Heaven has gates, walls, so why does Biden think America is better than heaven???

There are many people who have worked and worked harder than others a few times over and were more intelligent who have not gotten the success of those others in the same employment.
I know
What is the matter God

Doesn’t he know some people are better than others?
I know
What is the matter God

Doesn’t he know some people are better than others?
Obviously you are speaking about yourself..."have not gotten the success of those others"
But that's ok because not all of us have been a success, why else are we hoping our comments on this board have meaning?
For PRIVACY, idiot.

You fools made a big deal about the "wall" around Nancy Pelosi's house and yet look how easy it was for that crazy guy to break in and nearly murder Paul Pelosi.

You fools made a big deal about the "Wall" between Israel and Gaza, keeping Israel safe from attack. How did that work out for Israel.

WALLS ONLY WORK AT KEEPING PEOPLE IN. Like Prisons, and mental hospitals.

It has "worked" for Israel for many years, since we all know the Palestinian butchers would have long ago staged hundreds of Oct 7th's.

It's typical however for people like you to only bring it up, when there is a single failure.
I think you are a little confused.

When making extraordinary claims, it's on you guys to prove them, not for me to disprove them.

So where is your evidence of "Heaven"?

Much less that it has walls and gates around it.

I'm not trying to prove anything. I too doubt there is a 'heaven', but it is simply my opinion, as it is yours.
So why does Biden have a fence then? What's the purpose if a kid can kick it in? Regardless, the purpose is to keep people out. Whether it is effective is NOT the question! THINK! If Biden encourages illegals to "surge to the border" but he has fences... THINK!
Privacy fence.


You have heard of it, right?
It is still a fence!
Not to pigshit like you living in hell, there is no heaven for you ever.

You are the eternally damned.

Um, actually, your heaven doesn't sound like it's that great. You spend eternity praising God. Um, that sounds like it would get boring after about a week.
Um, actually, your heaven doesn't sound like it's that great.
How do you know what my heaven is, you ignorant, presumptuous bastard? I bet you've never even heard of Visnuloka.

You spend eternity praising God. Um, that sounds like it would get boring after about a week.
Serpents will crawl out of your eyes and mouth as you lie rotting in earth.
Right... so why should you? You obviously believe there is nothing after life so why should you give a doo-doo?

WTF does that have to do with any of this?

When you've lost, admit it and move on. This outta left field crap is embarrassing to watch.
No, ridiculous is saying there's a place in the clouds where dead people go.. that's ridiculous.
Again you’ve stated your disbelief. You can’t support it.

Others have stated their belief. Maybe they can’t support it either.

So what? Why does the belief of anybody else matter to a moron like you?
Um, actually, your heaven doesn't sound like it's that great. You spend eternity praising God. Um, that sounds like it would get boring after about a week.
Yet you idiots have been praising Biden for at least 3 years. Not only is that boring, it's dumber than dogsh*t.
How do you know what my heaven is, you ignorant, presumptuous bastard? I bet you've never even heard of Visnuloka.

Serpents will crawl out of your eyes and mouth as you lie rotting in earth.
well, that would be unlikely, as snakes don't live under the earth.

Holy crap, you are a Hindu? That explains much.

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