heckling a woman in a wheelchair

For years and years the right has been rallying that seniors hate medicare and we need to do away with it. Now during this debate we hear how much in fact seniors love and rely on medicare! Now the right is exploiting that fact! Get the fact straight, medicare is a form of socialized medicine. But the right and insurance companies rally the elderly by stating Obama will take away your medicare with socialized medicine. You know those death panels that don't exist and won't exist, they'll kill you!

Come again! Saying no to socialized medicine, because of a medicare (a socialized medicine program) would go away and people love it! Amaziing the logic in this thinking!

I wouldn't say they love Medicare. They tolerate it because that is the system that is in place. Most usually have supplemental care.

Ask and old person! Listen to the old people at townhall meetings. My grandfather would be in the ground without medicare!

Yes they have supplemental care to cover the shortfall. However, if they didn't have medicare they would have to get primary insurance, which would probably cost a small sum of $5K a month with a backlog of preexisting conditions!

But you don't see the irony in that a huge voice in the town hall protesters are the old crying about losing their socialized medicine (medicare) by arguing against having social medicine?

Medicare infringes on the right of workers to control their retirement savings and on the freedom of seniors to control their own health care. Period. It has done enormous damage to the US health care sector and to individual liberty. Period. And that damage will only increase over time. Period.
For years and years the right has been rallying that seniors hate medicare and we need to do away with it. Now during this debate we hear how much in fact seniors love and rely on medicare! Now the right is exploiting that fact! Get the fact straight, medicare is a form of socialized medicine. But the right and insurance companies rally the elderly by stating Obama will take away your medicare with socialized medicine. You know those death panels that don't exist and won't exist, they'll kill you!

Come again! Saying no to socialized medicine, because of a medicare (a socialized medicine program) would go away and people love it! Amaziing the logic in this thinking!

I wouldn't say they love Medicare. They tolerate it because that is the system that is in place. Most usually have supplemental care.

Ask and old person! Listen to the old people at townhall meetings. My grandfather would be in the ground without medicare!

Yes they have supplemental care to cover the shortfall. However, if they didn't have medicare they would have to get primary insurance, which would probably cost a small sum of $5K a month with a backlog of preexisting conditions!

But you don't see the irony in that a huge voice in the town hall protesters are the old crying about losing their socialized medicine (medicare) by arguing against having social medicine?
It is exceptionally ironic, isn't it?
I wouldn't say they love Medicare. They tolerate it because that is the system that is in place. Most usually have supplemental care.

Ask and old person! Listen to the old people at townhall meetings. My grandfather would be in the ground without medicare!

Yes they have supplemental care to cover the shortfall. However, if they didn't have medicare they would have to get primary insurance, which would probably cost a small sum of $5K a month with a backlog of preexisting conditions!

But you don't see the irony in that a huge voice in the town hall protesters are the old crying about losing their socialized medicine (medicare) by arguing against having social medicine?

Medicare infringes on the right of workers to control their retirement savings and on the freedom of seniors to control their own health care. Period. It has done enormous damage to the US health care sector and to individual liberty. Period. And that damage will only increase over time. Period.

I see you've gotten your period. I find that Midol helps.

Without health care, there are no choices. And I would like an explanation from you where those with no employee benefit and no medicare would have any savings or care to control.

Define the US health care sector.

Define what you believe the republicans mean by "individual."

Cause it aint you babe.
Ask and old person! Listen to the old people at townhall meetings. My grandfather would be in the ground without medicare!

Yes they have supplemental care to cover the shortfall. However, if they didn't have medicare they would have to get primary insurance, which would probably cost a small sum of $5K a month with a backlog of preexisting conditions!

But you don't see the irony in that a huge voice in the town hall protesters are the old crying about losing their socialized medicine (medicare) by arguing against having social medicine?

Medicare infringes on the right of workers to control their retirement savings and on the freedom of seniors to control their own health care. Period. It has done enormous damage to the US health care sector and to individual liberty. Period. And that damage will only increase over time. Period.

I see you've gotten your period. I find that Midol helps.

Without health care, there are no choices. And I would like an explanation from you where those with no employee benefit and no medicare would have any savings or care to control.

Define the US health care sector.

Define what you believe the republicans mean by "individual."

Cause it aint you babe.

Without health care there are no choices? Huh? That doesn't mean anything.

And what are you talking about when you say "no employee benefit?" That has nothing to do with the argument. I've worked for a couple small start-up companies with no employee benefits. So what did I do? I got my own!

Finally, you bring up Republicans. Talk to a Republican if you want to know what they think. :eusa_hand:

I see all this just went over your head. Maybe Obamacare can help you with that, but I doubt it. :lol:
Without a public option the health insurance corporations will charge whatever they want.

The businesses and individuals in this country will never be able to compete in a world wide market in which the top producing countries (which all have public plans) will kill us in this current market.

what you are fighting to have happen is a third world US economy
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who are you speaking for?
Conservatives like to think they can speak for other people.

It's congenital to their affliction of being a conservative.
He was asked directly, he saw the question, refuses to answer directly.
In this case.
Silence equals consent.
You have yet to condemn the ones heckling this woman in the wheelchair.

Therefore, your silence on the matter must mean you think it was ok.

Thanks for confirming.
go to youtube.

Its played fine for me twice.

This is what your party has come too.

what would jesus do guys?

would he lie to old ladies telling that they will be offed fior being too old?

Would he scream at women trying to tell their stories like the right did to this woman and another woman on the video that tried to talk about her haandicapped daughter?

Do you not agree that it's wrong when both sides do it? Your party does the same thing, and you know it. Stop pretending like it's just the Repubs.

This is why I ignored the question.

Not one scintilla of proof that both sides heckled the handicapped.

It is wrong to try and keep others from being heard when its supposed to be a public forum.

It is the republican party who did this and you have yet to accept that this plan to stop any debate on healthcare at the town halls was a republican plan from the very begining.
Medicare infringes on the right of workers to control their retirement savings and on the freedom of seniors to control their own health care. Period. It has done enormous damage to the US health care sector and to individual liberty. Period. And that damage will only increase over time. Period.

I see you've gotten your period. I find that Midol helps.

Without health care, there are no choices. And I would like an explanation from you where those with no employee benefit and no medicare would have any savings or care to control.

Define the US health care sector.

Define what you believe the republicans mean by "individual."

Cause it aint you babe.

Without health care there are no choices? Huh? That doesn't mean anything.

And what are you talking about when you say "no employee benefit?" That has nothing to do with the argument. I've worked for a couple small start-up companies with no employee benefits. So what did I do? I got my own!

Finally, you bring up Republicans. Talk to a Republican if you want to know what they think. :eusa_hand:

I see all this just went over your head. Maybe Obamacare can help you with that, but I doubt it. :lol:

1. Think.
2. I got mine fuck you isn't a winning argument. Wait for it.
3 Libertarian? There are all sorts of government programs that do and have benefit (ed) your life. Go set your sorry ass at birth down in Darfur and see how far your talent alone gets you.
4.I don't miss much. Sure, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night, and I stayed up all night long.
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Does wheelchair status exempt one from being heckled?

(Granted, I don't think that anyone should be heckled, but that's besides the point...)

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