Heather Heyer Did Not Die From Getting Hit By Field's Car, But From A Heart Attack

Obviously your "diploma" didn't include English classes that included basic punctuation. You are incredibly illiterate and your writing abilities are utterly pathetic. You made 14 bucks an hour as recently as 2002 guarding "felony (snicker) offenders??? LMAO!!!! I haven't averaged less than 25 bucks an hour since 1995. The last time I averaged less than 14 an hour was back in 1987. I got all the benefits you claimed and more. I get generous per diems and put up at places like the Marriott when I travel. Twenty years guarding "felony offenders" had you stayed and left in 2002? Do the math, dipshit.........you were only 5 years in at the time.......Hmmmm? What would you be worth now working at a corrections facility with another 15 years under your belt? I bet you could have climbed to at least 17.50.......holy shit, dude....sometimes it's simply better to STFU. You have just given me some serious ammo.

Lewd-Dog SEZ??? In 2002 I made 14 dollars an hour! Count it, read it and weep!!!!!"


I passed the GRE section of the writing test to qualify to teach. :rolleyes: Your punctuation kills baby seals. It really is that bad, and you want to try and judge me. :rofl:

If I were still there I'd be making quite a bit. Well let me set something straight here with little Dale. I had a state job. I was making a base salary around $14 an hour might have been a bit more, but I also had roll call, which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift. When working holidays I'd get paid and get 12 hours paid comp time. I had insurance that cost me zilch to go to the doctor. I didn't have to pay into Social Security. I was on the SRT team and got to go to all kinds of training all over the state. I got discounts all over the place for working for the state... AND I got free tuition and my books were paid for. It's funny you say ONLY 5 years. You really don't have a clue about the washout rate with Corrections Officers. And I left on my own, I was asked not to leave.

Correcting Lewd-dog, the 14 dollar an hour "felony offender watcher"......

"Well let me set something straight here with little Dale."

Correction: Well, let me set something straight with little Dale.

"I had a state job. I was making a base salary around $14 an hour might have been a bit more, but I also had roll call, which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift."

Correction: I had a state job and I was making a base salary of around 14 an hour, might have been a bit more. I also had "roll call" which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift.

Comment: Whoop-de-friggin' do!!!! A "gubermint" job strolling around a corrections facility with a baton guarding "felony offenders". Yeah, if you were guarding "hard core" criminals and your life was only worth 14 measly dollars an hour? What more can I say? LOL!

"When working holidays I'd get paid and get 12 hours paid comp time."
Correction: When working holidays, I'd get paid and get 12 hours in paid comp time.

Comment: You got paid for working holidays? Well, one would hope. You got compensated time and a half in PTO for working a holiday because you were low on the totem pole.......and you are bragging about that???

"I didn't have to pay into Social Security. I was on the SRT team and got to go to all kinds of training all over the state. I got discounts all over the place for working for the state."

So you are actually BRAGGING about sucking off the public teat and costing the tax payers money????? You certainly produced no product and you didn't bring in any income to the corporate entity that you were swinging a baton for....but yet you are PROUD of that? ROTFLMAO!!!!! It just keeps getting better!!!!!!!

"AND I got free tuition and my books were paid for. It's funny you say ONLY 5 years. You really don't have a clue about the washout rate with Corrections Officers. And I left on my own, I was asked not to leave."

Free tuition to a "school" that didn't teach you how to punctuate.......wasted days, wasted nights. "Washout rates" of baton swinging morons that oversee a bunch of inmates that made the mistake of violating an act, statute or code? How fucking stupid does one have to be in order to fuck up even a low paying job that requires no type of manual labor or even critical thinking skills? A job with no skills required but to be able to pass a background check? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!


Well Dale, this is a message board and I could care less about if my punctuation is perfect. You do know an ellipsis is only 3 dots not 7 right? You also don't have a fucking clue about most prisons, as generally most don't carry a baton, and for someone who acts like they are so smart, you would know it is called a PR-24. In most prisons you have nothing but a 'man down' radio, that has a button you push if there is an incident. No critical thinking skills? No other qualifications? Yeah... I was on the SRT team for 3 and half years which had had physical and specialized training requirements. But despite you bragging about how smart you are, you probably don't have a fucking clue what an SRT team is because of all the chem-trails you've inhaled over the years. Right? Just keep blaming all your failures in life on someone else Dale, that's what you do.

As from the rest of your post, it sounds like you were locked up once and got fucked by Big Bubba and it has made you bitter. I understand why you are the way you are now. Carry on.

I don't know a lot about prisons, but I know enough that I wouldn't work in one and especially for the measly sum of 14 bucks an hour. You are easily the most insecure poster here. "I's got me a deeeegreee in criminal justice paid by da gubermint!!!! Wanna see my grades????"

