Heaven has gates, walls, so why does Biden think America is better than heaven???

Remember when Biden said this?
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The above was Biden in 2019 campaign when he was seeking votes... and guess what?
his encouragement to "Surge to the border" WORKED!

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So Biden says NO WALLS... NO GATES....
YET...we've been told as Christians that... Heaven's gates!
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Look at how low those numbers were under Obama. Trump fucked up the Southern Border so he'd have an excuse to build his dumb wall. Now he's telling Congress not to pass immigration reform so he can use the issue to fight the election.

Just like he wants the economy to crash, Trump doesn't want America to succeed, unless HE is in the White House. Unless and until he's re-elected, he's going to continue to try to block anything that helps the American people.

It's not "America First". It's Trump First. Anyone donating to Nicki Haley will be banished from Trump's America.
Remember when Biden said this?
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The above was Biden in 2019 campaign when he was seeking votes... and guess what?
his encouragement to "Surge to the border" WORKED!

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So Biden says NO WALLS... NO GATES....
YET...we've been told as Christians that... Heaven's gates!
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The average illegal alien American in this country is better Americans than this trump piece of shit who tried to over throw our country. Turn of Fox news and get out in the real world for a change.
The average illegal alien American in this country is better Americans than this trump piece of shit who tried to over throw our country. Turn of Fox news and get out in the real world for a change.
Another Biden lemming. You'll believe anything the left tells you
And you are an idiot! I was pointing out that Christians believe in GATES in heaven...just as Biden believes in gates in his property!
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For PRIVACY, idiot.

You fools made a big deal about the "wall" around Nancy Pelosi's house and yet look how easy it was for that crazy guy to break in and nearly murder Paul Pelosi.

You fools made a big deal about the "Wall" between Israel and Gaza, keeping Israel safe from attack. How did that work out for Israel.

WALLS ONLY WORK AT KEEPING PEOPLE IN. Like Prisons, and mental hospitals.
We aren't the world's saviors. You feed and house them if that's what you believe

You broke it, you fix it. Gangs, drugs and violence were American exports to Central America. Your refusal to deal with climate change has lead to famine and drought there as well.

Interesting that those claiming to be "Christians" are the ones most opposed welcoming strangers. Soddom and Gommorah all over again..
And you are an idiot! I was pointing out that Christians believe in GATES in heaven...just as Biden believes in gates in his property!
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Razor wire is okay if it's used to keep American citizens away from Congress, but Texas can't use it to keep criminals out???
We'll as a Christian I struggle to understand why, an un assailants God would need fotified defensive structures to secure the Harmony of his Heaven. Truly, and I'm not trolling. I'm just missing something.

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