCOLATE in it and then say "It's not like we're giving them chocolate, is it?" Yes, it's exactly like giving them chocolate.

The levels of ignorance among the people is massive.

Just because they know ice cream is bad for them, if you ask 1000 people on the streets WHY it's bad for them, how many of them will say because:

Sugar Decreases Attention Span and Memory
Chronic Sugar Consumption Might Permanently Impair Memory Functions
Sugary Foods Crowd Out Brain Food
Hyperactivity, yeast overgrowth leads to eczema, ear infections, throat infection and other things, addiction, hinders absorption of vitamin B (vitamin B is good for the brain) lack of vitamin B leads to a drop in blood sugar levels which can reduce oxygen to the brain which leads to the brain not working well, forgetfulness etc. Vitamin B regulates mood and behavior, increases adrenaline levels, increases anxiety and irritability. ????

I'd say, oh, about zero...

a little chocolate once in a while won't hurt a kid
a home made piece of banana bread on occasion won't hurt a kid
if a kid eats a little raw cookie dough he'll be just fine
if a kid has an ice cream cone once in a while he'll be just fine

you're the one assuming that the kid is a sugar addict with absolutely no proof

but to humor you I'll add to my example that none of us had any health problems when we were kids. Yeah a broken bone, or chicken pox but none of us were chronically unhealthy or sick and the people I meet now who I knew when i was a kid seem perfectly fine to me.

You are stuck in this all or nothing zero tolerance mindset that is so prevalent today

I'm not about zero tolerance at all. I'm about education. I don't have a problem with kids eating sugar once in a while, however when 30% of people are obese, you know there's a problem.

it's their choice and none of your business
Was it their choice that their sugar was replaced by HFC and aspartame?
they still bought the food didn't they?
No, they didn't. It was not their choice that the only thing they could buy was not food but those chemicals to eat. The generation before 1979 was not in this poisoned situation, for your comparison.

it is their choice to buy the food therefore it is their choice to consume the ingredients. If they don't want to consume those ingredients they can do what I do and make everything from scratch

it doesn't really get much simpler than that

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