Hello from a wonk

Actually i think its up his ass..... just saying

What am I missing here? You guys have so many friends you can afford to be this mean over an introduction?

As far as I can tell, Spoonboy is all upset now, because he's been trying to bait me since approximately page 5, and has never been successful. :eusa_angel:

My reaction is simply, "too bad for him."

I guess that explains why you had to put him on ignore :eusa_whistle:
Why the sudden Jihad because I ignored spoonman? :confused:

He's a good kid, but he needs to learn to recognize when the air has gone out of his humor. I'll probably pay attention to him again someday, but he's still got a lot of growing up to do.

He is a man of accomplishment with children close to your own age if your picture is accurate, and does not posses the odious sanctimony you exude .

Whatever he is, I have the right to ignore him if I choose. Especially since I gave him fair warning. And no, my avatar is not a picture of me; I've already said this elsewhere.

But keep up your ad hominem attacks and incivility and you can be ignored as well.

Well that would be an awful same shame ,:lol: my civility and ad hominems are works of art, would you but users quoting me on ignore as well?
Thin skinned gasbags pop pretty easily around here.
I wonder if you'll go fppfppffpffpffpfffpfflppp and just leak into non existence or go to pieces ?
What am I missing here? You guys have so many friends you can afford to be this mean over an introduction?

As far as I can tell, Spoonboy is all upset now, because he's been trying to bait me since approximately page 5, and has never been successful. :eusa_angel:

My reaction is simply, "too bad for him."

I guess that explains why you had to put him on ignore :eusa_whistle:

Nope. It was just to minimize the amount of time I'd have to think about him. :cool:
He is a man of accomplishment with children close to your own age if your picture is accurate, and does not posses the odious sanctimony you exude .

Whatever he is, I have the right to ignore him if I choose. Especially since I gave him fair warning. And no, my avatar is not a picture of me; I've already said this elsewhere.

But keep up your ad hominem attacks and incivility and you can be ignored as well.

Well that would be an awful same shame ,:lol: my civility and ad hominems are works of art, would you but users quoting me on ignore as well?
Thin skinned gasbags pop pretty easily around here.
I wonder if you'll go fppfppffpffpffpfffpfflppp and just leak into non existence or go to pieces ?

Neither; I'll just keep talking about issues no matter what the trolls do after I ignore them.
What am I missing here? You guys have so many friends you can afford to be this mean over an introduction?

As far as I can tell, Spoonboy is all upset now, because he's been trying to bait me since approximately page 5, and has never been successful. :eusa_angel:

My reaction is simply, "too bad for him."
Did you put him on ignore? I guess he was successful then. :lol:

I said in the OP that I'd ignore anyone who behaved like he did. Just following my own rules.
Just reading the menu out loud.

Not sure whom you think you're fooling.

It happens dozens of times a day on this board alone; posters with low self-esteem attacking people they don't even know. Everyone here is used to this already.

Have a nice day. :)
Just reading the menu out loud.

Not sure whom you think you're fooling.

It happens dozens of times a day on this board alone; posters with low self-esteem attacking people they don't even know. Everyone here is used to this already.

Have a nice day. :)

Soo...wonkster...if you were to read my mind right now, what would I be thinking?

Not that I know how, but if I were to guess, you're probably trying to come up with something snarky to post on this thread in order to score a few cheap reputation points.

How did I do?
Whatever he is, I have the right to ignore him if I choose. Especially since I gave him fair warning. And no, my avatar is not a picture of me; I've already said this elsewhere.

But keep up your ad hominem attacks and incivility and you can be ignored as well.

Well that would be an awful same shame ,:lol: my civility and ad hominems are works of art, would you but users quoting me on ignore as well?
Thin skinned gasbags pop pretty easily around here.
I wonder if you'll go fppfppffpffpffpfffpfflppp and just leak into non existence or go to pieces ?

Neither; I'll just keep talking about issues no matter what the trolls do after I ignore them.
you haven't talked about an issue for the last 20 posts here :lol: just saying
Not sure whom you think you're fooling.

It happens dozens of times a day on this board alone; posters with low self-esteem attacking people they don't even know. Everyone here is used to this already.

Have a nice day. :)

Soo...wonkster...if you were to read my mind right now, what would I be thinking?

Not that I know how, but if I were to guess, you're probably trying to come up with something snarky to post on this thread in order to score a few cheap reputation points.

How did I do?

Poorly. I am not motivated by reputation points.
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Soo...wonkster...if you were to read my mind right now, what would I be thinking?

Not that I know how, but if I were to guess, you're probably trying to come up with something snarky to post on this thread in order to score a few cheap reputation points.

How did I do?

Poorly. I am not motivated by reputation points.
and he hasn't talked about only the issues in the last 20 posts. he's been trolled :lol:
Rehashed dross with a side of pomposity.
Cant wait.

You do realize that you're rehashing your own dross verbatim, don't you?
please highlight the verbatim, thank you

Definition of VERBATIM

: in the exact words : word for word <quoted the speech verbatim>

His loss, If you do the same, you will miss a great deal of pomposity and rehashed dross.
I do hope he posts an Obama is bushs 43 3rd term or Kerry won Ohio thread, soon.
Im having issues finding synonyms for " dull "I fear we will go straight to crass and meltdown. He seem to needs the last words.'He doesnt get it in this thread.
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Rehashed dross with a side of pomposity.
Cant wait.

You do realize that you're rehashing your own dross verbatim, don't you?
please highlight the verbatim, thank you

Definition of VERBATIM

: in the exact words : word for word <quoted the speech verbatim>

His loss, If you do the same, you will miss a great deal of pomposity and rehashed dross.

If I give you your gold star for this, will you stop trolling? :eusa_eh:
What am I missing here? You guys have so many friends you can afford to be this mean over an introduction?

As far as I can tell, Spoonboy is all upset now, because he's been trying to bait me since approximately page 5, and has never been successful. :eusa_angel:

My reaction is simply, "too bad for him."

I guess that explains why you had to put him on ignore :eusa_whistle:

i guess that also explains why he hasn't talked issues on 30 posts :lol:

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