Hear it first...the next Scandal, certainly will be interviewed by Congress soon


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Some here will remember this man, about a year ago his company was audited by TWO branches of the government in a truly coincidental...some say...obvious timing with his $1,000,000 donation to Romney.
Old story...no. The rest of the Story...this is haunting if you care about individual freedoms.
This man was audited ONCE in THIRTY YEARS...makes a donation, which lands him on the infamous "hit list" of the Obama campaign...he was AUDITED FIVE TIMES IN ONE YEAR. On the infamous list, eight people on the Obama campaign hit list...FIVE WERE AUDITED...none had any history of impropriety or audit history.
Coincidence?? Or the final straw?

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Tragic. It's criminal. Resignations and Firings won't do. Arrests have to be made.
if they did nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about ... as the conservative adage explains: guns do not shot people, people shot people.
Obama has been a sleazy politician with the backing of some sleazy liberals for quite some time....long before he ran for the Presidency. He has a sleazy following that gets off on doing underhanded things to people that do not support the boy king.
if they did nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about ... as the conservative adage explains: guns do not shot people, people shot people.

Is that really your comment you want to go with?
So you have no problem with the government investigating you, forcing you to spend $80,000 in lawyer fees - but in the end, you didn't do anything wrong - so why be upset about it?
No problem with the government abusing power...your only comment is "no problem as long as you are innocent"?
So obviously you are a HUGE fan of the Patriot Act? Government can tap your phone lines, look at your internet usage etc. and you are perfectly fine with it.
if they did nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about ... as the conservative adage explains: guns do not shot people, people shot people.

You must be joking. Let's see you not protest if they come in and audit you 5 times in a year - an average of every 2.4 months, (it can take an average of a month for a small business, no telling how long for a large business - just when one ends the other would have had to begin) and no wrong doing was found. It would not only disrupt your life, but your family's as well and in this case the life of the business. You would be screaming from the tree tops.
This is why Palin was correct to try to highlight, to campaign on, what a total scumbag radical Obama is
if they did nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about ... as the conservative adage explains: guns do not shot people, people shot people.

Are you retarded? So you'd have no problem with republicans doing this? I highly doubt that

you're just a partisan hack and a usefull idiot to your rich leftwing masters.
Some here will remember this man, about a year ago his company was audited by TWO branches of the government in a truly coincidental...some say...obvious timing with his $1,000,000 donation to Romney.
Old story...no. The rest of the Story...this is haunting if you care about individual freedoms.
This man was audited ONCE in THIRTY YEARS...makes a donation, which lands him on the infamous "hit list" of the Obama campaign...he was AUDITED FIVE TIMES IN ONE YEAR. On the infamous list, eight people on the Obama campaign hit list...FIVE WERE AUDITED...none had any history of impropriety or audit history.
Coincidence?? Or the final straw?


Amazing. If true, it really makes it difficult to accept that Obama did not have any connections with the asinine actions of the IRS.

The hole is getting deeper…
if they did nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about ... as the conservative adage explains: guns do not shot people, people shot people.

Guns are to protect us from a tyrannical government that thinks it has the right to persecute people for holding different opinions
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Yawn you people need to get a life . Issa is going to go down as a partician hack with zero conviction , wasting tax payers dollars is what the right wing fruit cakes are doing .
We'll see in the coming weeks if we're still a nation of Laws & Justice. We'll get that answer soon.
if they did nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about ... as the conservative adage explains: guns do not shot people, people shot people.

Are you retarded? So you'd have no problem with republicans doing this? I highly doubt that

you're just a partisan hack and a usefull idiot to your rich leftwing masters.

Whaaaat? Are you SURE about this? The left has rich leftwing masters? My God! And all this time I've been operating under the impression that the only rich people were the greedy Republicans. You learn something every day. Thank you, Buckeye, for enlightening me! :D
Yawn you people need to get a life . Issa is going to go down as a partician hack with zero conviction , wasting tax payers dollars is what the right wing fruit cakes are doing .

I'm sure if the next reepublican president does what the obama administration has. You will be alright with it?
if they did nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about ... as the conservative adage explains: guns do not shot people, people shot people.

Isn't that what they told the Jews in nazi Germany? An audit is expensive, and time consuming. As best I recall the government has to pay for the audit, but stress takes a toll on the one audited, even up to some committing suicide after years of being hassled.
Yawn you people need to get a life . Issa is going to go down as a partician hack with zero conviction , wasting tax payers dollars is what the right wing fruit cakes are doing .

I'm sure if the next reepublican president does what the obama administration has. You will be alright with it?

Zero convictions none nota zip , just because faux says it does not make it true .:eusa_whistle:

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