Helena Blavatsky: Founder of the New Age Movement

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Until recently, I had thought that "New Age" was a relatively recent construct by the 50's Beat Culture or maybe even 60's Hippies. Then I found out about this woman who is generally credited with starting the New Age movement and it's associated philosophy "Theosophy" , back in 1875!


Blavatsky Study Center:* Website on H.P. Blavatsky & Theosophy including Blavatsky Archives.

3 Main Tenants of Theosophy:

1. Brotherhood of man, without distinction of race, color, religion, or social position.
2. The serious study of the ancient world-religions for purposes of comparison and the selection therefrom of universal ethics.
3. The study and development of the latent divine powers in man.

Sound familiar?

Good Video Bio of Helena Blavatsky:

You may also be interested in reading about Krishnamurti, who was supposed to emerge as a new age leader, and who resigned.

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