~Hearing a Gun Shot~


May 13, 2011
I got up a bit earlier than usual, and just now....I heard what sounded like a gun shot.

Have you ever heard what sounded what appeared to be a gun shot??
What thoughts ran thru your mind?? (if any) ~LoL~

Country folk prolly don't pay it no mind, hunters maybe (??)......or other stuff.
But I live in the city.....IN the middle of the city.......hospital over there --->
Airport that-a-way ~~~~
The interstate 1 mile down that way <---------

It's not a sound we hear often......or at least, I never have, since I have been living here. I think...wonder if some looney tune has gotten pissed at their spouse or live-in.
Muffler backfire ? Blown electric transformer ?
Cop correcting an 80 year old lady for jay walking ?
Yes I've heard a few gunshots. The thought in my head after hearing it "I hope a bullet doesn't fly through the window next".
Years ago, I lived downtown in a lower-income neighborhood, a coupla blocks up the street from a corner crowded with bars and whore houses... it wasn't uncommon to hear gunshots in the wee hours of the morning... over the years that I lived there, I found a coupla holes in the side of my house from stray bullets... and, one time when I forgot to take my car off the street for the night, I found a bullet hole in my car the next morning...
depends on if its 'normal' stuff or not......if it comes from the north of the house...its my neighbors they do a lot of musket loaders which is hellish loud....if it come from any other side...i am gonna go look....plus if there is screaming.....
that was me trying to get your attention

well hell, tech... you coulda just walked up, knocked on the door, and given me a fruit basket... in my neighborhood, that woulda surprised the hell outta me and gotten my attention more'n any bullet holes in my stuff...
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Years ago, I lived downtown in a lower-income neighborhood, a coupla blocks up the street from a corner crowded with bars and whore houses... it wasn't uncommon to hear gunshots in the wee hours of the morning... over the years that I lived there, I found a coupla holes in the side of my house from stray bullets... and, one time when I forgot to take my car off the street for the night, I found a bullet hole in my car the next morning...

Nice neighborhood... :eusa_eh:
Out here where I live, it's nothing unusual- especially this time of year, plus there's a gun store/range about 1 mile away, lol.
Years ago, I lived downtown in a lower-income neighborhood, a coupla blocks up the street from a corner crowded with bars and whore houses... it wasn't uncommon to hear gunshots in the wee hours of the morning... over the years that I lived there, I found a coupla holes in the side of my house from stray bullets... and, one time when I forgot to take my car off the street for the night, I found a bullet hole in my car the next morning...

And you're all bent out of shape over some neg rep?
its dark now.....being night and all.....at night when i am alone....i dont go out no matter what i hear.....the dogs will alert me if anything is out there.....plus there is a loaded 22....i prefer a .22 to a shotgun....but there is a shotgun too
Tonight, 2 shots about a minute apart. And this was an hour after dark fell. Of course I live out in the boonies but I don't know what they would be shooting at in the dark unless they are coon hunting. Anyway it was a half mile away or so back in the woods somewhere.

So out here in the wood you give it a thought or two but go on with life. In the city ... ya never know!!!
My dad's house just this side of Mexico got fired at.

I once heard a strange bang outside and went out to see what it might be.

In time to watch the vacant house across the street from me explode in flames.
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i use to live in an apartment building ...4 apt...in the middle of nowhere......one night we had a dude wreck in the creek.....but the scariest loudest noise was a transformer exploding.....that took us all a few minutes to digest
Years ago, I lived downtown in a lower-income neighborhood, a coupla blocks up the street from a corner crowded with bars and whore houses... it wasn't uncommon to hear gunshots in the wee hours of the morning... over the years that I lived there, I found a coupla holes in the side of my house from stray bullets... and, one time when I forgot to take my car off the street for the night, I found a bullet hole in my car the next morning...
Your car deserves a Purple Heart.

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