Heaven has gates, walls, so why does Biden think America is better than heaven???

WALLS ONLY WORK AT KEEPING PEOPLE IN. Like Prisons, and mental hospitals.
Prisons and other such institution's walls are patrolled from within. That's what makes them effective. Even a simple chain link fence would be 100 percent effective if properly patrolled.
But mostly they say , Jesus Wept.
Increasingly .
Did you know, that is the most quoted complete verse in the bible, by kids in vacation bible school that had to stand up and give a quote? I used it myself.;)
Reading the comments I've come to the conclusion that anti-wall, anti-Trump, anti-logical people think Biden's position,
"surge to the border"...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

is better than what Biden himself does... i.e."Do as I say and not as I do"!
Biden's homes have fences.
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Dude, it's that plastic privacy fence crap. A child can kick holes in it.
So why does Biden have a fence then? What's the purpose if a kid can kick it in? Regardless, the purpose is to keep people out. Whether it is effective is NOT the question! THINK! If Biden encourages illegals to "surge to the border" but he has fences... THINK!
Pearly gates isn’t anything but metaphorical.

Heaven wouldn’t need walls or gates. The problem any in being blocked on arrival. The problem is getting there in the first place.
So why does Biden have a fence then? What's the purpose if a kid can kick it in? Regardless, the purpose is to keep people out. Whether it is effective is NOT the question! THINK! If Biden encourages illegals to "surge to the border" but he has fences... THINK!
We shouldn't even have to "debate" this, but this is the current state of the country
Remember when Biden said this?
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The above was Biden in 2019 campaign when he was seeking votes... and guess what?
his encouragement to "Surge to the border" WORKED!

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So Biden says NO WALLS... NO GATES....
YET...we've been told as Christians that... Heaven's gates!
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Heaven has gates, walls, so why does Biden think America is better than heaven???​

o_O :eusa_doh:

Lawd Jesus… please help this poor fool.
Again, you are the one making the extra-ordinary claims, it's kind of on you to prove it is, not on me to prove it isn't.
You just made a ridiculous claim. You can’t support it.

Do try to keep up JoeyBitch.
There are no Unicorns! See.
Ok. I don’t care. But you’re allowed to make that claim if you wish.
Now, if you were to claim there WERE unicorns, it would be on you to provide evidence of them.
Nope. Denying your claim puts no onus on me.

By the way, your reading comprehension skills suck dick. You seem to have inferred that I’ve claimed that there IS a God. I didn’t make that claim, you fucking dipshit.

I believe there is one. But that’s a statement of belief. Not fact.
You don’t know. You speculate.

And, frankly, your opinion is worthless either way.
Well as Pascal the seventeenth-century French mathematician, philosopher, physicist, and theologian, posits
This argument:that individuals essentially engage in a life-defining gamble regarding the belief in the existence of God.
Pascal contends that a rational person should adopt a lifestyle consistent with the existence of God and actively strive to believe in God. The reasoning behind this stance lies in the potential outcomes: if God does not exist, the individual incurs only finite losses, potentially sacrificing certain pleasures and luxuries. However, if God does indeed exist, they stand to gain immeasurably, as represented for example by an eternity in Heaven in Abrahamic tradition, while simultaneously avoiding boundless losses associated with an eternity in Hell.
In layman's terms,
"If I believe there is a God and heaven and there isn't when I die, I won't know it because I am nothing!
But if I don't believe there is a God and heaven and I die and there is a God and heaven.....
woops I may be in deep doo-doo!"

Personally, I'd rather believe in God and Heaven and if wrong, I won't know it!

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