Dude, you are a fucking joke......seriously. LOL!

Nope, not insecure, I'm honest. If I tell you something about myself, whether in real life or on the internet, it is true and I'll prove it.

Besides, you have no room to call anyone a fucking joke, you threatened to drive to my house to fight over a message forum. That's about as pathetic as it gets.

There is such a thing as TOO much information that sets you up to be busted on. I believe that you had a shitty job guarding prisoners that violated an act, statute or code for the princely sum of 14 dollars an hour. What I am still scratching my head about is why you would brag about it.

I threatened to drive by your house??? Bald face lie.......I threatened to "fight"? Yet another lie. I plainly stated that I travel a lot for work and if you have a problem with what I post here and believe I wouldn't say it in real time? Guess again......your shitty reading comprehension skills must be why you were only suited for a baby sitting gig at the county correction facility.

Virginia has the felony murder rule:

§ 18.2-33
Felony homicide defined; punishment
The killing of one accidentally, contrary to the intention of the parties, while in the prosecutionof some felonious act other than those specified in §§ 18.2-31 and 18.2-32, is murder of the second degree and is punishable by confinement in a state correctional facility for not less than five years nor more than forty years.

The Nazi committed a felony by intentionally driving a motor vehicle at high speed into a group of pedestrians. His intent regarding Heather's death, and whether or not she was actually struck by the vehicle or died of a heart attack from fear or exertion related to his felonious act, is irrelevant. Under Virginia law, he murdered her. Period.

USMB resident retired prosecutor

I'm no law expert but it says right there "while in the prosecution of some felonious act"...
Not sure how you are confused? But as a Trump supporter, I recognize you are fundamentally brain damaged.

It's clear what the law states. If you kill someone accidentally while committing a felony, you're charged with murder. What felonious act was he committing before the impact? Driving on a road?
§ 18.2-422. Prohibition of wearing of masks in certain places; exceptions
It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to, with the intent to conceal his identity, wear any mask, hood or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in this Commonwealth without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent to do so in writing. However, the provisions of this section shall not apply to persons (i) wearing traditional holiday costumes; (ii) engaged in professions, trades, employment or other activities and wearing protective masks which are deemed necessary for the physical safety of the wearer or other persons; (iii) engaged in any bona fide theatrical production or masquerade ball; or (iv) wearing a mask, hood or other device for bona fide medical reasons upon (a) the advice of a licensed physician or osteopath and carrying on his person an affidavit from the physician or osteopath specifying the medical necessity for wearing the device and the date on which the wearing of the device will no longer be necessary and providing a brief description of the device, or (b) the declaration of a disaster or state of emergency by the Governor in response to a public health emergency where the emergency declaration expressly waives this section, defines the mask appropriate for the emergency, and provides for the duration of the waiver. The violation of any provisions of this section is a Class 6 felony.
Virginia has the felony murder rule:

§ 18.2-33
Felony homicide defined; punishment
The killing of one accidentally, contrary to the intention of the parties, while in the prosecutionof some felonious act other than those specified in §§ 18.2-31 and 18.2-32, is murder of the second degree and is punishable by confinement in a state correctional facility for not less than five years nor more than forty years.

The Nazi committed a felony by intentionally driving a motor vehicle at high speed into a group of pedestrians. His intent regarding Heather's death, and whether or not she was actually struck by the vehicle or died of a heart attack from fear or exertion related to his felonious act, is irrelevant. Under Virginia law, he murdered her. Period.

USMB resident retired prosecutor

I'm no law expert but it says right there "while in the prosecution of some felonious act"...
Not sure how you are confused? But as a Trump supporter, I recognize you are fundamentally brain damaged.

It's clear what the law states. If you kill someone accidentally while committing a felony, you're charged with murder. What felonious act was he committing before the impact? Driving on a road?

He's charged with four felonies; three counts of malicious wounding and one count of hit and run:

§ 18.2-51.2
Aggravated malicious wounding; penalty
A. If any person maliciously shoots, stabs, cuts or wounds any other person, or by any means causes bodily injury, with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable or kill, he shall be guilty of a Class 2 felony if the victim is thereby severely injured and is caused to suffer permanent and significant physical impairment.

§ 46.2-894. Duty of driver to stop, etc., in event of accident involving injury or death or damage to attended property; penalty.
The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident in which a person is killed or injured or in which an attended vehicle or other attended property is damaged shall immediately stop as close to the scene of the accident as possible without obstructing traffic, as provided in § 46.2-888, and report his name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle registration number forthwith to the State Police or local law-enforcement agency, to the person struck and injured if such person appears to be capable of understanding and retaining the information, or to the driver or some other occupant of the vehicle collided with or to the custodian of other damaged property. The driver shall also render reasonable assistance to any person injured in such accident, including taking such injured person to a physician, surgeon, or hospital if it is apparent that medical treatment is necessary or is requested by the injured person.

