Healthy eating for kids

Every American food contains artificial sugar, even if it is not a sweet product. This is engineered into them, because it make them more addictive. Food engineering with maximized addiction is the goal, and the side effect is obesity. Many countries fight against American food imports. I hope they can ban American food until I die so I don't have to see the obesity flooding in, but I doubt that they can.
This is why my kids are never stepping foot in a public school again. Schools are viewed by progressive nutbars as a laboratory full of caged mice that they can fuck with (often literally) at will.

Well, it is a fact that Jews tend to be less fat than average. Is that because the Jew exclusive schools don't allow in the poisons of the public education system?

We sponsor bad food, because we insure for their consequences. Shouldn't a person lose his health insurance if eating unhealthy? I mean you can lose your car insurance if driving badly. Why shouldn't you lose your health insurance if eating badly? Especially when feeding your child badly?[/QUOTE)

You get to control what you eat. Not what everybody else eats. I hate commies.
Like it or not, it's not the school's job or responsibility to make food choices for kids that bring their food from home. That is up to the parent to make those decisions. The only thing the school should have any say over, is what they provide.

Shouldn't the school at least teach the children at length what food is good and bad for them? I mean the school teaching. Like teaching is what schools are invented for.

Sure, I'd have NO problem with the schools teaching about healthy lifestyle choices in the classroom. But not to take away a students lunch that was brought from home because it didn't meet with the schools expectations. If the parent packed the lunch, then that is the parents responsibility. IF, IF, IF the school were to ever step in.......would be if the parent consistently packed candy, chips & soda or crap like that with absolutely NO nutritional value. But even then start with a call or note to the parent of their concerns.

No because the OP says this thread is not about throwing away the lunch. More importantly, both the school and the parent is programmed to junk you to crap, as long as they are all insured to do it.

OK.......but I still agree the school should focus more on educating the kids about healthy lifestyle choices, which is also in agreement with the OP.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

In todays world it's really hard for parents NOT to know atleast something about proper nutrition vs fats & sugar. The school nor the government can make those choices for you without being Communist or authoritarian. Like it or not, this is the USA and people do still have rights to make their own choices for what they & their family eat.

In other words.........they can EDUCATE but they can't FORCE it.
commies belong in prison....not obsessing over what school children eat.

fucking weirdoes.
Like it or not, it's not the school's job or responsibility to make food choices for kids that bring their food from home. That is up to the parent to make those decisions. The only thing the school should have any say over, is what they provide.

Shouldn't the school at least teach the children at length what food is good and bad for them? I mean the school teaching. Like teaching is what schools are invented for.

Sure, I'd have NO problem with the schools teaching about healthy lifestyle choices in the classroom. But not to take away a students lunch that was brought from home because it didn't meet with the schools expectations. If the parent packed the lunch, then that is the parents responsibility. IF, IF, IF the school were to ever step in.......would be if the parent consistently packed candy, chips & soda or crap like that with absolutely NO nutritional value. But even then start with a call or note to the parent of their concerns.

No because the OP says this thread is not about throwing away the lunch. More importantly, both the school and the parent is programmed to junk you to crap, as long as they are all insured to do it.

OK.......but I still agree the school should focus more on educating the kids about healthy lifestyle choices, which is also in agreement with the OP.

So it's time for education to EDUCATED kids. The problem is, the govt fund education and it also seems to want large companies to sell their crap to the people, because politicians aren't looking out for the interests of the people.

In todays world it's really hard for parents NOT to know atleast something about proper nutrition vs fats & sugar. The school nor the government can make those choices for you without being Communist or authoritarian. Like it or not, this is the USA and people do still have rights to make their own choices for what they & their family eat.

In other words.........they can EDUCATE but they can't FORCE it.

They can't force indeed, but it has been on government money, that the food companies replaced food with chemicals that make you obese, only to get it cheaper. So isn't this a money problem first, like government money, you tax money?
This is why my kids are never stepping foot in a public school again. Schools are viewed by progressive nutbars as a laboratory full of caged mice that they can fuck with (often literally) at will.

Well, it is a fact that Jews tend to be less fat than average. Is that because the Jew exclusive schools don't allow in the poisons of the public education system?

We sponsor bad food, because we insure for their consequences. Shouldn't a person lose his health insurance if eating unhealthy? I mean you can lose your car insurance if driving badly. Why shouldn't you lose your health insurance if eating badly? Especially when feeding your child badly?[/QUOTE)

You get to control what you eat. Not what everybody else eats. I hate commies.

We commies should control you by taking away your food stamps until you learn how not to buy sugar and booze on it.
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child obesity is just sick...i was a plump kid..never fat but never thin kind with a diet of cokes from the was okay in the 50 i when i had a kid it was one thing i worked hard on doing...a good should be breast milk for a year then home made can simply grind up when you eat with a grinder ...forcing parents to eat better also..

hidden sugars are a major issue for this think yogurt is good for ya...look at the sugar...and the carbs...people forget that carbs are sugars in hiding...

Carbs are a great source of energy, the problem is when people don't use that energy.
Like it or not, it's not the school's job or responsibility to make food choices for kids that bring their food from home. That is up to the parent to make those decisions. The only thing the school should have any say over, is what they provide.

Shouldn't the school at least teach the children at length what food is good and bad for them? I mean the school teaching. Like teaching is what schools are invented for.

Sure, I'd have NO problem with the schools teaching about healthy lifestyle choices in the classroom. But not to take away a students lunch that was brought from home because it didn't meet with the schools expectations. If the parent packed the lunch, then that is the parents responsibility. IF, IF, IF the school were to ever step in.......would be if the parent consistently packed candy, chips & soda or crap like that with absolutely NO nutritional value. But even then start with a call or note to the parent of their concerns.

