Heat to soar to record levels in next 5 years.

How so? I'm pretty sure I know way more about it than you do.

Pretty sure you know a lot of unrelated and irrelevant facts that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Kinda like our dipshit friend Weatherman20 and his banging on about Maunder Minimum.
Quaternary glaciation...and? What is your point? That this somehow refutes human-caused climate changes?
My point is that climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty increased when the planet transitioned to an icehouse planet and that warming and cooling trends that were not caused by orbital forcing and CO2 have been quite common over the last 3 million years. The geologic record is littered with examples of such.
So there shouldn't be any CO2 in the atmosphere?

What ever the fuck led you to propose that idea based on what I posted?

Look, I get it - you're sealioning and tossing random spaghetti facts at the wall in some sort of attempt to distract. Not biting. Believe what you want.
Asking me this only confirms what I've said.

"How so?"

A hardcore, supposedly educated climate change skeptic asks me "How so?"

Are you going to post another wall of scientific mumbo-jumbo?
Tell me what you know about the models the IPCC relies upon.

Heat to soar to record levels in next 5 years.​

Everyone could have seen this coming.

The DEMOCRATS saw it coming. They tried to warn us. But those damned Trump MAGAts just wouldn't listen. Damn them.

I've turned over a new leaf. I've learned my lesson.

Maybe with just a little luck and help from the Great Biden's EPA, they can make it warm up just in RED states and keep it nice and cool in the Blue states for the good democrats who don't produce CO2 like you and me.
What ever the fuck led you to propose that idea based on what I posted?

Look, I get it - you're sealioning and tossing random spaghetti facts at the wall in some sort of attempt to distract. Not biting. Believe what you want.
Because you said CO2 is ending up in places it shouldn't be.
My point is that climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty increased when the planet transitioned to an icehouse planet and that warming and cooling trends that were not caused by orbital forcing and CO2 have been quite common over the last 3 million years. The geologic record is littered with examples of such.

Yeah earth changes - no climate scientist denies this.

Just like forest fires have natural causes, too. Nobody denies that, either. That doesn't change the fact that arsonists or human dumbassery also burns down forests. Same concept. The fact that something has happened naturally has no bearing on the fact that humans are causing artificial changes to the environment.

But nice effort.
odanny and multivita-man do either of you have a background in science? Because I do.

I don't care. If you're so fucking scientifically knowledgeable, why are you wasting your time here and why aren't you writing academic papers on why IPCC and 99% of climate scientists are wrong?

Guess you weren't so successful as a scientist, then.
Yeah earth changes - no climate scientist denies this.

Just like forest fires have natural causes, too. Nobody denies that, either. That doesn't change the fact that arsonists or human dumbassery also burns down forests. Same concept. The fact that something has happened naturally has no bearing on the fact that humans are causing artificial changes to the environment.

But nice effort.
That's not my argument. My argument is that warming and cooling TRENDS are common. Do you see the saw tooth behavior in the graph below. Each "saw tooth" is a warming and cooling trend within a glacial and interglacial period. These are long term trends covering decades and longer. All were caused by natural climate variation.

Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg
I don't care. If you're so fucking scientifically knowledgeable, why are you wasting your time here and why aren't you writing academic papers on why IPCC and 99% of climate scientists are wrong?

Guess you weren't so successful as a scientist, then.
Probably because I make too much money performing engineering work.
That's not my argument. My argument is that warming and cooling TRENDS are common.

Again, nobody credible disagrees. It's not the trend; it's the speed at which temperatures are increasing, which coincides with the massive amounts of GHGs released into the atmosphere, that proves manmade warming.

Do you see the saw tooth behavior in the graph below. Each "saw tooth" is a warming and cooling trend within a glacial and interglacial period. These are long term trends covering decades and longer. All were caused by natural climate variation.

Yeah, and anyway, doesn't refute anything. Nobody would disagree with what you're saying.
This excess carbon cannot be absorbed by natural carbon sink processes
The atmosphere and the ocean are where CO2 has always been stored. Mostly in the ocean. Something like 94% of all CO2 is stored in the ocean. Did you know that.

And did you know that 50 million years ago atmospheric CO2 was 10 times what it is today. Do you know where it went? Do you know why CO2 lags temperature by 800 to 1000 years throughout the geologic record prior to the industrial revolution?
Again, nobody credible disagrees. It's not the trend; it's the speed at which temperatures are increasing, which coincides with the massive amounts of GHGs released into the atmosphere, that proves manmade warming.

Yeah, and anyway, doesn't refute anything. Nobody would disagree with what you're saying.
No one disagrees with what I am saying, dummy. Everyone who is credible accepts that the geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. Do you know why no one disagrees with it? Because there is hard empirical evidence that shows it. In fact, I just showed it to you.

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