Where, because of injuries sustained in the accident, the driver is prevented from complying with the foregoing provisions of this section, the driver shall, as soon as reasonably possible, make the required report to the State Police or local law-enforcement agency and make a reasonable effort to locate the person struck, or the driver or some other occupant of the vehicle collided with, or the custodian of the damaged property, and report to such person or persons his name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle registration number.

Any person convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of (i) a Class 5 felony if the accident results in injury to or the death of any person, or if the accident results in more than $1000 of damage to property or (ii) a Class 1 misdemeanor if the accident results in damage of $1000 or less to property.

So, because he committed 4 felonies, the death of Heather Heyer is felony murder - murder in the second degree under Virginia law.
So, because he committed 4 felonies, the death of Heather Heyer is felony murder - murder in the second degree under Virginia law.

Definition of malicious
  1. : having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone : given to, marked by, or arising from
You know what I find very odd? There just happened to be a drone video taping right above when this supposedly happened. Strange.
You're going to have to prove malice aka intent to cause harm to get those charges to stick.
§ 18.2-42.1. Acts of violence by mob
Any and every person composing a mob which commits an act of violence as defined in § 19.2-297.1 shall be guilty of that act of violence and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in the section of this title which makes that act of violence unlawful.
What's your point? None of the victims of the Nazi were committing acts of violence.

I believe that law enforcement authorities in Virginia have charged some of the other Nazis who assaulted counter-protestors, and that others are under investigation.
You're going to have to prove malice aka intent to cause harm to get those charges to stick.
You need to get a law degree before you tell a former prosecutor what she has to prove.

Hit and run felony doesn't require malicious intent, it's a strict liability crime. He hit, both property and people, and he most definitely ran - it's all on video and LEOs will testify as to the events surrounding his capture.

Yes, the state will have to provide intent re: malicious wounding charges. Juries are always a crap shoot, but from the videos I've seen, I'd have great confidence in the likelihood of achieving conviction on those charges, too.

But the indefensible hit and run is sufficent basis upon which to gain a felony murder conviction.
§ 18.2-42.1. Acts of violence by mob
Any and every person composing a mob which commits an act of violence as defined in § 19.2-297.1 shall be guilty of that act of violence and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in the section of this title which makes that act of violence unlawful.
What's your point? None of the victims of the Nazi were committing acts of violence.

I believe that law enforcement authorities in Virginia have charged some of the other Nazis who assaulted counter-protestors, and that others are under investigation.

Someone can be seen striking the vehicle with a stick of some sort before he hits anyone. That is technically violence. Why would a person do that unless they were already out to get the guy? He's got that hairstyle...surrounded by an angry mob looking for 'nazi' or 'altright' types...what happened before the cameras focused on him? I can venture a guess...
Those girls have entirely different noses AND chins; are you seriously suggesting they're the same person?! Delusional!!

Get new glasses.......
You are insane.

Girl in first video capture has thinner nose, no prominent bump, and substantially shorter chin.

Girl in second video capture has very prominent bump in thicker nose, and much longer chin.

You do realize that with 7 BILLION humans on the planet, over half of them female, there are many, many brunette women who bear a strong resemblance to other brunette women?

You're a perfect example of why eye witness identification is notoriously unreliable and results in many, many false convictions.
§ 18.2-42.1. Acts of violence by mob
Any and every person composing a mob which commits an act of violence as defined in § 19.2-297.1 shall be guilty of that act of violence and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in the section of this title which makes that act of violence unlawful.
What's your point? None of the victims of the Nazi were committing acts of violence.

I believe that law enforcement authorities in Virginia have charged some of the other Nazis who assaulted counter-protestors, and that others are under investigation.

Someone can be seen striking the vehicle with a stick of some sort before he hits anyone. That is technically violence. Why would a person do that unless they were already out to get the guy? He's got that hairstyle...surrounded by an angry mob looking for 'nazi' or 'altright' types...what happened before the cameras focused on him? I can venture a guess...
Post a link to that video, please. I've heard right wing morons making this claim repeatedly - most often at this den of alt right scum - but I've not once seen video evidence of this. I'm certainly open to seeing it, if it exists.
I passed the GRE section of the writing test to qualify to teach. :rolleyes: Your punctuation kills baby seals. It really is that bad, and you want to try and judge me. :rofl:

If I were still there I'd be making quite a bit. Well let me set something straight here with little Dale. I had a state job. I was making a base salary around $14 an hour might have been a bit more, but I also had roll call, which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift. When working holidays I'd get paid and get 12 hours paid comp time. I had insurance that cost me zilch to go to the doctor. I didn't have to pay into Social Security. I was on the SRT team and got to go to all kinds of training all over the state. I got discounts all over the place for working for the state... AND I got free tuition and my books were paid for. It's funny you say ONLY 5 years. You really don't have a clue about the washout rate with Corrections Officers. And I left on my own, I was asked not to leave.