No because the OP says this thread is not about throwing away the lunch. More importantly, both the school and the parent is programmed to junk you to crap, as long as they are all insured to do it.
fuck off. How about this...worthless welfare recipients can have all the food stamps they long as they piss clean and work.
This is why my kids are never stepping foot in a public school again. Schools are viewed by progressive nutbars as a laboratory full of caged mice that they can fuck with (often literally) at will.

Well, it is a fact that Jews tend to be less fat than average. Is that because the Jew exclusive schools don't allow in the poisons of the public education system?

We sponsor bad food, because we insure for their consequences. Shouldn't a person lose his health insurance if eating unhealthy? I mean you can lose your car insurance if driving badly. Why shouldn't you lose your health insurance if eating badly? Especially when feeding your child badly?[/QUOTE)

You get to control what you eat. Not what everybody else eats. I hate commies.

We commies should control you by taking away your food stamps until you learn how not to buy sugar and booze on it.
thats right, commies control populations by controlling the foid supply and starving children. That has always been the goal, and that is why fuck you. Ill send a case if hohos to school every day with my kids, and tell them to distrubute them.
how about this...worthless commies can get insurance and meds for long as they do not travel to the rural areas, where there are allergens and animals and dirt and rocks that threaten their health....not to mention the residents, who will kill them if they can get away with it....
How are they being educated on proper nutrition by throwing out a sack lunch? Seems to Me they are being educated on the power of authoritarianism in government.
seriously, we need to just start identifying, rounding up, and eliminating commies in this country. Start with the teachers.

seriously, we need to just start identifying, rounding up, and eliminating commies in this country. Start with the teachers.

If you think that all teachers are commies, then you're a dumbass. I'm a teacher who did NOT vote for Hillary. I know TONS of teachers who did not.

PS: The OP's post occurred in CANADA, not in the States...a quick Google search would tell you this. Damn, there's some real moronic people in the world.
Like it or not, it's not the school's job or responsibility to make food choices for kids that bring their food from home. That is up to the parent to make those decisions. The only thing the school should have any say over, is what they provide.

Shouldn't the school at least teach the children at length what food is good and bad for them? I mean the school teaching. Like teaching is what schools are invented for.

Sure, I'd have NO problem with the schools teaching about healthy lifestyle choices in the classroom. But not to take away a students lunch that was brought from home because it didn't meet with the schools expectations. If the parent packed the lunch, then that is the parents responsibility. IF, IF, IF the school were to ever step in.......would be if the parent consistently packed candy, chips & soda or crap like that with absolutely NO nutritional value. But even then start with a call or note to the parent of their concerns.

No because the OP says this thread is not about throwing away the lunch. More importantly, both the school and the parent is programmed to junk you to crap, as long as they are all insured to do it.
fuck off. How about this...worthless welfare recipients can have all the food stamps they long as they piss clean and work.

No, because if they already have a 300 pound pot belly, then they have already eaten enough, don't you think?
This is why my kids are never stepping foot in a public school again. Schools are viewed by progressive nutbars as a laboratory full of caged mice that they can fuck with (often literally) at will.

Well, it is a fact that Jews tend to be less fat than average. Is that because the Jew exclusive schools don't allow in the poisons of the public education system?

We sponsor bad food, because we insure for their consequences. Shouldn't a person lose his health insurance if eating unhealthy? I mean you can lose your car insurance if driving badly. Why shouldn't you lose your health insurance if eating badly? Especially when feeding your child badly?[/QUOTE)

You get to control what you eat. Not what everybody else eats. I hate commies.

We commies should control you by taking away your food stamps until you learn how not to buy sugar and booze on it.
thats right, commies control populations by controlling the foid supply and starving children. That has always been the goal, and that is why fuck you. Ill send a case if hohos to school every day with my kids, and tell them to distrubute them.

Obviously not well enough, because you are still fat. :)
Like it or not, it's not the school's job or responsibility to make food choices for kids that bring their food from home. That is up to the parent to make those decisions. The only thing the school should have any say over, is what they provide.

Shouldn't the school at least teach the children at length what food is good and bad for them? I mean the school teaching. Like teaching is what schools are invented for.

Sure, I'd have NO problem with the schools teaching about healthy lifestyle choices in the classroom. But not to take away a students lunch that was brought from home because it didn't meet with the schools expectations. If the parent packed the lunch, then that is the parents responsibility. IF, IF, IF the school were to ever step in.......would be if the parent consistently packed candy, chips & soda or crap like that with absolutely NO nutritional value. But even then start with a call or note to the parent of their concerns.

No because the OP says this thread is not about throwing away the lunch. More importantly, both the school and the parent is programmed to junk you to crap, as long as they are all insured to do it.
fuck off. How about this...worthless welfare recipients can have all the food stamps they long as they piss clean and work.

No, because if they already have a 300 pound pot belly, then they have already eaten enough, don't you think?

I'm not for food stamps, but usually fat people eat less than people in great shape (assuming the people in great shape are working out). When I played college hockey I ate like an animal, but I ate all healthy foods and worked out everyday. People on food stamps probably have to buyer cheaper food, which is oftentimes loaded with trans-fats and sugar/salt.
Most teachers and almost all college prof's are Marxist.

Prove it.

I've never been a professor, but as a teacher I'd say it's roughly a 60/40 split liberal to conservative in teachers, based on my experience as a teacher.
how about this...worthless commies can get insurance and meds for long as they do not travel to the rural areas, where there are allergens and animals and dirt and rocks that threaten their health....not to mention the residents, who will kill them if they can get away with it....
No because then our friend Monsanto will sue them for stealing genetic crops and drive them to us in town, where we will tell them what to eat. Hehehe. :)

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