Correcting Lewd-dog, the 14 dollar an hour "felony offender watcher"......

"Well let me set something straight here with little Dale."

Correction: Well, let me set something straight with little Dale.

"I had a state job. I was making a base salary around $14 an hour might have been a bit more, but I also had roll call, which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift."

Correction: I had a state job and I was making a base salary of around 14 an hour, might have been a bit more. I also had "roll call" which is 30 minutes of mandatory overtime per shift.

Comment: Whoop-de-friggin' do!!!! A "gubermint" job strolling around a corrections facility with a baton guarding "felony offenders". Yeah, if you were guarding "hard core" criminals and your life was only worth 14 measly dollars an hour? What more can I say? LOL!

"When working holidays I'd get paid and get 12 hours paid comp time."
Correction: When working holidays, I'd get paid and get 12 hours in paid comp time.

Comment: You got paid for working holidays? Well, one would hope. You got compensated time and a half in PTO for working a holiday because you were low on the totem pole.......and you are bragging about that???

"I didn't have to pay into Social Security. I was on the SRT team and got to go to all kinds of training all over the state. I got discounts all over the place for working for the state."

So you are actually BRAGGING about sucking off the public teat and costing the tax payers money????? You certainly produced no product and you didn't bring in any income to the corporate entity that you were swinging a baton for....but yet you are PROUD of that? ROTFLMAO!!!!! It just keeps getting better!!!!!!!

"AND I got free tuition and my books were paid for. It's funny you say ONLY 5 years. You really don't have a clue about the washout rate with Corrections Officers. And I left on my own, I was asked not to leave."

Free tuition to a "school" that didn't teach you how to punctuate.......wasted days, wasted nights. "Washout rates" of baton swinging morons that oversee a bunch of inmates that made the mistake of violating an act, statute or code? How fucking stupid does one have to be in order to fuck up even a low paying job that requires no type of manual labor or even critical thinking skills? A job with no skills required but to be able to pass a background check? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!


Well Dale, this is a message board and I could care less about if my punctuation is perfect. You do know an ellipsis is only 3 dots not 7 right? You also don't have a fucking clue about most prisons, as generally most don't carry a baton, and for someone who acts like they are so smart, you would know it is called a PR-24. In most prisons you have nothing but a 'man down' radio, that has a button you push if there is an incident. No critical thinking skills? No other qualifications? Yeah... I was on the SRT team for 3 and half years which had had physical and specialized training requirements. But despite you bragging about how smart you are, you probably don't have a fucking clue what an SRT team is because of all the chem-trails you've inhaled over the years. Right? Just keep blaming all your failures in life on someone else Dale, that's what you do.

As from the rest of your post, it sounds like you were locked up once and got fucked by Big Bubba and it has made you bitter. I understand why you are the way you are now. Carry on.

I don't know a lot about prisons, but I know enough that I wouldn't work in one and especially for the measly sum of 14 bucks an hour. You are easily the most insecure poster here. "I's got me a deeeegreee in criminal justice paid by da gubermint!!!! Wanna see my grades????"

Dude, you are a fucking joke......seriously. LOL!

Nope, not insecure, I'm honest. If I tell you something about myself, whether in real life or on the internet, it is true and I'll prove it.

Besides, you have no room to call anyone a fucking joke, you threatened to drive to my house to fight over a message forum. That's about as pathetic as it gets.

There is such a thing as TOO much information that sets you up to be busted on. I believe that you had a shitty job guarding prisoners that violated an act, statute or code for the princely sum of 14 dollars an hour. What I am still scratching my head about is why you would brag about it.

I threatened to drive by your house??? Bald face lie.......I threatened to "fight"? Yet another lie. I plainly stated that I travel a lot for work and if you have a problem with what I post here and believe I wouldn't say it in real time? Guess again......your shitty reading comprehension skills must be why you were only suited for a baby sitting gig at the county correction facility.


$14 an hour back then was not bad money... and as I said when you counted in mandatory overtime it was even more than that... and also checks were worth more because I didn't have to pay into Social Security, and yes there were several perks including GREAT insurance, lots of paid time off, and free tuition for furthering education. I'm sorry you can't comprehend that it was a job that had a value a lot more than just $14 an hour.

Dude, everyone in that thread saw what you wrote and busted your balls on it. It's not a lie... you are only trying to deny it because it is an offense that would get you banned.

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